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stewp6340 2007-08-08 18:00

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
Oh, and one more thing, when I tried to do this all again from the start following tama's great instructions, I get an error on this command:

# insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/ext2.ko
that says:

mod: cannot insert '/mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/ext2.ko': File Exists

what gives here? How should I handle this?


tama 2007-08-08 18:41

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by stewp6340 (Post 66682)
mod: cannot insert '/mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/ext2.ko': File Exists

what gives here? How should I handle this?


Just ignore and move on. This just says that ext2.ko is already loaded. So you are fine.

middguy 2007-08-09 14:45

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by stewp6340 (Post 66661)

when you said that you started all over from the beginning by reflashing, what system/file did you reflash? I am wondering if I should do the same? What reflash method did you use?

Nokia flashing program to latest official release

stewp6340 2007-08-09 17:15

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

If I flash from the Nokia site using the provided software wizard download, will I lose any additional software I have installed (e.g. Claws email, FBReader, etc)? I have a bunch of email filters setup in Claws that I would hate to lose.

middguy 2007-08-09 20:52

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by stewp6340 (Post 67092)

If I flash from the Nokia site using the provided software wizard download, will I lose any additional software I have installed (e.g. Claws email, FBReader, etc)? I have a bunch of email filters setup in Claws that I would hate to lose.

On reflash you will lose everything. Not sure if backing up will save those.

bythesea 2007-08-10 19:10

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by tama (Post 66583)
Use this procesure


# /tar-temp/bin/tar cf - -C /floppy . | /tar-temp/bin/tar xvf - -C /opt

i encounter an error after executing this command:
/tar-temp/bin/tar: not found
/tar-temp/bin/tar: not found

i have followed your steps carefully so i am not sure what is wrong.
can you advise me?

bythesea 2007-08-12 17:48

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by bythesea (Post 67504)
i encounter an error after executing this command:
/tar-temp/bin/tar: not found
/tar-temp/bin/tar: not found

i have followed your steps carefully so i am not sure what is wrong.
can you advise me?

advices from anyone? :o

Milhouse 2007-08-12 18:07

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by bythesea (Post 67930)
advices from anyone? :o

Try following the ultra simplified install script in the following thread:

If you still have problems, it might be time to give up (or at least learn more about Linux before tackling tasks such as cloning the OS).

bythesea 2007-08-18 06:49

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
one of the advantages of booting from mmc states that applications can be installed on the mmc

after completing the procedure listed in the above link, i installed an application from one of the repos. i was not given the option to choose between installing in the flash or installing on the mmc: the apps was simply installed in the flash.

if i am not mistaken, by extending the root filesystem, does it mean that apps will continue to be installed in the flash TILL it fills up before continuing the installing on the mmc?

btw, upon powering on, which option should be selected from the boot menu:
"MMC card" or "MMC card, partition 2, ext2"?

Milhouse 2007-08-18 17:36

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
If you boot from MMC, your apps will be installed in MMC.
If you boot from internal flash, your apps will be installed in internal flash.

Simple, really. Once booted from MMC, you have no access to internal flash (ie. the flash on the device motherboard).

The second option you listed, assuming you cloned the OS to MMC card, on partition 2 using the ext2 filesystem....

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