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ZogG 2012-06-29 23:35

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
What should be done and how should it be done to replace or remove one of the council if the most community would vote like that?

Estel 2012-06-30 00:09

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Vote for someone else in next election?

misterc 2012-06-30 12:32

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by ZogG (Post 1229214)
What should be done and how should it be done to replace or remove one of the council if the most community would vote like that?

elect an alternate Council or shadow Council?

EDIT: thanks to this post not needed anymore...
Council has listened :)

ZogG 2012-06-30 12:43

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by misterc (Post 1229397)
elect an alternate Council or shadow Council?

i think more of the option 4 councils

misiak 2012-06-30 13:14

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
ivgalvez, if you have a list of packages without active maintainers, could you publish it or pm it to me when you will be able to (no need to rush ;)), even if it's incomplete? I think (so it's my personal oppinion and everyone else could think differently) that having this information available (maybe a wiki page?) would help finding new maintainers ;) I, for one, would be interested in picking some projects if they are interesting enough. Maybe I'm not the best coder, but I can catch up on someone else's code, to not waste words, I was trying to help with different packages when pali took over kernel power and changed the way kernel reports temperature (see e/g/ and ) and lately I've been trying to help with OpenGL ES for Lincity and recompiled hildon-desktop with some logging to help marmistrz sort out why the hell some apps rotate despite being blacklisted. So, ivgalvez, if you have such list, please let me know :)

joerg_rw 2012-06-30 14:13

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by ZogG (Post 1229214)
What should be done and how should it be done to replace or remove one of the council if the most community would vote like that?

easy answer: collect supporting votes, e.g in a tmo thread. As soon as the number of supporting users exceeds a certain number (e.g. the total number of valid votes in last council elections), council is supposed to organize a referendum.


usually you publish a decent letter of intent on the issue, then supporting users can "sign", like

We, the signing maemo community members, ask council to initiate a referendum about:

council shall organize new council elections, during the next X weeks the latest.
The ballots shall contain an option to vote for council with reduced number of members / excluding particular candidates from council (negative vote), in addition to all those candidates running for council membership. A "no further candidates" option seems appropriate for that.
The rules of counting the votes have to be adapted to allow for such votes 'against' (parts of) council to take effect. In expression if "no further candidates" is the winning option at any stage of counting the votes, then no further candidates will get into the council and counting votes is considered finished at that point
...or some similar but better worded and thought request.

since Estel mentioned to me that many people might have misconceived this post, here a clarification: this post is not meant to support any riot destined at directly removing any council member. Au contraire! It describes the general procedure to introduce requests for reasonable improvements or changes to rules, as practiced in virtually all democracies. Nobody would think such a procedure as described by me would have any chance to pan out for idiotic requests like e.g. all women aren't allowed to wear any clothes in public anymore ;-D. However common sense is that common sense will kill those idiotic requests in the stage of collecting support. And in the end it's the administrative entity that will reject requests that are against any of the valid rules aka laws - that's why a request to shoot politicians never will result in executive doing that (usually), despite I might imagine such a request often finds a lot of support ;-)

Estel 2012-06-30 15:05

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Very interesting. Could You, please, provide sources of this info (with mentioned thresholds, etc)? I have never heard about it.

For some reason, I can't shake feeling, that You've just invented it, as abuse of general referendum system, for sake of this answer. Of course, it's just *silly* me - I'm absolutely sure that You - as respected Community member - would never do such childish thing, so it must be written somewhere, in ancient wikis, founded by Maemo ancestors.

I'm really eager to read it, so I'm awaiting - impatiently - for Your answers.


vetsin 2012-06-30 15:08

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
i tried looking for the real answer in the FAQ but didn't see it as well.
the fact that some people are looking for the proper procedure to evict an elected council member speaks something. i hope you get the message.

ZogG 2012-06-30 15:10

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
i think there is always the first time

Arie 2012-06-30 15:10

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by vetsin (Post 1229444)
i tried looking for the real answer in the FAQ but didn't see it as well.
the fact that some people are looking for the proper procedure to evict an elected council member speaks something. i hope you get the message.

Does that mean if he gets evicted, I get his place?

I came in 6th place :)

Haha, does that mean we can take his device from him too?

Other more qualified devs deserve it.

Edit: Someone quote me since, he has me on ignore list he won't see my post.

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