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Grok 2010-06-30 15:39

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
I dunno, I don't think I've ever seen a "What's Better?" product thread that hasn't devolved into a mess.

What kind of results does a person expect on a forum that supports only one of the devices in question?

Also, could these two devices be any MORE different?


Val Demar 2010-06-30 15:59

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by chemist (Post 735479)
...$400 or $600?

Add $480 to the difference should you need tethering support from ATT...

schettj 2010-06-30 16:05

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by disappointed (Post 735106)
your thoughts,,,

Are irrelevant.

What do YOU want in a device? Why would YOU chose either one.

I could see enjoying both, for different uses. Why should you care which features and uses I need in a device?

Grok 2010-06-30 16:08

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?

Originally Posted by schettj (Post 735612)
Are irrelevant.

What do YOU want in a device? Why would YOU chose either one.

I could see enjoying both, for different uses. Why should you care which features and uses I need in a device?

He already claims to have one at the head office,

look here------>

railroadmaster 2010-06-30 23:43

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
The reason why you should buy an iPhone 4 it does phone sex oh wait I can do that on a Nokia.

eiffel 2010-07-01 10:22

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?

Originally Posted by noipv4 (Post 735210)
N900 RAM 256kB ?? ;)

N900 Microphones Two (stereo) ??
I did not see two mics on the schematics. Can someone please enlighten me.

Thanks for the corrections, noipv4. I've updated the comparison.

Yes, the N900 RAM is 256MB not 256kB. The iPhone's is 512MB. Marketing people sometimes quote a higher figure for the N900 by including its swap space, but that's not RAM.

You're right about the microphone too. There's just one. I can't believe that all the time I've had my N900, I thought the strap slot was the hole for a second microphone!

Andrew_b 2010-07-01 10:54

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
Grok is spot-on. This thread needs closing. The OP hasn't even posted a single reply. It's just a wind up.

What do losers like this get out of this kind of behaviour? Probably down to some form of personality disorder, as yet undiagnosed, although personality disorders are notoriously difficult to treat anyway and so these people just go through life pissing everyone off they come into contact with. Many people with personality disorders are not even aware of their condition.

Hey disappointed - get some help, dude!

GI jack 2010-07-01 13:27

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
there are better phones than the n900, but if your seriously looking at an iphone, I hope you don't have the real need for smart phone capability, because the iphone lacks that.

1. apple apps can get expensive, n900 apps are free.
2. the new iphone has quality issues, don't ever expect apple to take responsibility for quality issues, they never do, instead they have a leigon of fan boys to downplay them.
3. iTunes. It sucks hard. Its hard to find anything, it doesn't automatically update folders, runs slow, and eats more system resources it should. But, apple products are designed to not work unless sync'd with iTunes. Great...I made the mistake of buying an ipod once....never again.
4. Functionality. For the basic device sort of functionality like a shell and coreutils, you need a bit of hacking to be done, combined with how awkward that on screen keyboard is... Sure, if your idea of an app is paying $5 for drink recipes, or some obnoxious cute ****, its fine.

5. Freedom. When you buy any apple product, you buy into the apple universe of rules and regulations. First and foremost is that Steve Jobs is always right, and you may only use your apple device how he says. Lets say someone else writes better software to replace itunes on your PC(like winamp did), your iphone will find out and stop working if you use it. Apps get denied because apple doesn't like the content. Apps can only be written on a Macintosh. Apps cost money, and installing apps not specifically written for the iphone is prohibited.

6. Fanyboyism. There is no worthwhile apple community, apple users contribute nothing, and the company does it all, and charges you. You'll be expected to uphold the companies mantras and hide their epic failures and mistakes.

Parody 2010-07-01 13:39

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
From GSMArena (about iOS4):
What’s new:

Homescreen wallpapers
Folder organization of the homescreen icons
Multitasking and fast app switching
Google/Wikipedia search in Spotlight
Bluetooth keyboard pairing support
SMS character counter
SMS search
Email threading
Unified Email inbox
Email archiving is now available when you setup Gmail
Spell checker
iPod music player can now create, edit and delete playlists
5x digital zoom in still camera
Touch-focus in video capture (for video enabled iPhones)
Keyboard layouts span over QWERTY, QWERTZ, and AZERTY
Minor icon design facelifts
Video call support (only in iPhone 4 and only over Wi-Fi)
iBooks e-book and PDF reader

What’s still missing:

No Flash support in the web browser
No true multitasking for all applications
iOS4 for iPhone 3G has limited new feature set
Poor performance on iPhone 3G
No quick toggles for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or 3G
No social networking integration
No info widgets on lockscreen or homescreen
SMS tones are still not customizable
No mass mark emails as read
No proper file browser or access to the file system
No USB mass storage mode
No vibration feedback when touching the screen
No Bluetooth file transfers to other mobile phones
Contacts lack a swipe-to-delete or mass delete feature
No SMS/MMS delivery notifications
No smart dialing (but Spotlight is a somewhat of a substitute)
No DivX or XviD video support and no official third-party application to play that
The whole iPhone is too dependent on iTunes - you cannot add the same type of content (video, photos, apps) to the phone from two computers, a regular file management interface would have been much better

In other words it's only now become a smartphone. Sort of.
[insert my phone can make phone calls joke here]

ysss 2010-07-01 13:40

Re: Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
@GI Jack: I think many of your claims are not accurate based on Apple's past track record and publicly available information.

1. The same apps that exist on Apple's AppStore and Ovi Store almost always priced lower on the AppStore (most likely due to economy of scale). Case in point: apps by Roxio.

2. Yeah, new iPhone has got plenty of problems and rumors surrounding it and it's still a wait and see at this point as to what's the final resolution will be given, if any. But Apple has a known track record of good technical support (They generally just swap your defective product with a new one on the spot, if it's within the warranty period). They also give brand new parts (batteries) on recalls and/or prolong warranty periods when necessary (NVIDIA GPU recall).

3. If you were to talk about iTunes' modularity or bloatedness then I'd agree with you. But 'finding stuff' is probably one of its strenght. There's a clear search box on the top left all the time and all of your media are cross indexed for easy searching.

4. For most people, 'basic functionality' means full functional email client, PIM (contacts, calendar, notes, todo) and whatnot. For *nix administration, I'll give it to N900. But for 'basic smartphone functionality' in the popular-human sense, just about any other smartphone beats maemo unfortunately.

5. Interesting interpretation, but I think you've spiced things up just a tad much ;)

6. Yes, I haven't seen any fanboyism here.
At all.
Really :)

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