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Dave999 2013-07-22 18:31

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by krutznikov (Post 1361081)
In fact, I'm not using android so I don't care about the apps :D

But i'm dubtful: when you launch your desktop operating system, will you still be able to use your smartphone (I mean, will I get my phone calls at least?!)

Yes, you can call via desktop mode. However, its seems like the desktop mode won't be ready at launch. This is an Os under development.

mikecomputing 2013-07-22 18:35

Re: Ubuntu Phone

Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1361025)
Even though I want to move away from Ubuntu post-Mir, this is very tempting. I do want to support open source projects, and I presume other distributions could leverage the same binary blobs the Edge will have.

The $600 package is shifting quite quickly though, 70 sales in 20 minutes, so if you're thinking about it, keep an eye on the number of takers, it's 198/5000 when I made this post.

PS, can we change the thread title to Ubuntu Edge?

MiR is megalomina and epic stupidness and has fragmented Linux and its community. Do not support Canonical!

qwazix 2013-07-22 18:35

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened
I don't like their latest moves either, and on my newest machine I opted to go for gnome as my shell, so that I'm not too dependent on them.

BUT, they are sooo closer to my idea of phone, and so much more open than any of the spying competition (apart from Jolla, which remains #1 hope in my book) that I decided to support them. Even just to show the world that not everybody wants an android.

railroadmaster 2013-07-22 18:37

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1361083)
DUAL BOOT! WTF? Are they to scared going all the way Ubuntu?

I want comanys who comes with something FRESH. Not companys copycats even the marketing campaign is looking like something coming from Apple.

Now they make me even more sure its time for me throw ubuntu on my work computer and home machine in trashbin :mad:

They are dualbooting so that they can use Ubuntu for Android. Ubuntu desktop mode is not yet available for Ubuntu touch it will be with a simple update.

nokiabot 2013-07-22 18:57

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened
still no infrared:(

nokiabot 2013-07-22 19:01

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?
no infrared no preoder !

mikecomputing 2013-07-22 19:04

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1361089)
They are dualbooting so that they can use Ubuntu for Android. Ubuntu desktop mode is not yet available for Ubuntu touch it will be with a simple update.

Yeah and that again smells desperate from Canonicals side....

Alecsandru 2013-07-22 19:29

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?
more like :no money , no preorder

Wallace 2013-07-22 19:32

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened
Im not sure I want to run Ubuntu software any more. Damm...

Dave999 2013-07-22 19:45

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?
Unfortunately, I doubt they will raise the $32 m needed in 30 days,

The first million is a done deal.

I guess $10 m in 30 days.

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