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pichlo 2013-12-08 12:48

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by iceskateclog (Post 1393599)
I was afraid of problems when connecting as Mass Storage.

Good point, hadn't thought of that.


Anyway, made myself some problems. Deleted user/.modest contents, now when I start "modest -s" and try to check email, I get Segmentation fault.

Account and all settings are there.

Maybe someone has an idea? Is it worth pursuing a bug or should I recreate accounts from scratch as described in ?
Please do not take this with any sort of authority but this is what I would do. In given order, move on to the next step only if the previous one fails:

1. Restart modest. It is a background process so do something like killall modest. Or just reboot.
2. Recreate empty modest folders. See attachment of the stock configuration.
3. Recreate the accounts as per the above link.
4. Consider filing a bug.

iceskateclog 2013-12-08 19:55

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
This maybe deserves new thread..

Removed everything multiple times as in and rm -r .modest to ensure clean start.

Modest crashes while connecting to one of my gmail accounts. It doesn't matter if it's only one or first or second created. I can enter the account, browse any folder except Inbox. It crashes while entering Inbox or doing Send&Receive. I'll try to get backtrace/coredump when I'll have time.. I see multiple modest/tinymail-dbg packages.

Thanks for your help though.

PS also updated to latest CSSU-Thumb today, same thing

iceskateclog 2013-12-08 20:38

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
OK. Found an email with

CAMEL_DEBUG=all /usr/bin/modest -s
that crashes Modest. Moved it to newly created folder and Modest only crashes while accessing that folder.

EMail contains some personal information...

peterleinchen 2013-12-08 21:22

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
Could you send to freemangordon, if possible?
At least inform him and maybe you can find reason.

Estel 2013-12-09 04:08

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
Also, I'm rather positive that it's email "magic" header structure, or something like that, which cause the crash, not actual human-intended content of your email. You may want to try copy&paste, editing sensitive informations out/replacing via dummy text, then checking, if it still crashes modest. If yes, it would be nice attachment to bug submit.


iceskateclog 2013-12-09 18:16

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
I think it crashes because of To: header. Filled a bug

Also reproduced another bug

Also have some coredumps if needed and can reproduce both everytime

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