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Re: Nexus One vs Nokia n900, what would you recommend?
Off topic, but thanks orange I needed to work out how to add people to my ignore list ;-)
Re: Nexus One vs Nokia n900, what would you recommend?
Here's a little fuel for the fire. Check out the Android 2.1 UI running on the droid (and the[ upcoming N1). I must say that it looks fantastic! Very smooth, slick and polished.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFTXC...ayer_embedded# All other niggles with the platform and philosophy aside, the interface looks to set the new benchmark for handsets. I'm rather looking forward to the N1. Oh, and MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season! }:^)~ |
Re: Nexus One vs Nokia n900, what would you recommend?
If you are looking for awesome graphics power, stick with N900. Unfortunately, no one really juiced out SGX power so far. Otherwise it would make a headline page.
Yet, again, Android is indeed more mature than current Maemo (from various perspective: developer friendly, document, system/service integration). Nokia can't deny that. But looking back the date when G1 just released, it was reviewed as a junk, useless and everyone laughed at Google claimed it is a 'dream' phone. Let's hope Maemo can keep up the pace as fast as Droid than ... I see Qt have lots of potential and superior document, but seems to be too easy to be ignored. |
Re: Nexus One vs Nokia n900, what would you recommend?
Well.. technically the G1 is actually called the "HTC Dream" ;)
Re: Nexus One vs Nokia n900, what would you recommend?
Here's a question for you all: are you leaning towards the N1, or the N900? Why?
}:^)~ |
Re: Nexus One vs Nokia n900, what would you recommend?
Nah ... I am looking forward N1. It's just a device after all. I am looking forward the device fully built on Qt ... that's real freedom.
Re: Nexus One vs Nokia n900, what would you recommend?
}:^/~ |
Re: Nexus One vs Nokia n900, what would you recommend?
For the record I'm pretty sure anyone buying the N900 knows its still in the works of growing into and polished device, Its all about what you want when I got my n800 I was aware of internettablettalk :) and thats why I got it, To be apart of a community this community. When I got my n95 8gb I was loving it the same with my iPhone but at the end of the day I got bored, I think maemo5 is a beautiful UI and so is the Nexus I have the Hero for sprint and its ok its just something about the N900 that I just cant put it down,I also have an Zune HD and I think the UI on that device is far ahead of N900 and the the rest of power house smartphones on the market, would I want it as a tablet or to replace my n900 no, I think the Nexus is the rebirth of the apple fan boys just a group of fashion followers.
Re: Nexus One vs Nokia n900, what would you recommend?
Seriously, N1 is just a device that runs Droid 2.1. I didn't see anything or worthy to hype. Many new devices will come out in 2010 far more better than N1.
Indeed perhaps N1 is a milestone on software side (hardware is not thrilling me at all). But then soon it will be overwhelmed by one device to another. And talking about OS, Qt has more potential. If you have chased Qt Labs Blog then you probably know what I am talking about. The ball is in Nokia's hand however. |
Re: Nexus One vs Nokia n900, what would you recommend?
I'm personally leaning towards the N1 over the N900. Assuming for a moment that the reported specs are true, for me, the N1 has more value than the N900 for me:
- Nicer Interface. I feel that the N1 seems to have a nicer overall interface with very snappy response and comfortable controls. This is based on videos of each and without use, it's unlikely to judge accurately. - Frequent Updates. The N1 will undoubtedly receive OS updates, whereas I'm curious to see if the N900 will. This adds value to the device and improves the user experience over time. - Nicer hardware. The N1 is IMO a physically nicer piece of hardware. I don't terribly value the pullout keypad, in fact I kind of dislike it: it adds to thickness and I type better on the OSK anyway. The N1 is thin, light and attractive. It'll play well with my pockets, while the N900 certainly will not (the N810 barely fits and the N900 is thicker). - Does what I need. The N1 does everything that I really need it to do: phone, voip, web w/ flash, music, camera, ebooks, ssh, and gps. - App store is functional and polished. Although I love open software, I don't mind paying $5 for something useful (eg swype keyboard). - Capacitive screen. Having used an ipod touch and owning an N810, I've concluded that capacitive is king. I honestly don't want to fumble with a stylus when using my mobile and dislike being forced to use it on my N810 for certain tasks. Additionally, I appreciate the soft touch responsiveness of capacitive screens, and multi-touch. - Portrait mode is built in. I understand this is coming for the N900 but for the time being it's android only (aside from hacks). Of course, when this N900 gets portrait, this will cease to be an android advantage. - AMOLED screen. From what I've read, the colour reproduction, brightness, and viewing angles, can't be matched by LCD. Of course, you lose out on outside viewing, but I've never actually needed this feature despite owning an N810 with it built-in. - Android. This is a philosophical one, but I really appreciate google's direction and innovation. While maemo is a traditional distro for mobile devices, android is a more exotic architecture with some arguably clever design decisions. - A more active OS community. I don't have any statistics on this, and could be dead wrong, but I'm assuming that the Android community is much larger contributing more OS and proprietary apps than on the N900, and more updates of both. - Device confidence. I'm not terribly confident in Nokia given the N900 launch, and my experiences with the N810. After purchase it felt as though the device had been abandoned by all but the power users. Considering the price of the N900, I'd hate to experience this again. Of course, the N900 has its strengths: - TV out. This is a very cool feature that I'd like to have on a mobile. - FM transmitter. Again, this is tremendously useful when in the car, wanting to listen to some audio. - GPU. This is a strange one. The most compelling use of a GPU is games, and I highly doubt that the N900 will have many that use it well (other than a few OS ports). I honestly don't see the OVI app store blowing up any time soon. However, if I wanted to game on the road, I'd likely buy an iPod touch or a PSP Go. In this category, iPhone users have the clear advantage. I'd like to see O3D/webGL ported to the N900. - 32GB in-built storage. Currently, I do fine with my 8GB micro SD, but having 32GB would be quite liberating. Again this is steeped in subjectivity through my very particular eyes. I *was* looking at the X10, but got turned off that it wasn't running the stock android OS, or even the latest build. I seriously question the longevity of such a device as OS updates are a compelling reason to purchase. I was also looking at the droid, but the bad camera and the Verizon bands turned me off of this purchase. I would go HTC Hero, but I desire a more modern device (better camera, faster cpu, etc) as my first device, so the N1 fits nicely. Plus, IMO it's a more attractive piece of hardware. I'm looking forward to hearing more about this device. I can't speculate on weather or not Nokia's strategy is a winner, but it seems at the moment that they're being buried by the competition. Here's hoping that Maemo5 and Maemo6 help to level the playing field. }:^)~ |
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