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F2thaK 2010-03-02 14:25

Re: "Now Playing" app
this app rox, you cud use it for other notifications maybe??

reminders/// etc

tuminoid 2010-03-02 17:17

Re: "Now Playing" app

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 552481)
this app rox, you cud use it for other notifications maybe??

reminders/// etc

Care to elaborate more? Reminders aka alarms already have quite extensive apps around them.

Trancedancer 2010-03-02 17:47

Re: "Now Playing" app
Hi, and thanks for your reply!
It's good to know! Wish it could be fixed somehow!
Now Playing Notifications is a superapp!



Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 552472)
You've stumbled upon a bug in the Media Player widget, unrelated to Now Playing Notifications:

qwerty12 2010-03-02 18:28

Re: "Now Playing" app
I've committed support for showing the filename if the tag information isn't available.


Originally Posted by generationally (Post 551293)
My request would be that instead of showing some media player icon together with the artist and song, it would show the actual album art if available. Doable?

Nope. The notification plugin used by the N900 doesn't support being given an explicit path to an image.
A workaround would be to get the image, resize it (multiple times for the small notification and for the larger notification), put the resulting images in the folders that the notification plugin does look for images and hope that we don't encounter a race condition. Doing all this, BTW, would make the N900 rather slow when pressing the "next track" button repeatedly.


I'm looking at .

It wouldn't take long to add statusbar applet functionality (I've written a few of those already =)) to the notifier.

This is what I've come up with:

The album art is real, is from MAFW and resizing it is no problem.
Ignore "Example Title" and "Value"; you already know that we can get those filled in by MAFW.

Trancedancer 2010-03-02 18:39

Re: "Now Playing" app
Wow, you are really productive out there, guys! Wonderful!
Wish I could help out, but it's not my thing... :-(

The statusapplet-function is a great idea!!!
This way, maybe it could be possible to turn the Notification On/Off??? :-)

tuminoid 2010-03-02 18:56

Re: "Now Playing" app

Originally Posted by Trancedancer (Post 552779)
The statusapplet-function is a great idea!!!
This way, maybe it could be possible to turn the Notification On/Off??? :-)

There is a real settings applet in the works for configuring all aspects of notifications, including on/off, I don't see benefit for having us taking space in menu, there are pelnty of useful applets to put there instead.

tuminoid 2010-03-02 19:06

Re: "Now Playing" app

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 552768)
I've committed support for showing the filename if the tag information isn't available.

Thanks, looked at the code and it seems really clean.


Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 552768)
Nope. The notification plugin used by the N900 doesn't support being given an explicit path to an image.
A workaround would be to get the image, resize it (multiple times for the small notification and for the larger notification), put the resulting images in the folders that the notification plugin does look for images and hope that we don't encounter a race condition. Doing all this, BTW, would make the N900 rather slow when pressing the "next track" button repeatedly.

Thats sad and a bit surprising too.

Though I got this (sick) idea of having the configuration applet have a button, which would gather the album art from MAFW and batch process it to suitable icons. It'd take time, but since it would be in the applet and explicitly started by user, consuming time is no problem. Do you see problems with this approach?


Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 552768)

I'm looking at .

It wouldn't take long to add statusbar applet functionality (I've written a few of those already =)) to the notifier.

This is what I've come up with:

The album art is real, is from MAFW and resizing it is no problem.
Ignore "Example Title" and "Value"; you already know that we can get those filled in by MAFW.

I was merely meaning that some evaluation should be made if there is difference having the notifier as standalone daemon or to make it a plugin (without any icon/buttons). This way we could get rid of dsmetool and Xsession scripts and use more standard way.

I also see very little advantage of having the statusmenu button for notifier. It requires user to actively seek it and is pretty much the same if user would go to desktop and look at mediaplayer widget which is showing the exact same things. Agree?

qwerty12 2010-03-02 19:26

Re: "Now Playing" app

Originally Posted by tuminoid (Post 552820)
Thats sad and a bit surprising too.

Though I got this (sick) idea of having the configuration applet have a button, which would gather the album art from MAFW and batch process it to suitable icons. It'd take time, but since it would be in the applet and explicitly started by user, consuming time is no problem. Do you see problems with this approach?

I wouldn't have a problem, no, but it'd have to be manually synced and optified of course =)


Originally Posted by tuminoid (Post 552820)
I was merely meaning that some evaluation should be made if there is difference having the notifier as standalone daemon or to make it a plugin (without any icon/buttons). This way we could get rid of dsmetool and Xsession scripts and use more standard way.

I also see very little advantage of having the statusmenu button for notifier. It requires user to actively seek it and is pretty much the same if user would go to desktop and look at mediaplayer widget which is showing the exact same things. Agree?

Yes, agreed. Apologies, I'm going overboard here. I do have to admit that I would like a statusmenu applet because I'm too lazy to go to the deskop but that is outside the scope of the notifier. Maybe in my own time... :)

I'm not bothered either way, TBH. It's much nicer to test it as a daemon, though. :)

Scottlfa 2010-03-02 19:47

Re: "Now Playing" app
Thanks for the notification app look forward to other apps [powerkey menu] for example :)

Thiis 2010-03-02 20:00

Re: "Now Playing" app
Got it!
Thx alot! Good work!
Like the app, as simple as it can be, I don't miss anything. If I read it right you also wanted to implement a next-trackbutton in the notify. To me, that'd be the only thing further needed, but I dont know if its possible and if its gonna be easy to make a good difference between tapping it to go to the mediaplayer and tapping 'next track'.
Perhaps repeat track could also be usefull.

That's one more opinion for ya guys;)

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