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omeriko9 2010-03-28 19:21

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by jer006 (Post 585675)
the sms messages were sent by other people, currently it is now blinking for 3 new messages yet all three have been read and replied to already!

i would vote for settings menu for the gui, also maybe a separate way to dismiss the notifications from the status bar too via an addition in the status bar menu maybe?

great app though, something that is badly missing from the n900 right now.

I suggest you'll update to the current version - 0.0.3-1, it handles better SMS notification. Please do tell me if it happens again with that version.

I also thinks the settings menu is the place for that, but as qwerty12 mentioned, it's pretty undocumented and it's much more easy for me to do it in the status menu, so that's my current direction. Nevertheless, in the future I might know enough to move it to the settings menu.

And again, thank you (and everybody else who's testing it) for your help!

zlatko 2010-03-28 20:15

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
First of all -thank you omeriko9 for putting your time and effort into this app!
Second I want to share few ideas for improvement:

1. Add vibration
2. Add configurable time period for sound/vibra notifications
3. If you have hard time developing GUI - why don't you use a simple config file that users can edit? With clear options like "enabled=YES", "sound=NO", "sound_file=/usr/home/MyDocs/...", etc. Yes GUI is nicer, but takes more work.

Any way this can turn into "must have" app for N900!

Ronaldo 2010-03-28 20:24

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 585836)
First of all -thank you omeriko9 for putting your time and effort into this app!
Second I want to share few ideas for improvement:

1. Add vibration
2. Add configurable time period for sound/vibra notifications
3. If you have hard time developing GUI - why don't you use a simple config file that users can edit? With clear options like "enabled=YES", "sound=NO", "sound_file=/usr/home/MyDocs/...", etc. Yes GUI is nicer, but takes more work.

Any way this can turn into "must have" app for N900!

why would he put vibrate option to a phone which has vibrate for notification?

waste battery on a phone which has poor battery anyway?

all this is meant to do is show you if you have miss call or text "if" you have not changed LED colour notification and if you have then its just an extra add on.

jer006 2010-03-28 20:50

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Just updated, will let you know if I see any more notification issues. Thanks for the hard work.

zlatko 2010-03-28 20:56

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Because you have ALREADY missed that vibration when incoming call or SMS arrived. And if phone is in your pocket you can not see the light. And if noisy you can not here the beep. The same as sound.
And I don't know what is the author's idea, but ideas evolve in time.

Ronaldo 2010-03-28 21:34

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 585880)
Because you have ALREADY missed that vibration when incoming call or SMS arrived. And if phone is in your pocket you can not see the light. And if noisy you can not here the beep. The same as sound.
And I don't know what is the author's idea, but ideas evolve in time.

so your asking that the phone vibrates untill you see the notification?

what if i do not want to check the phone because i'm in meeting or other situation where i'd hate to have continuous vibrate, one it would be annoying and two it would kill battery.


fraaaaanka 2010-03-28 21:43

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Ronaldo (Post 585911)
so your asking that the phone vibrates untill you see the notification?

what if i do not want to check the phone because i'm in meeting or other situation where i'd hate to have continuous vibrate, one it would be annoying and two it would kill battery.


hence a setting such as 'vibrate every
1 minute
5 minutes
10 minutes
60 minutes

would be a brilliant option in the settings of it!

fraaaaanka 2010-03-28 21:45

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
by the way, great app ... my phone is in for repair at the moment but cant wait to try this one out ... definatley a missing essential part of a phone ... how did nokia manage to leave this one out???? its beyond me!

jer006 2010-03-28 21:46

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
If there was a settings panel these could be user configurable settings i.e. Notify user every x minutes via audible alarm or vibrate.

I understand your concerns Ronaldo, I would not want continuous alerts period as this unnecessarily drains the battery and can be annoying for others (i.e. you forget your phone on your desk and it continually beeps or vibrates annoying your coworkers around!). If this was user configurable it would be great.

rhythmspirit 2010-03-28 22:01

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
when I have BOTH a miss call and sms, opening 1 of them will get rid of both notifications. This should not happen because I have not open the other one.

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