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hawaii 2011-04-15 01:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Is the font/size hardcoded in this? It doesn't seem to follow gtkrc rules?

Prozac786 2011-04-15 01:44

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Will there be an equalizer embedded within Open Media Player? Please oh please say yes :P

m4r0v3r 2011-04-15 01:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
can anyone verify if this works with the headset daemon?

TMavica 2011-04-15 01:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
when ./
after runnning, it said:

chmod: /usr/local/bin/mediaplayer: No such file or directory
-sh: exec: line 1: /usr/local/bin/mediaplayer: not found

TMavica 2011-04-15 02:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
i really dont know where i can install it..

jd4200 2011-04-15 02:34

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Nice work Mohammad, real nice.

TMavica 2011-04-15 02:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
anyone help?

abhirajsoni 2011-04-15 02:48

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
does it have equalizer or not.? i realy need more bass. and it doesn't have this then i am not going to install it :(

wumpwoast 2011-04-15 02:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Thanks for getting this out there for testing MohammadAG. You open yourself up to heckling and abuse :-)

Text search in Album/Artist lists works much better and faster! I notice the text entry bar hangs around after you leave and return to a screen, which is different from stock. Not necessarily bad, but different.

I notice that most of my album artwork doesn't scale well in OMP. I have a 200x200 JPG that looks really roughed up. Not sure whether it's upscaling or downscaling, since I don't know what the native size of albumart on the GUI is.

TMavica 2011-04-15 02:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
i know la..

edit the sh file inside

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