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hhaveri 2015-02-11 10:46

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by wrm (Post 1460401)
Amazing app by features, but had to uninstall because of battery draining. 5% drop in 5 minutes. O i'm doing something wrong? Just set timing on flight mode, nothing more.

Does this happen with the latest version? There used to be a timer bug causing this kind of behavior but it should be fixed already.

zagrim 2015-02-11 11:09

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1460400)
A bit off-topic for this forum, but besides the timing option, is there something else that you would miss from Llama with the Android version of Situations (which does have more features available currently than the Sailfish version)?

I do have also another feature request :) I quickly checked the Android version of Situations and it doesn't seem to have this, either.
Let's say one wants to have wifi enabled and mobile data disabled in some locations, and otherwise have wifi disabled and mobile data enabled. One way to do this is to have defined areas/locations (e.g. by cell IDs, just like in Situations currently) and on top of that events like "left area" and "entered area". Then, when entering a specific area, mobile data would be dropped and wifi enabled, and the opposite would happen upon leaving. I'm not quite sure how much an unused wifi draws power, but IMO at least maintaining mobile data when it is not needed is a power hog that can and should be eliminated.

This would enable, in addition to the above example, having ringer volume turned up when leaving home (to be able to notice it better while in noisier surroundings) and other such things. Some cases can be managed by having a generic situation (with a high ringer volume) which then is overridden by more specific ones, but that approach makes it necessary to have extra situation(s) just for the baseline/default condition(s).

Additionally, to handle the area borders nicely, as the phone might alternate between cells in and outside of the specified area, there would need to be a sort of a dampening to avoid rapid switching between situations... something like a configurable timer attached to the enter/leave area event so that when initially entering the area, the timer starts, and if and only if the condition still holds after the timer runs out, the situation is triggered (and similarly for leaving an area).

Edit: good to hear the timed manual situation is on TODO list. I'm a bit new to the Sailfish way of doing UI and can't come up with any good suggestions right now...

wrm 2015-02-11 11:18

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1460402)
Does this happen with the latest version? There used to be a timer bug causing this kind of behavior but it should be fixed already.

That was yesterday :) installed from Jolla store. That is a must have app for me, cause i usually keep the phone under my pillow :D so it is better to have it in flight mode :)

hhaveri 2015-02-11 12:39

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by zagrim (Post 1460404)
I do have also another feature request :) I quickly checked the Android version of Situations and it doesn't seem to have this, either...

I'm not sure what in you description is not doable with Situations - except the dampening part (at least for now, they are on TODO also but a bit further down on the list). Probably it's just a question of different mindset / mental model on how the application works.

Situations model is more about states than enter & exit events. That is, if you configure a situation with some settings, those settings will be active during the situation and be automatically reverted back when the situation ends (there are of course some exceptions with actions that cannot be reverted reliably/easily or at all, like launching an app). And then there is of course the normal phone state when no situation is active.

So, if you want to have wifi disabled and mobile data enabled by default, first make sure you don't have any situation active (just to make sure situations is not already in some state for those settings) and configure your phone settings like you want them to be. Then create situations for different locations and make them enable wifi and disable mobile data. This way you will have wifi on and mobile data off in those locations and elsewhere vice versa.

So you don't necessarily need a baseline situation since your normal phone settings are the baseline.

Does this make any sense?

hhaveri 2015-02-11 12:41

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by wrm (Post 1460405)
That was yesterday :) installed from Jolla store. That is a must have app for me, cause i usually keep the phone under my pillow :D so it is better to have it in flight mode :)

Ok, thanks, I need to check if I can reproduce the problem. Would help if you could also try it again and see what kind of setup exactly is causing it and if it happens with any other settings.

nodevel 2015-02-11 13:18

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by zagrim (Post 1460404)
I do have also another feature request :) I quickly checked the Android version of Situations and it doesn't seem to have this, either.
Let's say one wants to have wifi enabled and mobile data disabled in some locations, and otherwise have wifi disabled and mobile data enabled. One way to do this is to have defined areas/locations (e.g. by cell IDs, just like in Situations currently) and on top of that events like "left area" and "entered area".

This is actually what I am using Situations for - it is can be done quite easily using the current feature set.

Let me elaborate:

Let's say I want to have wifi enabled (and mobile data disabled) at home and the other way around anywhere else. I then set up these three situations:
  • at home - based on proximity of my wifi network, triggering it will disable mobile data
  • around home - based on cellular networks at home & a condition (situation != at home), triggering it will enable both mobile data and wifi
  • outside - based on a condition (situation != at home OR around home), triggering it will disable wifi

It is not that straightforward, but I hope it helps, because I've been happily using this scenario ever since Situations came out for Jolla.

EDIT: It would work much better if the wifi condition in Situations checked connected networks only, because sometimes the wifi has a low signal and disconnects (but is still visible) and I end up without an internet connection. If the condition was as I suggest, it would seamlessly switch between wifi and mobile data in such situations.

zagrim 2015-02-11 13:42

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1460421)
Let's say I want to have wifi enabled (and mobile data disabled) at home and the other way around anywhere else. I then set up these three situations:
  • at home - based on proximity of my wifi network, triggering it will disable mobile data
  • around home - based on cellular networks at home & a condition (situation != at home), triggering it will enable both mobile data and wifi
  • outside - based on a condition (situation != at home OR around home), triggering it will disable wifi

It is not that straightforward, but I hope it helps, because I've been happily using this scenario ever since Situations came out for Jolla.

Thanks, I'll need to try that out. I haven't really used situations in conditions, but your logic above seems pretty solid.

While trying to get this set up, I noticed one thing that's missing: Even though cell ID sets (areas) are named, I can't re-use one that has been defined already, I need to record a new one...

hhaveri 2015-02-11 13:47

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by zagrim (Post 1460422)
While trying to get this set up, I noticed one thing that's missing: Even though cell ID sets (areas) are named, I can't re-use one that has been defined already, I need to record a new one...

You find a lot of things that are on the TODO-list ;) Yes, currently the name is there only for some sort of UI recognability purposes but should be usable in the future also for selection between already recorded areas.

skanky 2015-02-11 13:52

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1460421)
This is actually what I am using Situations for - it is can be done quite easily using the current feature set.

Let me elaborate:

Let's say I want to have wifi enabled (and mobile data disabled) at home and the other way around anywhere else. I then set up these three situations:
  • at home - based on proximity of my wifi network, triggering it will disable mobile data
  • around home - based on cellular networks at home & a condition (situation != at home), triggering it will enable both mobile data and wifi
  • outside - based on a condition (situation != at home OR around home), triggering it will disable wifi

It is not that straightforward, but I hope it helps, because I've been happily using this scenario ever since Situations came out for Jolla.

EDIT: It would work much better if the wifi condition in Situations checked connected networks only, because sometimes the wifi has a low signal and disconnects (but is still visible) and I end up without an internet connection. If the condition was as I suggest, it would seamlessly switch between wifi and mobile data in such situations.

Do we know that Situations won't turn on wifi and check for Home while Outside? That's the behaviour I'd expect.

One application that I used to use on Android was Tasker. It was a fantastic application for this sort of thing, esp in early versions of Android. It might be worth trawling for ideas...I never tried Llama, so can't compare them.

hhaveri 2015-02-11 14:11

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by skanky (Post 1460425)
Do we know that Situations won't turn on wifi and check for Home while Outside? That's the behaviour I'd expect.

Situations does not turn on wifi unless instructed to do so via actions. Wi-Fi condition just assumes nothing has changed in the surrounding environment if it cannot scan available networks.

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