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tetris11_ 2011-03-10 21:38

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
did you uninstall first?

lolloo 2011-03-10 21:38

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC

this picture just for reference.

handaxe 2011-03-10 21:40

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
Yes, I "apt-get purge"'d the sucker first, then after the error I deleted the file and wuz surprised to still receive the error, even though the file no longer exists.

tetris11_ 2011-03-10 21:56

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
You guys have the strangest errors *evil eye*.....
I'll put a note up on the main page of your fix

injunear 2011-03-11 03:20

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
Thanks for this awesome little application. Please feel free to share your scripting. I would learn alot.

BTW is the lag from my router?

arnoldux 2011-03-11 09:31

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
uber awesomeeeeee!!l ill wait a bit tho, until its more stable and or gets a bit refined

m4r0v3r 2011-03-11 09:42

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
no the lag is normal, this is working fine for me, I on linux, webcam and all. great work fella. to get it to work all I did was remove the old one with FAM and then I used apt-get -f install to install the dependency and then I installed the package and I was done, boom

handaxe 2011-03-11 13:55

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
I am now getting a fapman error about needing to reinstall tester but it being unavailable. Some dependency issue methinks but no time as yet to look at it.

tetris11_ 2011-03-11 15:36

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
fapman can't install local apps methinks...only ones that are up on the repo's (which I havent uploaded to yet)

handaxe 2011-03-11 15:49

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC

Originally Posted by tetris11_ (Post 965836)
fapman can't install local apps methinks...only ones that are up on the repo's (which I havent uploaded to yet)

Indeed, this has nothing to do with installing tester or phonestreamer, those are done via dpkg. The error occurs subsequently, with any attempt to use fapman as well as HAM. I will poke around to see why. It may have to do with my deleting that desktop file but I don't see why as I had, apparently, purged tester beforehand.

BTW: app looks very good. Fonts perhaps a bit small.

PS: Tester failed to uninstall cleanly (I don't claim that is a problem with the deb) and that was the problem. A reinstall and uninstall of tester 0.4 solved the issue.

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