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dcastrog 2013-01-11 18:28

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
wow, very nice wondering what it is?

N9 is Harmattan which is Maemo 6 with Swipe UI and called "MeeGo" for marketing purposes.
Real MeeGo never got released as far as I know

So maybe this is Maemo 6 without Swipe UI. Have you trying adding widgets to the homescreen?

MINKIN2 2013-01-11 18:37

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Would it be too much to ask for a short video of the UI in action? (and maybe an app or two launching for transition effects)

Thanks :)

Rusnak-COBRA 2013-01-11 18:43

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Good, so good. Not so much nice, but still good enough :) this is early build, this needs to be saved! backup that!

real maemo6 based image.

udaychaitanya16 2013-01-11 18:51

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
First off Please answer Pali's query
contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

herpderp 2013-01-11 19:58

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by udaychaitanya16 (Post 1313838)
First off Please answer Pali's query
contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

You hope the repos it used are still available? Fat chance...

MAX9 2013-01-11 21:26

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Here a video to boot up a N950 proto, looks like MeeGo Images from here.

myname24 2013-01-11 22:31

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
one and only conclusion . harmattan was 1 year late .ux was ready in 2010 after this video it just needed some polish and that shouldn't take a year and half . Meego was good but something happened pre elop and after elop came .

munozferna 2013-01-12 00:39

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
The video looks quite different to the pictures from n950. Keep the pics coming :)

Akkumaru 2013-01-12 02:53

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
@Max9 That OS in the video looks like it was based on mer... Referring to the launching of apps. Or does MeeGo do it too?

Hurrian 2013-01-12 03:29

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Holy moly. Would you mind posting a tar of the filesystem?

Shot you a PM, I'd be interested in booting this thing on final N9 hardware.

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