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rahulthewall 2012-09-05 10:19

Re: Skype not working on N9
I contacted Nokia Care. Here is an excerpt of the reply that I have received:


Thank you for contacting Nokia Care.

From your email I understand that you have difficulties with skype contacts since the skype app was changed. As you described the issue I have escalated it to our next level of technical support for investigation and tests. I will contact you again, when I receive an answer from my colleagues regarding your case.
Let's wait and watch.

Setok 2012-09-05 22:09

Re: Skype not working on N9
Skype seemed to work for a while after restarting the phone, but I'm back to the "Incorrect login" after a few hours. As mentioned, several Mac people have had to update their clients recently, so Skype might have cut support for an older protocol. That might be affecting the N9 now too, although that's pure speculation.

thedead1440 2012-09-06 04:20

Re: Skype not working on N9
i use Skype on my n9 everyday for both Skype to Skype and Skype Out but have absolutely no issues...oh and i have two accounts that i use interchangeably daily yet contacts are synced well...

nexthuman89 2012-09-06 07:28

Re: Skype not working on N9
I use skype on another nokia N9 and has contacts all right, but when you put my original skype contacts no nothing ...

nexthuman89 2012-09-08 11:45

Re: Skype not working on N9
the problem is related to the display name and details on the profile. fill out your name, mail, date of birth and telephone number. fill in all the contacts appear online status !!!
hopefully work with you.

rahulthewall 2012-09-08 13:19

Re: Skype not working on N9

Originally Posted by nexthuman89 (Post 1263074)
the problem is related to the display name and details on the profile. fill out your name, mail, date of birth and telephone number. fill in all the contacts appear online status !!!
hopefully work with you.

Confirmed, this works. So much for being a privacy paranoiac.

edgar2 2012-09-08 18:47

Re: Skype not working on N9
skype contacts disappeared to me too, re-adding contacts puts them into "checking" state. now, trying to fill in the details as suggested above does not seem to succeed, not when doing it on the n9. the details don't get saved. those of you who apparently fixed your skype issues, did you fill in the details on a desktop skype client or am i missing something?

thedead1440 2012-09-09 01:52

Re: Skype not working on N9

Originally Posted by edgar2 (Post 1263320)
skype contacts disappeared to me too, re-adding contacts puts them into "checking" state. now, trying to fill in the details as suggested above does not seem to succeed, not when doing it on the n9. the details don't get saved. those of you who apparently fixed your skype issues, did you fill in the details on a desktop skype client or am i missing something?

AFAIK you have to fill your details up using the desktop client... It would be preferable to delete the account from the n9, fill details via desktop then add back the account on the n9... Do remember to reboot the n9 between deletion and addition of the account...

mcbook 2012-09-15 15:02

Re: Skype not working on N9
If someone is still having trouble with this...

Setting the "Full name" field in Skype to match my skype Account name worked for me!

For example:

Skype name : user_76789
Full Name : user_76789

did the trick for me

Edit those settings in your skype desktop client...


willyd 2012-09-15 22:23

Re: Skype not working on N9

Originally Posted by mcbook (Post 1266917)
If someone is still having trouble with this...

Setting the "Full name" field in Skype to match my skype Account name worked for me!

For example:

Skype name : user_76789
Full Name : user_76789

did the trick for me

Edit those settings in your skype desktop client...


My skype contact list was empty ("No Contacts") and this did the trick for me with one more step:
I had to fill in Gender, Birthday and Language fields on the PC client.
Then I deleted my N9 skype account and added it back again.
All the contacts showed up.
p.s. I have skype on Windows 7

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