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c0rt3x 2010-02-04 17:42

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I don't choose which data communications access I want, I choose which device I want.

Honestly, I couldn't care less which carrier I have (as long as I don't get ripped off either price wise or connection wise; both cases seem to not be rare nowdays though).

Let's say you're going to buy a console (which might not be the best comparison here). Then, do you rather want to choose the only non-prefered model that happens to be availible in a store near you, or do you simply get the machine of your choise somewhere else?

bonerp 2010-02-04 18:01

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I changed from 3 to Vodafone on a 30 day sim only deal as the N900 didnt accept 3 sims initially. After being on Voda for 2 months the signal is stronger especially inside and the connection faster (to load web pages) than 3. Its more stable too. I have about another month left on the 3 sim before I can give notice so may try it once more as its internet policy is unlimited (1gb fair usage) compared to the crappy voda 500mb policy.

Hotshot 2010-02-04 18:02

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I've been with sprint for over 12 years and when I found out about the nokia n900 I just ship and got it with tmobile service which I just ended a contract with them in july last year was with them for over 5 years

spoonbuddy 2010-02-04 18:02

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
No for me, still with Orange in the UK.

I am curious as to why those from the UK would not go for Orange if they weren't buying on contract. When I last checked coverage maps, Orange covered far more of the country with 3/3.5 G.

andrewfblack 2010-02-04 18:05

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I stayed with Att because my wife has an iphone and tmobile sucks in my area. Also I get $10 internet without having to lye about the phone I'm using. Att see's N900 as a dumb phone.

bonerp 2010-02-04 19:08

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?

Originally Posted by spoonbuddy (Post 510751)
No for me, still with Orange in the UK.

I am curious as to why those from the UK would not go for Orange if they weren't buying on contract. When I last checked coverage maps, Orange covered far more of the country with 3/3.5 G.

coverage maps and reality are 2 different things !;)

and 3 and orange share masts too

ARJWright 2010-02-04 19:21

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 510755)
I stayed with Att because my wife has an iphone and tmobile sucks in my area. Also I get $10 internet without having to lye about the phone I'm using. Att see's N900 as a dumb phone.

Uhmm, wonder if I could pull off the same thing with my N97. Its off-deck...

xxMurdakillxx 2010-02-04 22:25

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I have been a Tmobile USA customer for 5 years since the N95 8gb. Everything I hear about this phone is meant for me. This amazing device. My girl gets mad at me for using it too much she call it my other girl.

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