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kureyon 2010-10-27 08:50

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Is the widget unicode enabled? My songs with UTF tags are being displayed as squares!

BTW after I installed this ages ago the widget never appeared on my desktop even through many reboots. After upgrading to PR1.3 it "magically" appeared.

412b 2010-10-27 13:51

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 852929)
Is the widget unicode enabled? My songs with UTF tags are being displayed as squares!

BTW after I installed this ages ago the widget never appeared on my desktop even through many reboots. After upgrading to PR1.3 it "magically" appeared.

It's more about MediaBox, 'cause it sends tags for applet.
It seems that PR1.3 have some code and API changes under the hood.

majaczek 2013-03-23 07:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
I suffer from theme bug, anybody help?
(the buttons are grey on white - barely visible - ignoring my theme both in maemo and mediabox)

412b 2013-03-23 11:37

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by majaczek (Post 1331011)
I suffer from theme bug, anybody help?
(the buttons are grey on white - barely visible - ignoring my theme both in maemo and mediabox)

please provide a screenshot and theme name used in MediaBox

majaczek 2013-03-25 13:52

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
I won't post screenshooot now, but it worked once or twice before (seems I'm missing a file) and it's grey on grey. purging and installing again both mediabox and mediabox-home-widget doesn't help. I use theme named kuro-big (from default set). Changing to kuro didn't help. Could you help me with that information provided? (note the problem is with widget, mediabox shows fine).

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