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quipper8 2010-08-04 21:00

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 775914)
I know that Nokia is a bit different but their executives all look the same in their pictures. Kind of like Finnish estate agent pictures. They need a better photographer and a wardrobe stylist for their promo pics. These little touches add a lot.

On the questions, I think you guys have it covered so far.

to non-finns, I think most finns appear quite similar in appearance...very narrow gene pool there or something.

No offense to the finns on here, I like finns :)

fatalsaint 2010-08-04 21:01

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 775847)
How can you not have Twitter?

I don't either. I simply find it to the be the most ridiculous thing... especially since I have facebook.

Why the hell would I want to maintain a status on multiple sites? Meh. I am baffled at how popular twitter is, actually.</OT>

quipper8 2010-08-04 21:05

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 775919)
I don't either. I simply find it to the be the most ridiculous thing... especially since I have facebook.

Why the hell would I want to maintain a status on multiple sites? Meh. I am baffled at how popular twitter is, actually.</OT>

I don't like to update my status on it either, but I do find it vauable to have an account to have saved twitter searches. With as many people using it, doing searches for #meego or whatever else you are interested in is a good way to aggregate interesting ontent that has a wider horizontal reach than, say, RSS.

Texrat 2010-08-04 21:07

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Q1: "Why doesn't Nokia talk to us more?"

Q2: "Hey forget that first question-- wtf, are you people all on crack???? Your phones don't work, your UIs are crap, you don't do anything right... Apple will eat you alive!!!!11111!!!1"

A: ...

inidrog 2010-08-04 21:15

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
The sad part is that this dude wont even see the questions that the pr crew don't find useful for him to answer in the "video". This aint no coincident, they have they agenda and plan. We as N900 users not included. New sales, new partners and teasers for the mobiletabloids.cox .

geneven 2010-08-04 21:26

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 775919)
I don't either. I simply find it to the be the most ridiculous thing... especially since I have facebook.

Why the hell would I want to maintain a status on multiple sites? Meh. I am baffled at how popular twitter is, actually.</OT>

Thanks for the reply! It was a serious question, appearances aside.

I feel the same about Facebook.

Still, when a quake hits (I'm in California), Twitter beats heck out of the news media. And Iran news was also very valuable.

These days, Twitter is mostly advertising. But it's like the LA river, which is practically dry now. When the rains are pouring, it becomes turbulent and dangerous and just unrecognizable from other times. Twitter is like that, too, except not dangerous.

It's just that this guy was saying that such-and-such an event was happening, and he sounded interested. He said he didn't have Twitter like I'd say I don't have an iPad. But he could get Twitter in less than a minute, check out the event, and delete his account later. I couldn't do that with an iPad -- I'd have to buy one first.

So it was good to get an explanation of your point of view.

maluka 2010-08-04 21:41

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by quipper8 (Post 775918)
to non-finns, I think most finns appear quite similar in appearance...very narrow gene pool there or something.

No offense to the finns on here, I like finns :)

I actually spend most of my time in Finland and I'm married to a Finn so I know what I'm talking about when I say his picture looks like a real estate agent's picture :D

I doubt that any of our questions would get answered considering the millions of Nokia users on twitter.

I would want Nokia to release an official statement stating which devices would be getting Qt support because there hasn't been enough clarity around it. Many owners of older Symbian devices are asking it on forums. Clarity would give them teh confidence that what they are buying has a future else they could go with a different device.

pantera1989 2010-08-04 21:44

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 775957)
I actually spend most of my time in Finland and I'm married to a Finn so I know what I'm talking about when I say his picture looks like a real estate agent's picture :D

I doubt that any of our questions would get answered considering the millions of Nokia users on twitter.

I would want Nokia to release an official statement stating which devices would be getting Qt support because there hasn't been enough clarity around it. Many owners of older Symbian devices are asking it on forums. Clarity would give them teh confidence that what they are buying has a future else they could go with a different device.

If you live in Finland, why don't you barge in Nokia's HQ and demand answers?

gerbick 2010-08-04 22:00

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
I find it rather laughable that people actually expect answers that will satisfy their curiosity.

ahmadamaj 2010-08-04 22:20

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by pantera1989 (Post 775850)
I have some questions:

1. Will the N900 get support to make coffee?
2. Will the next update to Ovi Maps bring support to instant teleportation?
3. Will the N900 be able to turn water into wine?
4. Will the next update bring a cure for cancer?
5. Will the camera be able to take xrays?
6. Will PR1.3 include support for emulation of PS3 and Xbox 360 games?
7. Will the N900 enable me to fly?
8. Will the N900 be waterproof?
9. Will the N900 be upgraded to a quad core?
10. Will the N900 battery be able to replace my car battery?
11. Will the N900 be able to transform in a car/plane?
12. Will the N900 be able to shoot missiles?

it all has to be for free

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