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extendedping 2010-12-21 18:07

Re: How long will Nokia N900 remain attractive
I love mine but was it ever actually "attractive"?

xylomatic 2010-12-21 18:08

Re: How long will Nokia N900 remain attractive

Originally Posted by Joseph.skb (Post 900959)
Yes! the clock is ticking...but when will it all fall apart? What's our best guess? Any way to revive the excitement? How can we breath new life into the N900? :rolleyes:

This is the same question i hear for 200LX....ten years ago.

atilla 2010-12-21 18:19

Re: How long will Nokia N900 remain attractive
sry but such a question is totally use and pointless.
the n900 will be attractiv until you don't like it any more and thats all

danramos 2010-12-21 18:22

Re: How long will Nokia N900 remain attractive

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 901465)
Probably by not making posts that seem to do nothing but wish ill on users of the N900 and people who hope to use MeeGo. I'm pretty sure that if I were to post equally valid criticisms on Android forums I'd probably be flamed far worse than anyone here ever has (if not have posts deleted outright.)

Have did I wish ill on users? I do point out the depressing state of things and I HAVE pointed out how Maemo would do better (and it seems I'd been right, looking at the competition) but what you're effectively asking for it outright censorship of opinion and criticism.

Perhaps you would do better to listen to the criticism when it's constructive and ignoring or, or simply not participating, when it's not constructive. If I'm doing something outright bad or against the rules or something, then it'd be fair to report me.

An abundance of cynicism about Maemo and MeeGo after our history here with Maemo isn't exactly unexpected and doesn't appear to be generally unappreciated given the way people HAVE thanked me.

Here's one for you, though, can you tell me how you're being constructive right now? How about letting me know how Maemo's offerings can benefit me or other users better? ...and then! Let me tell you what I think. ...and then, other people can join in tell you what they think! It might EVEN turn into a conversation! :P Instead of telling people you don't agree with to shut up. heh

It'd be GREAT if Maemo could actually be shaped by those conversations, but that's part of the problem that bred the despair and cynicism, isn't it?


Originally Posted by atilla (Post 901471)
sry but such a question is totally use and pointless.
the n900 will be attractiv until you don't like it any more and thats all

Actually.. that's an objective and fair enough answer for any particular individual.. but then the poll is a handy way to get an overall impression from many individuals. :)

BigBadGuber! 2010-12-21 18:47

Re: How long will Nokia N900 remain attractive

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 901422)
Wouldn't it be fitting if they released the N9 with Windows Mobile 7 and announced, on the same day, pulling out of MeeGo for all but the N900 and that the community will be responsible for supporting itself and that they've halted all the Nokia licensed apps and support for MeeGo (i.e. no OviMaps, no Flash, no Skype, only the closed-source drivers that they provided with no future fixes/security updates, etc.).

Get a life. Start a diet of negative thoughts.

geneven 2010-12-21 18:53

Re: How long will Nokia N900 remain attractive
I think it will be attractive as long as it has an xterm and can be used as a reader and to browse the web and make phone calls etc.

If everything goes cloud-based, that might make it less appealing.

danramos 2010-12-21 18:53

Re: How long will Nokia N900 remain attractive

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 901498)
Get a life. Start a diet of negative thoughts.

Well, YOU tell me.. wouldn't it be the sort of thing that Nokia is likely to do lately? They hired a Microsoft guy and now they're talking it up about putting Windows Phone 7 on Nokia handsets. Wouldn't it seem like a particularly likely scenerio now? Negative or not, hate me for saying it even, but I'm putting it out as a possible prediction of where Nokia seems to be going.

geneven 2010-12-21 19:03

Re: How long will Nokia N900 remain attractive
I think the idea of a do-everything phone is an empty fantasy. A phone is and ought to be about as exciting as car keys. Hopefully, $60 monthly mobile phone bills and superduper phones will be things we laugh about in the future.

Edit: Something like cars with big fins...

danramos 2010-12-21 19:07

Re: How long will Nokia N900 remain attractive

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 901508)
I think the idea of a do-everything phone is an empty fantasy. A phone is and ought to be about as exciting as car keys. Hopefully, $60 monthly mobile phone bills and superduper phones will be things we laugh about in the future.

I'd really hoped that handsets wouldn't be so tied to phones, too. I would really rather have tethered my devices (whatever they may be.. laptops, tablets, whatever) than have them all-in-one and locked into a vendor or manufacturer.

ysss 2010-12-21 19:22

Re: How long will Nokia N900 remain attractive
Here's my take.. of the 'evolution' of whom the n900 was/is/will be most attractive to:

Before it was released: bloggers, bleeding edge collectors, competitors.

First couple of months after release: power users, *nix users, nokia fanboys

After MeeGo was announced: *nix users, fanboys, MeeGo\Qt developers

6 months from now: MeeGo newbies, *nix users, fanboys

1+ years from now: fanboys, bargain hunters

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