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Saturn 2011-12-19 21:31

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

Originally Posted by Julien_2006 (Post 1139622)
Hello there !

any news about using snuggle with smscon ?
it could be great if your friends could send you a sms with eg the word "cell" and in return get the picture and/or browser link send by mail/sms

I think this is already well covered with all these apps that share your location in several services.

SMSCON is kind of private app between you and your phone. Nevertheless, it is in our plan to use some code from snuggle to allow a cheaper on battery tracking or as a fall back when GPS is not available (like inside a building etc).

On Snuggle, I have worked a lot and add many more features in the backend like a daemon logging movements and an sql database for storing and extracting the movements in files that can be uploaded to sites that give you your tracks in a map for a given period of time.
At the moment all is not that user friendly and need some time to make some UI for configuring and initiating those actions.

It is just that I am such a slow coder..

Julien_2006 2011-12-19 22:13

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs
Thanks for the quick responses.

If the gps do not fix eg cinema (in silent mode of course) it use my battery and don't do the job. That's why Snuggle could be a good alternative as you already said.

Yes i know about all the stuff like google latitude, FB and co but I don't use it.
I've understand and agree that sms con is a thing between me and my N900. In fact if this feature can be donne only my brother, sister and girlfriend would now about this fonction to locate me. As i don't want to receive 10 sms a day just to locate me (lol)
As I am patient, I will wait for you accomplished your (great) work.
I very thank you for this app and for having considerring my demand on this thread.
Many Thanks due to you.

pulketo 2011-12-22 00:26

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs
Does this do some kind of inter-extra polation to better locate position between multiple antennas?

lardman 2011-12-22 13:43

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs
Looks cool. It would be especially useful if you cached and stored the location of known cellids so that it could be used without switching on a network device. Along these lines, being able to populate the database from online would be a good feature.

Regarding sources of information, have you looked at this source?:

It also contains WiFI AP location data, which would be another nice thing to integrate and give access to in order to narrow down the device location without needing to start up the GPS (not sure about the power-location trade offs here, but certainly if you're in a building it might be worthwhile, and equally if you are connected to a WiFi AP anyway no need to start GPS).

Saturn 2011-12-22 16:27

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 1140811)
Looks cool. It would be especially useful if you cached and stored the location of known cellids so that it could be used without switching on a network device. Along these lines, being able to populate the database from online would be a good feature.

Regarding sources of information, have you looked at this source?:

It also contains WiFI AP location data, which would be another nice thing to integrate and give access to in order to narrow down the device location without needing to start up the GPS (not sure about the power-location trade offs here, but certainly if you're in a building it might be worthwhile, and equally if you are connected to a WiFi AP anyway no need to start GPS).

Thanks for the source; I didn't know about it. The interesting part is that they share the DBs they already have for local usage. Might be useful.
ATM, I'm using a not yet public API from google to make the translation from cell to location.

I will upload the non published code in the next days and maybe someone else would like to contribute. There are plenty of "glue" parts missing..

Saturn 2011-12-22 16:31

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

Originally Posted by pulketo (Post 1140574)
Does this do some kind of inter-extra polation to better locate position between multiple antennas?

No (and don't plan to atm). Recording the current cell connection is quite cheap since it is already available in the system. Asking the system to get all adjacent cells is quite expensive and comparable to GPS.

Saturn 2011-12-22 17:25

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs
OK, I skipped a few corners (i.e. all of the intermediate commits):

The latest development code can be found in the garage SVN part of the project.

Some of the changes I've recorded for version snuggle_2.7-2 (that is, since 1.9-1 which is in the downloads page):

* Added a daemon to log the cell info data.
* Added missing dependencies on the python libraries for gobject, dbus, location and httplib2.
* Removed logging of all info from the main application.
* Added a sudoers file for the daemon.
* Modified the postinstall and postrm scripts.
* Created helper to populate geolocation data from the cell info and transform it to a kml file.
* Changed the timestamping to fit with the kml code; WARNING: old logs are not backwards compatible.
* Added new menu fields for creating the kml file and configuring the daemon.
* Modified the UI to expand on all the available screen.
* Added daemonHelper file to start/stop the deamon.
* Added database to store the info.
* Added a start-up screen.

lardman 2011-12-22 17:39

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

Originally Posted by Saturn (Post 1140882)
Thanks for the source; I didn't know about it. The interesting part is that they share the DBs they already have for local usage. Might be useful.
ATM, I'm using a not yet public API from google to make the translation from cell to location.

Yes access to the raw data dumps is one of the reasons it appealed to me, plus the wifi data. From looking quickly at opencellid I couldn't see any way of getting hold of the raw data, plus it only seems to cover the USA.


Originally Posted by Saturn (Post 1140882)
I will upload the non published code in the next days and maybe someone else would like to contribute. There are plenty of "glue" parts missing..

I'll certainly do some work to integrate OpenBMAP over the Christmas break as I could do with a daemon that provides location information of a given accuracy within given power constraints (for use by another daemon, hence the wish to reduce network access and running the GPS unless necessary).

dattadude 2012-01-23 13:43

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

firstly Great app, it worked for a while but now whenever i select get cordinates it gives me an error.

Warning : Could not get a responce from the MMAP API!!!

Any idea how to fix this???

Estel 2012-01-23 23:13

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs
Saturn, it seems that Snuggle saves (and never deletes) all map "snapshots". so, after just few weeks of usage, I had plentora of unnecessary old map image files in snuggle directory. Could it automatically purge outdated ones?


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