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NerdKnight 2011-03-23 18:09

Re: GemRb Development Thread
New version:


  • Added proximity sensor RMB click
  • Fixed blank journal in PST

Warning: installation will overwrite /home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg config file

ivgalvez 2011-03-29 07:21

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Version 0.64 is out!

NerdKnight: Are you going to update the package in Extras? You can ask to be the maintainer here


Magik 2011-03-29 07:25

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Changes look promising :)

travel regions, projectiles, dialog startup
bink player has no/less artifacts, good sound quality
combat, effects, actions, triggers, banters
Maybe now bg2 will be more playable :)

NerdKnight 2011-03-29 11:21

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by ivgalvez (Post 977547)
Version 0.64 is out!

NerdKnight: Are you going to update the package in Extras? You can ask to be the maintainer here


I'll ask to be the mantainer, meanwhile here is the new version:

NerdKnight 2011-03-31 02:49

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I've uploaded gemrb 0.6.4-1 to extras-devel

maartenmk 2011-04-03 19:33

Re: GemRb Development Thread
In Icewind Dale, the journal file is completely unreadable, the text is more or less the same color as the background.

On the PC, the journal text is perfectly readable, using the same data and GemRb version.
Does anyone know a solution or a workaround?

Magik 2011-04-04 10:52

Re: GemRb Development Thread
maartenmk write about this on gemrb forums :)

pannkaksfest 2011-04-04 11:27

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Thanks for your work on GemRB everyone. I just installed bg2 on my
n900 and it working great, now when i am able to use right click. I am so happy =)

maartenmk 2011-04-06 18:41

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Thanks for the tip Magik, user Lynx on the gemrb forum said there's a patch available.
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to build a new version.
Nerdknight, could you help me out with that?

NerdKnight 2011-04-06 23:15

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by maartenmk (Post 983215)
Thanks for the tip Magik, user Lynx on the gemrb forum said there's a patch available.
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to build a new version.
Nerdknight, could you help me out with that?

I've tested IWD and the journal is perfectly readable for me, do you have the last version (0.6.4-1) from extras installed? I had this problem too with version 0.6.1-1

ArnimS 2011-04-07 05:46

Re: GemRb Development Thread
y'all can hang-out in #gemrb on it's where i reported the greyed-out journal error (which happily got fixed)

maartenmk 2011-04-07 08:57

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by NerdKnight (Post 983333)
I've tested IWD and the journal is perfectly readable for me, do you have the last version (0.6.4-1) from extras installed? I had this problem too with version 0.6.1-1

I was sure I did.... but I was wrong, it was 0.6.3 :o
That helped, thanks, and sorry for not paying attention.

maartenmk 2011-04-10 15:11

Re: GemRb Development Thread
is there any way to switch off the proximity sensor input?
I am lefthanded, so my hand keeps activating it.

NerdKnight 2011-04-10 18:28

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by maartenmk (Post 985080)
is there any way to switch off the proximity sensor input?
I am lefthanded, so my hand keeps activating it.

Nope, the proximity sensor is always activated, I'll see if I can make it configurable through the gemrb.cfg file

NerdKnight 2011-04-12 13:51

Re: GemRb Development Thread
New version uploaded.
  • Added configuration of right button to gemrb.cfg: now you can chose the keyboard key and disable proximity sensor right click
  • Installation no longer overwrite existing gemrb.cfg file, now creates an example file: ~/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg.ex and creates gemrb.cfg if it doesn't exist
Example of the new parameters added to gemrb.cfg:


# N900 specific config                              #

#                                                    #

# RightClickEmulatorButton: defines the key to      #

# emulate the right mouse button click.            #

#                                                    #

# ProximitySensorEnabled: enable/disable proximity  #

# sensor to emulate right mouse button click.      #

# 1=enabled, 0=disabled                                    #




maartenmk 2011-04-12 19:29

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Thanks, that was fast!
I had a small issue, I think my cfg file was overwritten after all. (I had a backup)

NerdKnight 2011-04-13 13:14

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by maartenmk (Post 986800)
Thanks, that was fast!
I had a small issue, I think my cfg file was overwritten after all. (I had a backup)

Are you sure? I made some tests and didn't happened to me

ArnimS 2011-04-18 15:56

Re: GemRb Development Thread
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by NerdKnight (Post 986470)
New version uploaded.
Example of the new parameters added to gemrb.cfg:


# N900 specific config                              #

#                                                    #

# RightClickEmulatorButton: defines the key to      #

# emulate the right mouse button click.            #

#                                                    #

# ProximitySensorEnabled: enable/disable proximity  #

# sensor to emulate right mouse button click.      #

# 1=enabled, 0=disabled                                    #




^^^^ this is not what you released
vvvv this is what you released


# N900 specific config                              #^M
#                                                  #^M     
# RightClickEmulatorButton: defines the key to      #^M     
# emulate the right mouse button click.            #^M
#                                                  #^M
# ProximitySensorEnabled: enable/disable proximity  #^M
# sensor to emulate right mouse button click.      #^M
# 1=enabled, 0=disabled                            #^M

I'll let others comment.

[EDIT] fullscreen not working here despite being specified in gemrb.cfg

NerdKnight 2011-04-18 17:36

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 991176)
^^^^ this is not what you released
vvvv this is what you released


# N900 specific config                              #^M
#                                                  #^M     
# RightClickEmulatorButton: defines the key to      #^M     
# emulate the right mouse button click.            #^M
#                                                  #^M
# ProximitySensorEnabled: enable/disable proximity  #^M
# sensor to emulate right mouse button click.      #^M
# 1=enabled, 0=disabled                            #^M

I'll let others comment.

[EDIT] fullscreen not working here despite being specified in gemrb.cfg

I don't understand the problem with the cfg file. Do you mean the "^M" at the end if line?
To enable fullscreen you must edit the ini file in the game directory

ArnimS 2011-04-18 18:21

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Thanks for the reminder about fullscreen setting in baldur.ini.

I am not seeing any menus / borders. Tapping around the screen makes overlaid graphics flicker briefly.

Has anyone seen this?

I tried using a variety of savegames, and baldur.ini settings [edit] including the one with the ^MicroSoft ^Marker

[Program Options]^M
Install Type=3^M
Path Search Nodes=50000^M
Maximum Frame Rate=30^M
Full Screen=1^M
3D Acceleration=1^M
16Bit Textures=0^M
GLSetup Driver=0^M
Translucent Shadows=0^M
Disable Brighten=0^M
Force 50 Percent Transparent=0^M
Volume Movie=150^M
Volume Music=150^M
Volume Voices=150^M
Volume Ambients=150^M
Volume SFX=150^M
Screen Position X=-5^M
Screen Position Y=-25^M
Font Name=^M
Double Byte Character Support=0^M
Drop Capitals=1^M
Display Frequency=60^M
Sprite Mirror=0^M
Gamma Correction=1^M
Brightness Correction=8^M
Backwards Compatible 3d=0^M
Strref On=0^M
First Run=0^M
[Game Options]^M
Memory Access=100^M
Memory Level=1^M
Difficulty Level=3^M
Enhanced Path Finding=1^M
Use 3d Animations=0^M
Critical Hit Screen Shake=1^M
Low End Machine=0^M
Low End Machine 2=0^M
Duplicate Floating Text=0^M
Attack Sounds=1^M
Disable Casting Glows=0^M
Low Mem Sounds 1=0^M
Low Mem Sounds 2=0^M
Disable VEFVidCells=0^M
Mid Level Brighten=1^M
High Level Brighten=0^M
Tiles Precache Percent=75^M
Current Loading Hint=35^M
Mouse Scroll Speed=36^M
GUI Feedback Level=1^M
Locator Feedback Level=3^M
Bored Timeout=3000^M
Always Dither=1^M
Keyboard Scroll Speed=36^M
Command Sounds Frequency=2^M
Selection Sounds Frequency=2^M
Effect Text Level=30^M
Tutorial State=1^M
Auto Pause State=1153^M
Auto Pause Center=1^M
Quick Item Mapping=1^M
Environmental Audio=1^M
Heal Party on Rest=0^M
Terrain Hugging=0^M
HP Over Head=0^M
Hotkeys On Tooltips=1^M
Area Effects Density=100^M
Country Code=^M
Uninst_dir=c:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{7AF32AB1-CB97-11D4-9607-0050BA84F5F7}^M

maartenmk 2011-04-19 07:38

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by NerdKnight (Post 987313)
Are you sure? I made some tests and didn't happened to me

t was certainly gone in my case. I did notice GemRB checks a few locations for the cfg file. Mine was ./home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg

edheldil 2011-04-19 08:23

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Hi, guys,

the Fullscreen setting in gemrb.cfg is not working, possibly will be deprecated. You have to set it in the original game INI file. e.g. in baldur.ini, torment.ini or icewind.ini.

GemRB indeed looks for its config file in several locations, among others:



(beware of upper/lower letter case!)

But you can also use specific config file using the -c parameter, e.g.


gemrb -c ~/iwd.cfg
will use

. So it should be easy to create e.g. two *.desktop files, each calling gemrb with different config file, and hence possibly with different game. No need to create graphical menus :).

Alternatively you can create symbolic link, e.g. bg2 to point to gemrb binary and if you now type

gemrb will also look for


config file. Just saying ;-)

Anyway, feel free to come to #gemrb at freenode or to our forum, there is always somebody willing to talk about GemRB or the Infinity Engine games. Android ppl are already there :p .

NerdKnight 2011-04-20 05:24

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by maartenmk (Post 991598)
t was certainly gone in my case. I did notice GemRB checks a few locations for the cfg file. Mine was ./home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg

I've noticed that upgrading from previous versions causes the file being overwritten, should not happen in future releases.

TimusEravan 2011-04-25 06:16

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by NerdKnight (Post 994307)
Version 0.2 available!

New features:
  • Show cost of sent SMS
  • Show duration of calls
  • Show cost of calls
  • Options menu to set sms and minute cost

Notice: the call duration is not stored by default in the database, this information will be available since the first time you install this version.

Did you mean to post this someplace else? ;)

NerdKnight 2011-04-25 12:11

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by TimusEravan (Post 994861)
Did you mean to post this someplace else? ;)

Yep, my mistake It belongs to the SMSCounter thread, I was wondering were did that post go. :)

Lionelwalks 2011-07-31 23:26

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by WhiteIce (Post 723540)
Steps for getting gemrb to work with Baldur's Gate 2

1. Download these depencies

You could probably copy over to /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads
*Note case sensitive (you guys should know by now)

2. Download gemrb from here
*You may place it at /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads too

3. Grant yourself root access using xterminal using command -> sudo gainroot

4. Install each and every libopenal .deb files by using this command -> dpkg -i libopenal1-dbg_1.10.622-1_armel.deb

5. Install gemrb using the above same command -> dpkg -i gemrb-0.6.0-maemo0.deb

6. Create a bg2 folder/directory by using command -> mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/bg2
*This directory should contain all bg2 source files and folders.

7. Create folder for gemrb.cfg to reside in by using command ->
mkdir /home/user/.gemrb/

8.Download gemrb.cfg from

9. Move gemrb.cfg to /home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg by using command -> mv gemrb.cfg /home/user/.gemrb/
*Take note, you must be at the directory where you first placed gemrb.cfg like e.g. /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads

10. Run gemrb by using two command -> cd /usr/bin
-> gemrb

Just hope I did not make this up too complicated, this should make everything work but I'm sure I did miss out something

I'll continue to keep the post updated should I find out what I missed.

Hope you guys have some fun even though it might not be perfect enough.

Hi, sorry, noob here, x term keeps saying access denied when i try to access /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads and when i try and install the first package it says file doesn't exist :(

NerdKnight 2011-08-01 00:08

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Lionelwalks (Post 1061936)
Hi, sorry, noob here, x term keeps saying access denied when i try to access /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads and when i try and install the first package it says file doesn't exist :(

GemRb is already in extras-devel repository, try to install it from there

Jedibeeftrix 2011-08-01 14:02

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by NerdKnight (Post 1061948)
GemRb is already in extras-devel repository, try to install it from there

does it appear to be advancing towards the standard repo, i'd love to give this a go?

Lionelwalks 2011-08-05 08:17

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by NerdKnight (Post 1061948)
GemRb is already in extras-devel repository, try to install it from there

Hi, thanks for that, I have managed to get a few steps further than I was, tho when i cd /usr/bin
it can't find GemRB.cfg but ok's /home/usr/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg

it can't find the cache path and can't find the plugins path

thanks for your help, sorry to be so noobie lol

Lionelwalks 2011-08-05 19:49

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Lionelwalks (Post 1064474)
Hi, thanks for that, I have managed to get a few steps further than I was, tho when i cd /usr/bin
it can't find GemRB.cfg but ok's /home/usr/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg

it can't find the cache path and can't find the plugins path

thanks for your help, sorry to be so noobie lol

Hey again, ok, so I've edited the config file, it's still looking for the cache in media/mmc1/Games/GemRB/bg2/cache even after I edited the config file to get it from somewhere else....

Lionelwalks 2011-08-05 21:51

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Lionelwalks (Post 1064822)
Hey again, ok, so I've edited the config file, it's still looking for the cache in media/mmc1/Games/GemRB/bg2/cache even after I edited the config file to get it from somewhere else....

lol, here we go again!!!
when gemrb is loading it's loading the config file from /home/usr/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg not from the one we downloaded,
i can't get open the hidden file to edit it to change the path directories, i can find it, but can't open it, and in x term it says permission denied, is there a way around this? should i just connect my phone to my pc and find the hidden file then edit it on my pc?
thanks again and sorry again, new to this

Lionelwalks 2011-08-05 21:51

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Lionelwalks (Post 1061936)
Hi, sorry, noob here, x term keeps saying access denied when i try to access /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads and when i try and install the first package it says file doesn't exist :(

lol, here we go again!!!
when gemrb is loading it's loading the config file from /home/usr/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg not from the one we downloaded,
i can't get open the hidden file to edit it to change the path directories, i can find it, but can't open it, and in x term it says permission denied, is there a way around this? should i just connect my phone to my pc and find the hidden file then edit it on my pc?
thanks again and sorry again, new to this

NerdKnight 2011-08-06 07:43

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Version 0.6.5-2 available in extras-devel.

New features:
- quickspell support
- keymap.ini handling
- yet more unhardcoded PST projectiles
- area comments, party npc interactions
- ios port and enhanced touchscreen support

Improved features:
- performance
- squirrels and other small game don't die instantly
- stores and stacking
- effects, triggers, actions, dialogs
- secret door detection, turning undead
- bugfixes and internal cleanups

More info:

NerdKnight 2011-08-06 07:44

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Lionelwalks (Post 1064883)
lol, here we go again!!!
when gemrb is loading it's loading the config file from /home/usr/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg not from the one we downloaded,
i can't get open the hidden file to edit it to change the path directories, i can find it, but can't open it, and in x term it says permission denied, is there a way around this? should i just connect my phone to my pc and find the hidden file then edit it on my pc?
thanks again and sorry again, new to this

You can update gemrb to the last version (0.6.5-2) I've just uploaded, I've changed the ownership of the file so you don't need to be root to edit it.
You can also edit the file as root (, but be careful what you do logged as root.

NerdKnight 2011-10-21 01:50

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Version 0.6.6-1 available in extras-devel
New features
  • aura pollution and cleansing, casting interruption
  • formation rotation
  • bounty encounters
  • npclevel.2da support
  • initial mac bundle support
  • fatigue
  • backstab on condition (like in ToBEx)
Improved features
  • effects, triggers, actions
  • keyboard shortcuts (F1-F12), touchscreen ui, scrolling
  • hitpoint gain, thieving skill boni
  • combat, spellcasting, iwd sounds
  • PST inventory, PST spells
  • bugfixes

NerdKnight 2012-01-13 03:44

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Version 0.7.0-maemo1 available in extras-devel
New features
  • one can play through the whole Baldur's Gate saga
  • custom TTF fonts support
  • arbitrarily sortable casting list
  • ios configuration interface, xcode project
  • more pst spawn ini flags, individual critical hit animations
Improved features
  • resting, comment timing, actions
  • drop caps, keybindings, sdl 1.3 input
  • bugfixes, cleanups

ivgalvez 2012-01-13 07:36

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Great, now that Baldur's saga is completely playable I can anticipate long hours with my N900.

Jedibeeftrix 2012-01-22 12:37

Re: GemRb Development Thread
is this ever going to get out of testing? :)

NerdKnight 2012-01-25 16:35

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Jedibeeftrix (Post 1153973)
is this ever going to get out of testing? :)

Actually it never got out of extras-devel, I've promoted version 0.7.0maemo4 to testing

optimaxxx 2012-01-30 13:58

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I'm feeling really ******ed, but i've now spent 3+ hours trying to get this running.

Is there any chance of an up to date guide?

i don't even have a memory card, why would it default to a non-guaranteed location?

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