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Kevstacey 2010-08-26 20:55

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
alright bazza :)

ive had mypaint for a while now and its quite good (worth downloading!) It does take a while at first to open up as said before but the speed of the brushes isnt a problem for me as ive overclocked to 900mhz :D

Bazza 2010-08-27 10:37

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Alright Kevstacey hope all is ok.

Sounds good lad, i'm going to try it now.

Can you PM me the details on how you oc'd your N900.

Kevstacey 2010-08-27 18:37

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
all is very well thanks pal :)

just pm'd you a really simple guide to overclock, it takes under a minute, and install that QPCUfreq from the repos to set the device speed :)

Bazza 2010-08-28 03:14

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
1 Attachment(s)
Got mypaint its a great art app,yes its a little slow at times but making works of art are not to be rushed anyway,

Big thanks to the developer for doing this ;)
I know i'm a little late getting this but as they say 'better late than never' :)

I was in a romantic mood and knocked this up within 3 mins.I was toying with the colour blending options and the end result was this.

I had to ask the missus if she had spiked my coffee because WOW that is one sick effect.


Kevstacey 2010-08-28 08:42

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Nice work Bazza :)

Its got some great brushes hasnt it :D lots of different effects. Theres a topic on here somewhere called 'look what i drew on my n900' have a look through it, theres some masterpieces! lol

Gusse 2010-08-28 11:35

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
I just wonder is it a feature or a bug, but when I open 800x480 picture and then save it, resolution is changed to 832x512. Also picture has white borders at two edges (right & bottom of picture).

Otherwise very nics app!

must4get 2010-09-21 19:51

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Hi, This is truly a great app. Thanks.
Is there a Show Grid/Scale option available? If not can you add it in a future release?

thanks for your efforts.

xman 2010-09-24 19:33

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by must4get (Post 822702)
Hi, This is truly a great app. Thanks.
Is there a Show Grid/Scale option available? If not can you add it in a future release?

thanks for your efforts.

You can change the background and also change the default in [layer> background> pick bkgrd (grid, is middle'ish)> okay it> and done]



PMaff 2010-09-29 18:17

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 691772)
MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle/N900 is now in extras-testing.

I tried to download the deb on

but I get
"Not Found
The requested URL /extras-testing/pool/fremantle/free/m/mypaint/mypaint_0.8.2-1maemo19_armel.deb was not found on this server."


Dousan 2010-10-01 20:03

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by PMaff (Post 829520)
I tried to download the deb on

but I get
"Not Found
The requested URL /extras-testing/pool/fremantle/free/m/mypaint/mypaint_0.8.2-1maemo19_armel.deb was not found on this server."


Enable extras-testing and do this as root in xterm (you need rootsh installed)

apt-get install mypaint 'enter'

Or just enable extras-testing and search through the app mngr...

Or you could allso enable extras-devel and do the above, it should be there ;) (disable after use if you don't feel save with these repos enabled)...

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