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eitama 2010-09-01 15:34

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??

Originally Posted by festivalnut (Post 804317)
i totally agreei could have been more descriptive, but sometimes being succint gets the point across, and if asked to elaborate i would have, however i believed the reasons for hoping not were obvious, as most people seem to have understood.

if you understand what you're doing (and i believe you do) then it may be slightly useful, however if you appear to not know what you're doing to a degree that you cant find the post where this has been discussed before, then any help i did offer would indeed be more damaging.

i could have not posted, but if nobody who thought this was a bad idea bothered to say so on the grounds that they'd be flamed by the OP or others for not being helpful, then again, more damage than help will occur.

four people ganging up on the OP for his idea would be unjustified, but when the OP is attacking, flaming and generally being rude to posters and the community as a whole, then he shouldn't be suprised when people take a dislike to this.

I have follow all the posts very closely a few times to understand the timeline on this Thread, and the OP was civilized and polite up until you lost your coolness, if you don't believe me go back and read.
Many of the people here start as Linux noobs, Hell I barely ever touched linux before the N900, and on that note it's a bliss, I now know a lot more then I knew 6 months ago.
BUT, after installing several linux distros, learning lots of linux, programming and releasing horizontal-call through extras-devel, I still have problems finding stuff on, power-search is good - but not perfect.
If someone fails to find something it doesn't automatically mean he didn't try and search for it.

You only need to make one mistake in 1 keyword for the power-search to fail. I have had regular users and moderators reply to my posts with "use power-search", on all occasions I did use the search but couldn't find it. It won't hurt to have an extra thread pointing to the old thread, the new thread should be locked or merged.

Anyway, you got my point, and I got yours, we don't have to agree, just think about my point of view.


anthonie 2010-09-01 15:47

Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??

True. The search engines on many sites are not very functional. However, for anyone interested in Unix/Linux, there is one source of information overshadowing all others: The internet. Following from that, the proper use of a search engine like Google should tackle those onsite shortcomings. All the OP had to do was to type "sudo gainroot" (Yes, with the quote brackets) in a Google search bar and he would've gotten more results (About 69,000 results (0.31 seconds) ) back than he bargained for. If you like, you add another keyword, for instance "permanent" to limit results (About 1,300 results (0.21 seconds) ). It's as simple as that.

Now, OP gets all upset over semantics while he could've been answered as well with a genuine and by far not uncommon STFU/RTFM. (I do not promote that type of answering, b.t.w. :))

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