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daperl 2010-01-25 16:05

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 493740)
Won't happen daperl. "Ooh, shiny shiny" tends to bring the worse first.

Yep, total rookie mistake on my part. Even though I've been here a bit, this is the first time I've been around for a product launch.

Enyibinakata 2010-01-25 16:10

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by white_ranger (Post 493373)
I'm confused. I like my N900 a lot, but i've seen some N900 users here that said that they are going to replace it with Iphone 4g. And i really like iphone's design and other stuff, but also like N900.

The iPhone 4G features a sleek detachable hardware keyboard and browsing is controlled by a cool headgear. What more do you want ?

stayloa 2010-01-25 16:11

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
C'mon everyone - I freaking LOVE my N900 more than anything I've owned in this department, but its certainly not for everyone. I've recommended iphones to many friends... I don't like Apple or their products and especially not their closed-sourcedness (is that a word?!), but hey, people think they look good, you can't argue with their ease of use and for what I'd say is the majority of users, they're great.

Alot of people on here jump on the backs of people who mention anything negative about the N900 - the thing isn't perfect and I'm not sure this version of maemo will ever be able to compete with another manufacturer... even Android. Maybe the final gen maemo will, but for those people who don't want to develop and don't care about open sourceness, then we shouldn't berate them for wanting an iphone. Hell, I'll carry on recommending them if I don't think the person who is after a new phone wouldn't be suited to the n900...!

We're the lucky minority who truly appreciate the n900 and are lucky to be able to use it to what is going to be its full potential :)

daperl 2010-01-25 21:11

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
Maybe I need to list some of my hardware in my sig, but I'm not sure it would make a difference.

I own, use and very much enjoy an iPod touch 2G. I work on a Mac all day long. I'm an Apple fan; pure and simple. But I'm also a licensed iPhone OS developer. Whoopdy do, I spent an extra $100... PER YEAR! to do what I want with the iPod. Well, I can't really do everything I want with it. Not even close. Apple leaves plenty to be desired, and although I've yet to be in a straight jacket, I think I have a small idea what that would be like.

I've also spent over 2 years hacking on my n800, n810, and now I couldn't be happier thrashing away on an n900.

So, I hope it's safe to say that I know something about the differences between Nokia Maemo devices, and Apple handhelds. But it seems that some of the new comers are trying to convince some of us seasoned individuals that someone has to be a computer genius to know what products are right for them. Well... that's f*cking bullsh*t. Someone's gonna spend $600 and not have a 25¢ clue about what they're getting? If so, then I guess I need to start selling my toilet water.

Please stop telling us that it's okay for people to be less than stupid. You're not helping. Let the professionals handle it. The OP (well, at least the OP in the original thread that I responded to) shouldn't have been within a country mile of an n900, and he/she should get their money back and move on.

No matter how hard Nokia tries, for the short and medium term, an n900 and an iPhone are going to remain polar opposites. And I for one think that that's a good thing.

bandora 2010-01-25 21:18

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?

Originally Posted by Ahmed360 (Post 493450)
You should try Orange/Carrot Mix, its AWESOME


I would wait for the Mango Juice!! It's far more superior than Orange and carrot juice combined together.. xD

white_ranger 2010-01-26 10:05

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
After all, i decided to keep the N900. :)

xomm 2010-01-28 02:38

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G

Originally Posted by white_ranger (Post 495206)
After all, i decided to keep the N900. :)


crown77 2010-02-01 08:55

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?

Originally Posted by lendurhenry (Post 493546)
If you are considering something, you are not an iPhone user. They don’t think they just take. What ever it is.

This is ironic couse in this thread the users are sarcastic about the a "normal" user who belives in the Nokia Advertisements and blame him that he cant develop "some cool apps".

So shall he take the n900 with all this Bugs marked @fixed with maemo6 and reading at every second thread m6 will not be for his n900.. i will be better the one who thinks and dont takes eighter with an iphone or a n900..

best regards crown

raddg 2010-02-02 07:06

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
i dont think apple could do "pre-orders" without disclosing full product specifications to the consumer first. wonder if the ipad debacle will lead to a windows 7 campaign PR fix... you want, we will add it, but that wouldnt the mac way, its a one-sided relationship, they bake it you just have to eat it up,

AznR00t 2010-04-19 01:44

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
I like the full Bluetooth keyboard support that will be enabled with iPhone OS 4.0. Is Maemo upgradable on the n900 and is full Bluetooth keyboard support a possibility?

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