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ndi 2010-06-23 22:07

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Installation is broken, there are lines upon lines of errors, and installation is aborted. I stopped reading after about 10 lines or so, they all complained about not being able to copy some PNGz.

dchky 2011-02-26 14:46

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by zem (Post 717413)
I can't get the ocring to work either - it refuses to install any of the ocr dictionaries. (They download fine, then still show up as greyed out)

Similar to this, I've downloaded the Tagalog dictionary but when I click "Language Settings" -> "Source Language" it is not in that list.

It is in the "Target Language" selector but that's not quite what I want.

Anyone know how to get the downloaded languages to appear in the Source list?

anders_gud 2011-03-30 09:25

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Hey - it's working again!!
I wonder if it has got something to do with mcsp...
Also did a symlink to /usr/local/share/tessdata.

prankster 2011-04-18 18:42

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
i have the same issue,any help ? ocr dictionaries ? what about them? how to download them?

anders_gud 2011-04-18 20:32

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by prankster (Post 991279)
i have the same issue,any help ? ocr dictionaries ? what about them? how to download them?

They seem to be offline (hardcoded links in the program...) Grab them at the tesseract site:
Try out mir-translator, phototranslator is non-free and thus doomed to oblivion.

soleil 2011-12-14 16:03

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Is there any plan to port yhis app to Harmattan ?

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