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KotCzarny 2015-02-19 10:50

Re: oscp - console player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
another update, apart from bugfixes, spawn-local-core is in! what does it mean? if you have oscp in path or configured it in, you can simply launch, spawn local core via button and connect to it automatically (no need to run two things separately, but you need recent oscp core build). please test, comment and enjoy!

ps. tested only with pc version, but should work with nit ones
ps2. fixed again and it's working now

KotCzarny 2015-02-19 15:19

Re: oscp - console player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
hah. update to now hardware +/- are bound to next/prev track, thanks qwerty12!

nokiabot 2015-02-19 17:15

Re: oscp - console player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
how do i install it on n900

KotCzarny 2015-02-19 17:20

Re: oscp - console player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
1/ grab oscp (on fremantle grab oscp-n8x0-n900.gz on another distro with pulseaudio grab oscp-n900-PA.gz)
2/ grab
3/ unpack and put on /opt/bin or somewhere in the PATH or anywhere where you can execute things
4/ chmod +x oscp
5/ configure
6/ run (or if you want ncurses version run oscp)

later i'll prepare packages for diablo/fremantle

KotCzarny 2015-02-20 11:42

Re: oscp - console player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
1 Attachment(s)
quick hint: want to turn n8x0/n900 into radio tuner? grab the attachment, unpack somewhere, navigate there with oscp, play!
credit: stations grabbed from app (which is also nice)

nokiabot 2015-02-20 12:55

Re: oscp - console player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI

Originally Posted by KotCzarny (Post 1461456)
quick hint: want to turn n8x0/n900 into radio tuner? grab the attachment, unpack somewhere, navigate there with oscp, play!
credit: stations grabbed from app (which is also nice)

this deserves its own threadc;)

KotCzarny 2015-02-20 13:05

Re: oscp - console player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
it has, right here, right now ;) why whould you need any other player than oscp?

nokiabot 2015-02-20 13:06

Re: oscp - console player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
how do i unpack the file tar -xvzf does not seem to work nither archieve manager

KotCzarny 2015-02-20 13:09

Re: oscp - console player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
check if it downloaded ok, checked just now and it works. 241020 bytes, md5:
892de68f35f0904990e34ad918f5150e screamradio-stations-20150220.tar.gz

nokiabot 2015-02-20 13:17

Re: oscp - console player for (almost) any file format, now with pygtk GUI
na na i am talking about the oscp file :

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