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CasTTeLLo 2010-08-19 11:08

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by superjunior (Post 791621)
Open Xterm and run "top" or install "htop" and look the Prozess with high CPU and MEM.

is it normal?

superjunior 2010-08-19 11:17

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Yes it is normal. 2-3% Xorg, 2-3% Hildon

I have no Idea why your N900 feels slow. Sorry

furns 2010-08-19 12:22

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by superjunior (Post 791473)
You must be root !!!

open Xterm
Type root
Type mc (MidnightCommander)

go to /etc/event.d/apmonitord

F8= delete

gday all - first post and all that.........

for n00bs such as myself, you need to have rootsh and midnightcommander installed. ;)

thanks guys I also had this issue after installing advanced power app and luckily people on here are well on top of the situation.

slaapliedje 2010-08-19 14:58

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
So last night I was playing around with the advanced-power-monitor, trying to get it to work, and while I had uninstalled the package, and rebooted, I had left my phone charging all night, went into work, and 2 and a half hours into the day, my phone gives that whimpering beep of a low battery. I was thinking "wtf?" So I looked and sure enough, it was this issue with Xorg being at 95% and more.

The cleanest solution is to open xterm and type

sudo dpkg -P advanced-power-monitor
That should purge all files from the advanced-power-monitor.

If you still have advanced-power, you may want to run it on that as well.

The -P option is to purge all extra files. For some reason the post remove script isn't removing the /etc/event.d/apmonitord. Purge does though.

I did have to reboot afterward as well.


222 2010-08-19 15:48

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by hawaii (Post 790490)

Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver.

The project bugtracker is broken, so...

works for me too.
thanks alot

garen 2010-08-19 17:02

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by slaapliedje (Post 791892)

sudo dpkg -P advanced-power-monitor

It asked for a password when i tried this.

cfh11 2010-08-19 17:11

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by garen (Post 792036)
It asked for a password when i tried this.

you need to have rootsh installed

garen 2010-08-19 17:29

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 792050)
you need to have rootsh installed

I do have rootsh installed.

cddiede 2010-08-19 17:42

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by garen (Post 792072)
I do have rootsh installed.

Then type:
sudo gainroot

THEN type:

dpkg -P advanced-power-monitor

you should only use sudo if you actually (as root) added the "user" username to the /etc/sudoers file.

garen 2010-08-19 17:50

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 792091)
Then type:
sudo gainroot

THEN type:

dpkg -P advanced-power-monitor

you should only use sudo if you actually (as root) added the "user" username to the /etc/sudoers file.

Ok, now Xorg is jumping between 70 and 96%.

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