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Dion_ddc 2011-05-16 11:13

Re: Wp7 f yes!

Originally Posted by Daneel (Post 1007319)
Talking to yourself under imagined separate identity is usually a sign of schizofrenia, please consult your nearest medical institution for advice and help, thank you!

Spelling schizophrenia wrong is a sign of a lack of education. Please age a bit so that you can attend school.

corduroysack 2011-05-16 11:13

Re: I cannot wait!

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 1007313)
Elop, you suck at trolling. Even with both of your accounts here.

roflmfao brilliant :D

ASIAN 2011-05-16 11:15

Re: I cannot wait!

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 1007313)
Elop, you suck at trolling. Even with both of your accounts here.

Proof? none what-so-ever. Maybe friends share the same distaste towards Maemo? IDK?

onethreealpha 2011-05-16 11:21

Re: Wp7 f yes!

Originally Posted by ASIAN (Post 1007288)
I have rights to voice my opinion, if Maemo fanboys/girls can convince me to love my N900 again, then It's a win for them.

You're making the mistake of assuming anyone actually gives a fcuk what sort of phone/device you get/own.

Good luck, which ever way you go mate, but you don't need to be a c*cksmoker in the process..

amritpal2489 2011-05-16 11:21

Re: I cannot wait!
lol.... he would be as dissappointed with nokia wp7 as he is with meego

Dion_ddc 2011-05-16 11:21

Re: I cannot wait!
For those who think I am Elop. You are wrong.


My username is Dion_ddc.

teh 2011-05-16 11:22

Re: Wp7 f yes!
Ok children run along now. Go and buy your self a WP7 from Nokia.

Its obvious you two did no research in the first place when you brought your N900's and yes I will stick up for the community. They work extremely hard to make the N900 as good as we can have it. I appreciate the work that goes in, unlike you two.

eefo 2011-05-16 11:24

Re: Wp7 f yes!
i dont know if someone has gone through this thread but microsoft is really a piece of -beep- :P

joppu 2011-05-16 11:25

Re: Wp7 f yes!
WP7 would be more of a downgrade really. You can't even use your own ringtone. They at least got the copy-paste in a recent update, right?

tlex26 2011-05-16 11:25

Re: I cannot wait!
Why was this thread even created?
You already found the thread from your friend ASIAN.

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