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Rob1n 2010-02-11 11:37

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by noobmonkey (Post 520996)
I'd take a guess that the few images out so far like this one
Mean it's not going to look to far different from the N97's one?

Both those images are the N97's one. The only image we have so far (AFAIK) for the N900 version is the "draft photo" on the Mugen site, which shows absolutely nothing useful.

noobmonkey 2010-02-11 11:49

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 521004)
Both those images are the N97's one. The only image we have so far (AFAIK) for the N900 version is the "draft photo" on the Mugen site, which shows absolutely nothing useful.

True... But it looking at the shape, it shouldn't be too far off.... (Doesn't explain why they don't have an actual picture though)

Just need to wait :) - not understanding the people complaining about it looking ugly as the draft is a draft not a product though!

Milhouse 2010-02-11 12:27

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Assuming the overall thickness of the device with extended Mugen battery is 25mm, that's 5.5mm thicker than it currently is (19.5mm at camera "hump") which suggests the draft photo is more or less accurate, at least in terms of size (too early to say if the kick-stand will be added in the final product).

My guess is Mugen are going after the uber hardcore user that doesn't mind carrying or being seen with an unattractive half-ton brick, and maybe that's enough to justify the development costs but I'd have thought a replacement battery with a more modest capacity increase that only extended the back to make it flush with the camera would have been a sure-fire winner.

gabby131 2010-02-11 12:52

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
jeez i dont need that bulky fellow on my phone, i just carry a dc-11 charger, that gives me time to look for an outlet and charge via wall charger.

CodeNote 2010-05-17 09:27

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
all i have to say is this.............

I'd rather have a frontal lobotomy
than to buy mugen battery pack monstrosity

enuff said

zerojay 2010-05-17 10:29

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Thanks for feeling the need to bump a 3 month old thread to say so.

zimon 2010-05-17 10:46

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
After 2 months, I am still happy with my (182% comparing to normal) Mugen 2400 mAh battery.

Just yesterday used GPS tracking and web access (Mappero) for constant 6 hours and there were no possibility to charge from wall outlets during that time. With normal factory battery this would not have been possible.

This thread has typo in the subject line?

Also there is the thread with more info and usage graphs.:

cpitchford 2010-05-17 11:22

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by mr_bridger (Post 519406)

It was Hugh and Pugh, barney...........

Pugh, Pugh Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grubb.

The Pughs were twins.

not that it is relevant.. and wow.. that batterry is evil looking!

Larswad 2010-05-17 11:45

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Hugh! Is if I remember it right, widely known as the primal scream of a depressed castrated monkey. It has little or nothing to do with oversized Nokia batteries.

BTW, is there a backpack included when you buy that battery?

CodeNote 2010-05-17 11:56

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
i been waiting for some sort of replacement battery however mugen seems to be the only thing out there.... and atleast zimon is happy so to me this thredad is worth bumping...... is there anymore happy mugen users despite its size and weigh

in reality the stock battery is usless i have a powerful phone and to get mileage i have to trn off all functionality to have a little battery life remaining... well that defeats the whole purpose of having a full package communication phone... it would be better to buy a nokia 3210.

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