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kingzeus 2010-05-25 20:19

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 676407)
This is wrong information. :confused:

We have tested video call between Nokia E71 Running Fring skype and N900 Running LPR1.2 last week ... over 3G network. :cool:

What did not work was N900 to MacOSX Snow Leopard running whatever latest version of Skype. 2 Way video did not establish. :(

Unless the other phone has skype and a 2nd camera it should work i mean its common sense you cant make a video call from an n900 to an iphone it wont give you the option or it might but it still wont work.

ksm 2010-05-25 21:49

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by teh (Post 675569)
Really stupid question but.. how do you make a video call with Skype on PR1.2? :)

I tried using skype video-calling here in the UK, tonight via wi-fi, following PR 1.2 update:

front-facing camera now working with skype calling, so I can now see myself talking ... but unfortunately cannot see the other user, nor can the other user see my front-facing camera image.

The other user was on a pc, with web-camera, and it was a tried and tested skype platform, with hitherto no problems.

Any progress on this, Brethren?

will177 2010-05-25 22:01

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I too have this problem. When I select video call, I can see myself but the person at the other end cannot see me and I cannot seem them.

This is for a N900 to PC call, with the PC running Ubuntu Lucid 64-bit and having a Logitech webcamera. (It works for PC to PC) PC to N900 video calling displays no remote video either. :(

Any ideas? (I've tried rebooting the N900 - didn't help)


mrl0n3ly714 2010-05-25 22:58

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
i can make a call from my n900 using wifi and to my gf N97 using fring but when initiate the video , the video show my face at N900 but not showing at N97 and sameing with other side, , also the video call from N900 to MAC is the same. but work in window.

Dima202 2010-05-25 23:26

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I have the same problem most people are having that they cannot call people that do no have web camera :(

raed 2010-05-26 00:50

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
well my problem is i cant see any skype video option on my contacts.
i tried everything mentioned
my contact has webcam
my contact called me with video but it failed
disabled skype and enble it
delete skype account and recreate it
in my contact setting there is no video call option

any help plz

amorek13 2010-05-26 01:27

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
from my own experience it only works on laptops with build in cams, all laptops i tested had build ins
one laptop had a usb cam and did no work i saw my self he saw him self but did not see each other

ernaveen 2010-05-26 07:44

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by raed (Post 677534)
well my problem is i cant see any skype video option on my contacts.
i tried everything mentioned
my contact has webcam
my contact called me with video but it failed
disabled skype and enble it
delete skype account and recreate it
in my contact setting there is no video call option

any help plz

The skype video call is currently supported between two N900 or between N900 and latest Skype windows client v4.2 onward

Siddarth 2010-05-26 07:47

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
Is video call only for skype??....any idea Of Video call via 3g!!! is it there on N900 PR1.2!!!

ernaveen 2010-05-26 07:54

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by mece (Post 675576)
in a contact with skype, click skype video call instead of skype call

True, also from the call menu you will get "Turn Video On" option.

Also one important note, Skype video call works between:

1. Between two N900 devices.
2. Bentween N900 and latest Skype Windows client v4.2 onward.

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