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jellyroll 2016-07-15 16:50

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by RealJohnGalt (Post 1509668)
I tested aptoide and everything seems to work in it. Does your wifi icon in sfdroid show an exclamation mark (!)? If so, sfdroid probably started up without a network connection in sailfish. A reboot and reopen of sfdroid when it has a network connection should fix this.

Otherwise, I'll need a logcat since I can't recreate. Please recreate, then run "devel-su /system/bin/logcat > sfdroid" and upload the "sfdroid" file somewhere. I'll add the network issue and reboot workaround to the "Known Issues" section for now.

A reboot fixed it. Other applications like the default webbrowser and WA do connect to the internet when the wifi icon shows an exclamation mark.

EDIT: running the command 'pkill zygote' as root inside sfdroid does also fix it.

akira.pwr 2016-07-15 22:26

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I have reflashed sfdroid and gapps over previous sfdroid and now seems working fine even after a reboot. :)

RealJohnGalt 2016-07-16 07:59

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by akira.pwr (Post 1509752)
I have reflashed sfdroid and gapps over previous sfdroid and now seems working fine even after a reboot. :)

That's good to know. If you run into something like that again, please get a logcat. The more bizarre and hard to replicate bugs are the ones we need logs for the most.

When I wake up, I'll update topic for getting logcats with an upload line.

akira.pwr 2016-07-16 13:09

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I have to report a problem occurred a pair of times, the UI freezed and the red light started bliking, I had to reboot the device, fdroid was active, I don't know if it was related to it.

Inviato dal mio Sony Z5

jellyroll 2016-07-16 17:05

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by RealJohnGalt (Post 1509185)
Disable Sfdroid:

curl -o init.rc.bak
curl -o init.zygote32.rc.bak
cp -f init.rc.bak /init.rc
cp -f init.zygote32.rc.bak /init.zygote32.rc

I'm trying to create two desktop icons for disable/enabling sfdroid without the need to reboot the device afterwards. Is this possible and if so which command do I have to use at the end?

RealJohnGalt 2016-07-18 21:52

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by akira.pwr (Post 1509787)
I have to report a problem occurred a pair of times, the UI freezed and the red light started bliking, I had to reboot the device, fdroid was active, I don't know if it was related to it.

Inviato dal mio Sony Z5

Your device is running out of memory. I've been testing out zram swam and ksm with good results to work around this slightly, but this does end up harming battery life. Because of this, I'm waiting to see how multiwindow support (and removing systemui and other stuff) helps.


Originally Posted by jellyroll (Post 1509810)
I'm trying to create two desktop icons for disable/enabling sfdroid without the need to reboot the device afterwards. Is this possible and if so which command do I have to use at the end?

Currently you need to reboot due to the services started at boot through init. I'm not sure of a way around this off the top of my head. Even if we inherit our own .rc file, we would still probably need to reboot without init (binary) changes. You can diff those links with the sfdroid files to get an idea of the services now launched for sfdroid which were previously disabled.

m4r0v3r 2016-07-18 22:44

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by RealJohnGalt (Post 1510013)
Your device is running out of memory. I've been testing out zram swam and ksm with good results to work around this slightly, but this does end up harming battery life. Because of this, I'm waiting to see how multiwindow support (and removing systemui and other stuff) helps.

Currently you need to reboot due to the services started at boot through init. I'm not sure of a way around this off the top of my head. Even if we inherit our own .rc file, we would still probably need to reboot without init (binary) changes. You can diff those links with the sfdroid files to get an idea of the services now launched for sfdroid which were previously disabled.

can we simply stop the services when stopping sfdroid and start them again when starting? this would force a complete reload and add to loading time.

also camera works in aosp.

i remember running the antutu benchmark and i think normal n5 is 48k but now it was 32k. i guess that ram is going somewhere :P

nh1402 2016-07-19 07:07

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1510018)
can we simply stop the services when stopping sfdroid and start them again when starting? this would force a complete reload and add to loading time.

also camera works in aosp.

i remember running the antutu benchmark and i think normal n5 is 48k but now it was 32k. i guess that ram is going somewhere :P

We could try doing a soft reboot. I tried it way back in the day before sfdroid and it seemed to work. But that would be restarting and not stopping and starting on demand.

As for the Antutu benchmark score iirc Lollipop performed worse than KitKat. So part of that is down to RAM and part of it is Lollipop.

Bundyo 2016-07-19 14:19

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by nh1402 (Post 1510033)
As for the Antutu benchmark score iirc Lollipop performed worse than KitKat. So part of that is down to RAM and part of it is Lollipop.

Maybe ART has a finger in that too.

RealJohnGalt 2016-07-19 22:48

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Krnlyng (liar) noticed we were missing a frameworks/native hybris commit in hybris-12.1, and loading android instead of hybris gles libs which was causing the black screen issue.

I just updated topic and the sfdroid package to include the patched libEGL which fixes the black screen issue. Nothing else has been fixed in this update, but a lot is still being worked on.

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