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mmurfin87 2010-09-30 22:52

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
Maybe there's a reason its not listed on the Ovi Store yet? Maybe its not ready for download.

TiagoTiago 2010-09-30 22:55

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by 2slik4u (Post 830476)
When i type that in root i get the following line:

/bin/sh: not found
Why is it going to bin and why does it keep adding /sh: to everything.

Can you post a screenshot please? Also, are you sure you're typing things correctly? Somtimes a typo in a safe command can brick your device...

2slik4u 2010-09-30 22:59

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 830482)
Can you post a screenshot please? Also, are you sure you're typing things correctly? Somtimes a typo in a safe command can brick your device...

How do u capture a screenshot on the N900?

patlak 2010-09-30 23:04

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by vivmak (Post 830471)
how to select text to copy in maemo browser? i do ctrl+a but specific text not sure

Swipe your finger from left of the screen towards the right in the browser, you will get a cursor. Use it to select text. Just so you know, a swipe from right would show the history ;)

TiagoTiago 2010-09-30 23:05

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
control-shift-P , i believe it goes where photos go

2slik4u 2010-09-30 23:15

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 830489)
control-shift-P , i believe it goes where photos go

See Attached

NvyUs 2010-09-30 23:17

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

apt-get install wget
try the above command first

TiagoTiago 2010-09-30 23:18

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
well, it seems you don't got wget installed
edit:seems i've got beaten to it

btw, where is the "everything" that you said keeps getting /sh added?

2slik4u 2010-09-30 23:40

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
Wow it managed to install wget.
Thanks guys.

Now trying to figure out why mo's server keeps going down on me.
Every time i start the download of the deb file. It never downloads the entire 600kb and speed drops to --.--k/s

jakiman 2010-09-30 23:47

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
I just tried this demo. It runs soooooo slow. Framerate is like 10-15fps at best it seems. Even at 1Ghz CPU.

But looking at the old youtube vids of MWC demo, it was running butter smooth.

So what's wrong with this. Is yours running as smooth as that video?

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