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setter 2013-06-28 16:29

Re: N9 is the most unreliable phone I've ever used - fixed!!!
It's probably crap behind the controls.....

snowboarder 2013-06-29 08:44

Re: N9 is the most unreliable phone I've ever used - fixed!!!

Originally Posted by setter (Post 1355387)
It's probably crap behind the controls.....

What controls?


snowboarder 2013-06-29 08:59

Re: N9 is the most unreliable phone I've ever used

Originally Posted by lancewex (Post 1355215)
Whoever mentioned a Yahoo password problem--that happens on my Mac, and its totally a Yahoo issue.

As for the battery problem of the OP--clearly a hardware issue specific to his phone. If it were widespread it would be all over this forum. Totally outside of reality to think it's a bad phone design instead of the obvious lemon he has. With the problems described i wouldn't use the phone for a week. Who has that kind if patience. Sounds exagerated.

All it takes is about 30 seconds to look on this forum and others to see others complain about the 4% battery problem. I love this phone and what the potential of it could have been. The majority of the apps are good quality apps that are useful to me daily. If you think that someone is going to post here and exaggerate to make the N9 or Nokia "look bad" then thats your paranoid right.
In regards to both of our opinions, you know what they say...opinions are like a**h***s, we all have one.

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