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salcykhan 2012-03-04 03:43

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
i wish maemo on sumsang glide
it dual core with keyborad

jem555 2012-03-20 01:53

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Hi. Anyone is still working on this?

gerbick 2012-03-20 01:56

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Nobody was really working on this. It was talk, nothing more.

Nemo is about as close as you'll get to Maemo on any other non-Nokia device.

jem555 2012-03-20 02:20

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Yeah... But a spark of hope is always there. Maemo 5 has become a great OS and lately this community has been working a lot. Why not give it a try on a newer device with better specs? I also know that there are no drivers but who knows... OSs in the actual market are worthless! What can we expect from android, iOS o w7? Even symbian's life is a dead end.

ibrakalifa 2012-03-20 02:25

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
no its just a dream, dream thats can be real if nokia release the sources, :(

jem555 2012-03-20 02:44

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
What could be done for this to happen? Nobody asked for the sources to nokia yet? I know it's not that easy...but there has to be already an answer... Of not, there has to be something to do, don't you think?

ibrakalifa 2012-03-20 02:56

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
i want to see its happened too, it will be so amazing to run maemo on dualcore or maybe quadcore and best gpu outside there, but its just a dream, just admit it, nokia will not release the sources, *sigh

jem555 2012-03-22 20:43

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
Do you know if anybody tried to flash maemo on a milestone 3 for example or on any other device?
I think both devices share similar hardware.
I read on the web that milestone 3 bootloader has been unlocked.

szopin 2012-03-22 21:40

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead
The best bet would be Pre 3, with the whole opensourcing webos etc... not that significant, but as webos things run practically with no changes required...

GrimyHR 2012-03-23 15:28

Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1182950)
The best bet would be Pre 3, with the whole opensourcing webos etc... not that significant, but as webos things run practically with no changes required...

lol, yeah no changes when porting to a completly different hardware...

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