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PipoXtreme 2010-07-16 14:40

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by doksng (Post 753932)
I have the same problem, conversation crashes Scout when a search is done with the option selected. Used the same search word that previously worked with version 0.1

for me the same problem.. and in the first version it works.. but now it crash after the search and enter button :(

pursueky 2010-07-16 16:05

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I cant love this app more

and Mine is fine with 0.2 version

nicolai 2010-07-17 00:02

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by PipoXtreme (Post 753946)
for me the same problem.. and in the first version it works.. but now it crash after the search and enter button :(

Thank you for reporting.
Can you, and all the other where the app crashes, please do
the search with only one search category enabled.
I would like to see if all search categories have this problem.
So far, I found one bug in the calendar search.

Thank you

leojab 2010-07-17 10:18

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Sure nicoli,

I did my testing and here is my feedback:
1. For Contacts only search - works FINE
2. For Calendar only search
2a) Works only in Notes but cannot open notes from scout instead calendar is shown
2b) Does not search within birthday events or appointments
3. For Conversation only search- the search is shown real-time but crahes always
4. If there is no results for that search text, no feedback message is displayed in results saying "No search results"

bewrong 2010-07-17 10:54

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
thanks for this i was looking for a search app for n900 ever since i got it

zenit 2010-07-19 03:53

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Good application but crashes every time I turn on the conversations search. My conversations are 500 in nos and could have non-english (indian) characters.


jackchat 2010-07-19 13:43

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Excellent application, good job for bringing this mandatory and useful function into the Smart phone world.

I just came from the Palm O/S world where you can globally search any calendar or notes entry. Example, I have over 10 years of PIM data, and I can search & find when I purchased an item or when I visited some place etc..

So you can imagine my disappointment when I ported all this data into my new, latest Nokia, to find it is useless. Are all Smartphones this agricultural?
Outlook can search, so why can't these devices?

I few anomalies with Scout to report:

Searching Notes:
Finds the notes item containing the text, but when I click on the notes item, it takes me to today's calender, not the actual note.

Searching Calender:
Will only search & find calender entries containing the desired text in the first few months of my calender (ie 1997).
Also will not find text in non-timed 'all day' events.

Keep up the activity, supporting your good effort.

nicolai 2010-07-19 14:02

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Thank you for your feedback leojab.

Originally Posted by leojab (Post 754773)
Sure nicoli,

I did my testing and here is my feedback:
1. For Contacts only search - works FINE
2. For Calendar only search
2a) Works only in Notes but cannot open notes from scout instead calendar is shown

Yes, I can only open the calendar applications with month,
week or agenda view. I don't think it is possible to jump
directly to the note edit window. So one additional user step
is necessary. But the next scout version will have an enhanced
preview window for calendar entries.

Originally Posted by leojab (Post 754773)
2b) Does not search within birthday events or appointments

This is strange, no results at all? But maybe it is related to
jackchats problem (see below)

Originally Posted by leojab (Post 754773)
3. For Conversation only search- the search is shown real-time but crahes always

Still didn't find text message which lead to a crash on
my device. Still trying to reproduce this behavior.

Originally Posted by leojab (Post 754773)
4. If there is no results for that search text, no feedback message is displayed in results saying "No search results"

Well, isn't the empty result list feedback enough. The wait indicator
in the program title, the inactive textfield and the "stop" label on
the search button indicate the search is active. If the search is done
the textfield becomes active again and the searchbutton label
changes to "search". I think there is no need to indicate an
empty search result.


nicolai 2010-07-19 14:06

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Thank you jackchat!


Originally Posted by jackchat (Post 756770)
I few anomalies with Scout to report:

Searching Notes:
Finds the notes item containing the text, but when I click on the notes item, it takes me to today's calender, not the actual note.

Yes, I cannot jump to the edit note window from the calendar
app. One additional step from the user is necessary.

Originally Posted by jackchat (Post 756770)
Searching Calender:
Will only search & find calender entries containing the desired text in the first few months of my calender (ie 1997).
Also will not find text in non-timed 'all day' events.

Ha ha ha.
While developing this app, I limit the calendar search result to
100. As I don't have more than 100 entries I forgot to disable
this limit. It will be fixed in the next version.


doksng 2010-07-19 15:10

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Conversation still crashes for me. I hope there is no limit too on conversation as I have over 2000.

All the other search options work very well.

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