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torshind 2010-01-01 10:52

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
MicroB is vastly superior to Firefox Mobile RC1. IMO the best feature of Firefox is the addon install interface. I tried the Shareaholic addon but I was unable to use it. The button in the main window and the option button in the settings pane don't do anything. I'm a bit disappointed...

Mixu 2010-01-01 11:36

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
As a owner of prehistoric N810 I have disagree many of the posters here. RC1 is great! Better in many things than MicroB that N8x0s have in my opinion. Definitely not "firefox rc1 sucks" or "premature ejaculation".

Previous beta was already quite stable in my N810. Cannot say much about the new RC1 after few minutes of browsing. But I can definitely notice the improvements over old version (maybe something to do with JavaScript?). Good work Mozilla team!

DrWilken 2010-01-01 11:54

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 448611)
Hmm I've tried the geo-location addon on the N900. It keeps saying I'm in Austin, TX which I am not..

Doesn't seem to use the GPS at all when determing location.

Not a bad place to be though... :D Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (and a "bat city license plate")... ;)

adancau 2010-01-01 12:07

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Damn.. Didn't think it could be THIS slow :)) Just tried it, played around with it for 5 minutes, time in which I tried installing adblock and subscribing to a list (which I have no idea if it worked), waited for the interface to load and respond and loaded half of a pretty complex page. Uninstalled it, it's not worth keeping in my opinion, like browsing in molasses :).

onutz 2010-01-01 12:21

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
it doesn't really compare to microb. yet. I've chosen mozilla for my computer for its speed and usability; both are now with rc1 far beneath my expectation

Jack6428 2010-01-01 12:55

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Is it optified (beta 5) ? Coz i have just like 23Mb free on rootfs...

By the much as i like Firefox on PC...i have to say that this mobile version so far sucks... and it's beta 5 lol...they have a long way to go to make it even comparable to MicroB...

x61 2010-01-01 13:01

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
At the current speed, I highly doubt the Mozilla browser can really much up with the speed of MicroB browser. Premature ejaculation.

ewan 2010-01-01 13:25

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
It also appears that the Mozilla folks don't know how to run a repository properly, otherwise we'd be getting update notifications.

Flandry 2010-01-01 14:09

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
I have no interest in trying out a beta browser because MicroB does everything i want it to, but for a completely free piece of software some of you are being pretty rude, tasteless, and vulgar...

On a completely unrelated note, there was a free trial of Wifi on my flight last week, and i was IMing my friends with my brand new phone from 30k feet. My status was set to "sitting in a chair in the sky". It was so amazing.

ewan 2010-01-01 14:21

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 448841)
I have no interest in trying out a beta browser because MicroB does everything i want it to, but for a completely free piece of software some of you are being pretty rude, tasteless, and vulgar...

For free software community feedback is a good thing. The entire point of releasing betas is to find out how they fare in real use. If you're not even going to test the thing you're contributing nothing at all.

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