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col37400 2012-01-17 03:00

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1151482)
That's like picking a car based on the stereo in it...

When I originally got my N900, it could offer a combination of things that few other phones could at that time.

Since then, smartphones have fully entered the mainstream, lots of stuff has developed massively (Android for example) and for me, many phones can now offer the things I want.

So, it's likely to come down to the one feature that a) is of significant interest to me and b) the quality of which varies substantially from phone to phone. And that is the camera.

Although, I do also like having a hardware keyboard and resistive/stylus optimised screen so these things could also come into play.

HELLASISGREECE 2012-01-17 04:32

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by msa (Post 1151319)
i got myself a nexus s a few days ago. its not expensive anymore and android 4.0 is available for it.

the nexus s is (by miles) inferior to the N900.

excelar8 2012-01-17 05:49

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I have a Galaxy Nexus and the only thing I miss from my N900 is the FM Transmitter

jurop88 2012-01-17 06:43

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by LordVan (Post 1151268)
... maybe get a battery off ebay (but who knows how long those last ..) ...

Don't worry too much and go by that road, but first remember to have a look at excellent dr_frost_dk's battery thread

jaeezzy 2012-01-17 06:51

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I've already got myself N9...

LordVan 2012-01-17 07:24

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1151454)
You need one of these!

ok just why did you link me the pink one? :p I see what you are getting at though ... although as I said the Galaxy note has pressure sensitivity .. I'm probably gonna poke at a friends Note at some point -- definitely before I buy one .. but first trying out some battery hacks I found on here or maybe buy another one .. -- one other issue is that sometimes I can'T take calls since the phone switches to the telephone app too slowly (that might've been solved with the speedpatch though still testing)

LordVan 2012-01-17 07:31

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by jurop88 (Post 1151662)
Don't worry too much and go by that road, but first remember to have a look at excellent dr_frost_dk's battery thread

Thanks I will check it out but probably later as it seems this is quite the lengthy procedure ;)

shuraizo 2012-01-17 07:47

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Most likely SGT 7.7
CMIIW, Battery technology seems to have a hard time keeping up with the phone processors, so the next logical option is to get a bigger device which will allow more room for battery..

Sure you will lose a bit of portability, but it's worth it IMO

I'm not sure how quad core phones will manage the battery life,
Wouldn't it be like N900 where power and battery consumption is not properly balanced?

Hacker 2012-01-17 08:17

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I'm allll about the N9. I wasn't sure how I would feel about it at first, but I've been hands-on with it for two weeks now and I'm very happy with it post n900. Best phone ever.

lvlonkey 2012-01-17 09:10

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Im kinda liking the specs on the samsung captivate glide. I wish it was possible to put maemo on it.

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