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wmarone 2010-10-19 16:51

Re: Steve Jobs on open vs closed

Originally Posted by craftyguy (Post 845211)
So they decided to release modem/camera/other device firmware code too? No binary blobs at all in MeeGo?

The binary blobs for the N900 are not part of MeeGo. MeeGo has no binary blobs whatsoever.

YoDude 2010-10-19 16:58

Re: Steve Jobs on open vs closed

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 844967)
Just saw this at CNN:

He also takes a jab at Nokia:

Interestingly NPR reported today a paper or findings published by David Larcker, a professor of accounting at Stanford's Graduate School of Business and Ph.D. student Anastasia Zakolyukina when they set out to find the answer to the question: "How Can You Tell When A CEO Is Lying?"

Two things that they point out in an interview with Jim Zarroli of NPR:


... lying executives tend to overuse words like "we" and "our team" when they talk about their company. They avoid saying "I."
Check out the number of times Stevie uses "We" just in the snippets you (Reggie) quoted. :)



...Lying CEOs also tend to use a lot of words that express positive emotion — things are fabulous and fantastic and extraordinary...
..."If all my speech is 'fantastic,' 'superb,' 'outstanding,' 'excellent' and all my speech sounds like a big hype — it probably is,"

,,,ain't that^ just awesome, amazing, and a real game changer? :D

fatalsaint 2010-10-19 16:59

Re: Steve Jobs on open vs closed

Originally Posted by craftyguy (Post 845211)
So they decided to release modem/camera/other device firmware code too? No binary blobs at all in MeeGo?

I specifically stated that the N900 blobs are now redistributable.

If you would kindly look at the 3 different links I provided in the very first line of the post you quoted, you will see that proprietary blobs is obviously not stopping Android from being distributed to handsets and devices in a fashion not originally planned by the manufacturer.

Manufacturers will do to MeeGo what they've done to Android.. I'd guarantee it. Hell, Nokia has as much admitted it already with their "MeeGo" device that will have the "Nokia UX" that is only based on the MeeGo Handset Framework. They will have proprietary apps in there, among other things.

However, and I refer to the followup post I made regarding Android... this type of Fragmentation does not appear to be stopping the now second or first or first/second or fecond or whatever used mobile OS currently on the (US) Market. (Depending who you read Apple is still #1, or Google is #1, whatever.. not the point. Point is they are both significant.)

Yes, some apps do not work across the board with Android, but that highly depends on what your app is designed to do. Some apps work fine for the vast majority if not all handsets right at release.. some crash on all kinds of things. It all depends on the application, but unless someone honestly show me that when they go into the market, half the apps they try and download don't work at all.. I'm thinking the whole "fragmentation" complaint is a bit of a stretch.

richwhite 2010-10-19 17:16

Re: Steve Jobs on open vs closed

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 845194)
A slight tangent, but the recent John Sculley On Steve Jobs, The Full Interview Transcript is a very good read.

Good interview. I like this

"Apple is not really a technology company. Apple is really a design company. If you look at the iPod, you will see that many of the technologies that are in the iPod are ones that Apple bought from other people and put together. Even when Apple created Macintosh, all the ideas came out of Xerox and Apple recruited some of the key people out of Xerox."

Basically what we've said all along - steal ideas and put them in pretty packages.

SAABoy 2010-10-19 17:20

Re: Steve Jobs on open vs closed
I haven't yet read the whole article yet, but the comments about not yet finding a way to make great smartphones for $50 seem a bit backhanded :P Are other CEO's in the industry this verbal about downplaying competitors? Isn't this a bit unprofessional?

Stskeeps 2010-10-19 17:21

Re: Steve Jobs on open vs closed

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 845213)
The binary blobs for the N900 are not part of MeeGo. MeeGo has no binary blobs whatsoever.

We have them in non-oss -but- nothing in core and handset/ivi/etc depends on them. And they're redistributable.

mbo 2010-10-19 18:05

Re: Steve Jobs on open vs closed
Interesting what the ceo of tweetdeck responded, as tweetdeck was mentioned by jobs as an example for the fragmentation of android:

daperl 2010-10-19 18:16

Re: Steve Jobs on open vs closed

Originally Posted by richwhite (Post 845229)
Basically what we've said all along - steal ideas and put them in pretty packages.

Darn, I wish I thought of it, it sounds so easy.

ossipena 2010-10-19 18:32

Re: Steve Jobs on open vs closed

Originally Posted by ericsson (Post 845201)
It is not a matter of fragmentation, it is a matter of what the fragmentation does. Apple as one device, Nokia has 100? Android also "has" 100 devices. Fragmentation on iOS is not possible.

If you try to defragment Android, you will end up with lots of equal looking devices. Good for Google, but bad for everyone else. Nokia on the other hand, can do whatever they want with Symbian and MeeGo, it will still be Nokia, and look Nokia. MeeGo will be fragmented to pieces, but still share a common ground, the kernel.

actually defragmenting android will continue with 3.0

and apple will have at least 3 different devices (iphone, ipad, itv) with same os.

fragmentation is bad for developers. less fragmentation = less testing required. and app races are all about developers...

ossipena 2010-10-19 18:36

Re: Steve Jobs on open vs closed

Originally Posted by YoDude (Post 845222)
Interestingly NPR reported today a paper or findings published by David Larcker, a professor of accounting at Stanford's Graduate School of Business and Ph.D. student Anastasia Zakolyukina when they set out to find the answer to the question: "How Can You Tell When A CEO Is Lying?"

I read about that research a while ago, thanks for reminding. One could think the research suggests that Jobs is a liar ;)

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