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Ronaldo 2010-02-25 13:58

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
you know what guys the auto focus thing could be true lol

on my n95-8gb i was able to take pictures of a4 documents and it would come out clear. then i decided to disable the red light by removing the joint on circuit and noticed it never focus right.

I then wanted to take a pic of a document but it never focused properly, it focused when i pressed the button but when it took the picture it was always blured.

if some one has installed that app that disables it maybe can test thoery

Renesis 2010-02-26 00:45

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
The red light is not for autofocus, test it for yourself.

dashti 2010-03-07 00:23

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
now can we disable it ?

cb22 2010-03-07 00:59

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Originally Posted by dashti (Post 558300)
now can we disable it ?

As I've said before, it would be "easily" disabled by commenting out the relevant kernel code, recompiling and flashing... However, if what I just said does not fit your definition of easy, it's probably best to not try it... :rolleyes:

m2cm2c 2010-03-07 08:59

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
check out my app here, it will help you with the red light issue :D

abbra 2010-03-07 09:24

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
In order to unconditionally disable unconditional redlight one could patch GStreamer plugin 'v4l2camsrc' (available as part of gstreamer0.10-plugins-camera):


--- gstreamer0.10-plugins-camera-0.77/gst/v4l2cam/v4l2camsrc_calls.c.orig      2009-10-08 13:57:10 +0300
+++ gstreamer0.10-plugins-camera-0.77/gst/v4l2cam/v4l2camsrc_calls.c    2010-03-07 11:11:26 +0200
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ gst_v4l2camsrc_capture_start (GstV4l2Cam
    /* For still capture privacy light must be on during the capture phase */
-    v4l2camsrc->driver->set_privacy_light (v4l2camsrc->driver, TRUE);
+    v4l2camsrc->driver->set_privacy_light (v4l2camsrc->driver, FALSE);
    switch (v4l2camsrc->photoconf.flash_mode) {
@@ -1893,7 +1893,7 @@ gst_v4l2camsrc_capture_start (GstV4l2Cam
  else if (v4l2camsrc->capture_mode == GST_V4L2CAMSRC_CAPTURE_MODE_VIDEO) {
    /* For video recording privacy light must be on all the time */
-    v4l2camsrc->driver->set_privacy_light (v4l2camsrc->driver, TRUE);
+    v4l2camsrc->driver->set_privacy_light (v4l2camsrc->driver, FALSE);
  GST_V4L2CAM_STATE_UNLOCK (v4l2camsrc);

This will break your warranty and so on but if you want to keep the light down, here it is. Also, one might want to rename resulting gstreamer element to something different (gst/v4l2cam/v4l2cam.c gives this posibility), let's say to v4l2mycamsrc, and install it along with original one. In such case, by specifying it instead of v4l2camsrc in /etc/gdigicam/gdigicam-camerabin.conf would give you ability to switch the warrant and your own implementations (restarting camera app is required).

MrWeasel 2010-04-22 21:51

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
@abbra: I tried your codechanges and replaced .. it seems not to work (red light still on)...

rooted 2010-04-23 14:00

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
I've contacted titan and Lehto, both custom kernel developers and they weren't interested in the idea of disabling it in the kernel. So I'm posting an open suggestion to include red light setting as a kernel parameter, which can be changed with echoing the correct value into the correct /sys file. This will further enhance already great custom kernel and because the light would be on by default, all legal issues are covered. I'm not saying you should spam them now, just remember them to reconsider the improved idea.

danx 2010-04-23 14:12

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
why don't you use qik . when you turn on the camera to take a video there is no red light . how come they did and not us . it can be done . lets find out why

vigilius 2010-05-04 17:04

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Originally Posted by abbra (Post 558538)
In order to unconditionally disable unconditional redlight one could patch GStreamer plugin 'v4l2camsrc' (available as part of gstreamer0.10-plugins-camera):


--- gstreamer0.10-plugins-camera-0.77/gst/v4l2cam/v4l2camsrc_calls.c.orig      2009-10-08 13:57:10 +0300
+++ gstreamer0.10-plugins-camera-0.77/gst/v4l2cam/v4l2camsrc_calls.c    2010-03-07 11:11:26 +0200
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ gst_v4l2camsrc_capture_start (GstV4l2Cam
    /* For still capture privacy light must be on during the capture phase */
-    v4l2camsrc->driver->set_privacy_light (v4l2camsrc->driver, TRUE);
+    v4l2camsrc->driver->set_privacy_light (v4l2camsrc->driver, FALSE);
    switch (v4l2camsrc->photoconf.flash_mode) {
@@ -1893,7 +1893,7 @@ gst_v4l2camsrc_capture_start (GstV4l2Cam
  else if (v4l2camsrc->capture_mode == GST_V4L2CAMSRC_CAPTURE_MODE_VIDEO) {
    /* For video recording privacy light must be on all the time */
-    v4l2camsrc->driver->set_privacy_light (v4l2camsrc->driver, TRUE);
+    v4l2camsrc->driver->set_privacy_light (v4l2camsrc->driver, FALSE);
  GST_V4L2CAM_STATE_UNLOCK (v4l2camsrc);

This will break your warranty and so on but if you want to keep the light down, here it is. Also, one might want to rename resulting gstreamer element to something different (gst/v4l2cam/v4l2cam.c gives this posibility), let's say to v4l2mycamsrc, and install it along with original one. In such case, by specifying it instead of v4l2camsrc in /etc/gdigicam/gdigicam-camerabin.conf would give you ability to switch the warrant and your own implementations (restarting camera app is required).

I have no idea how to do this, as my linux skills aren't that great - I don't know about you.

If anyone can do this, couldn't you make the patch public/downloadable - with the necessary disclaimer, of course?

It would be fantastic to at least have the option to turn this light off, which is really a standard feature in normal phones with camera LEDs.

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