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sjgadsby 2008-05-06 14:06

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by luca (Post 178374)
Well, folks, it seems that diablo it's just a minor update...

Well, we've known for some time it's just a point release, so I've been anticipating more bug fixes and tweaks than major changes such as those that came with the first release of OS2008. That said, I have been hoping for some substantial improvements in MicroB.

spartanNTX 2008-05-06 14:06

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by luca (Post 178374)
Well, folks, it seems that diablo it's just a minor update with nothing really substantial in it,
quoting from a message on the maemo-developers list

All I want is an improved n810 gps and web browsing experience. Anything additional is gravy.

Benson 2008-05-06 14:26

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by luca (Post 178374)
Well, folks, it seems that diablo it's just a minor update with nothing really substantial in it,
quoting from a message on the maemo-developers list

Right, just bug fixes for a whole lotta bugs which have been keeping some people from upgrading to Chinook. And a new (much better) email client, and a Gecko-based browser coming from upstream equivalent to an FF beta, instead of an early alpha.
  1. We've known for some time
  2. Why is fixing bugs less "substantial" than adding features?

from an earlier message it isn't even clear if the transition from diablo to the (eventual) successor will be possible via apt-get/application manager:
:confused: It's not clear only in the sense that they're "working on" it, not already done and lounging around on the beach, so it might not get done if they all drop dead.

Bundyo 2008-05-06 14:31

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Why not adding a whole bunch of new bug-ridden features? Mmm, i'll take the bug-free one, thanks a lot :)

sjgadsby 2008-05-06 14:35

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 178410) it might not get done if they all drop dead.

Ah, bring that up with Quim Gil. He's already suggested blocking similar, though admittedly, less drastic, behaviour on the part of Nokia's maemo programmers. Perhaps he'll open a bug for "drop dead" also.

luca 2008-05-06 14:52

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 178410)
a Gecko-based browser coming from upstream equivalent to an FF beta, instead of an early alpha.

I won't comment on the better mail program (I use claws, I tried some modest betas and it disappointed me, however I cannot tell if it's any better than the old one since I never tried it), but I'm not sure the browser has been actually updated:


The only major changes are feature updates to the browser (not actually
a new browser, it's still based on the same old gecko as 2008), a new
mail client, and the ssl change to support WiMax.

I'll actually be working on browser release notes starting this week (it
takes a long time). I might actually try to grab the highlights for the
other apps if I manage to do the browser notes in fewer than 2 weeks.

** many applications probably haven't changed at all
I agree that fixing bugs is more important than adding features, however it's pretty difficult to fix bugs without changes to buggy applications, isn't it?

Benson 2008-05-06 16:03

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Most of the troublesome bugs aren't from applications anyway.

mobiledivide 2008-05-06 16:20

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Agreed, all I really need is a better browsing experience, I reflashed to 0s2007 Opera the other day on my N800 and I had forgotten how quick the browsing was, granted the feature set wasn't there. Improved email, GPS acquisition, better (read quicker) browser and better bluetooth stack and IMHO N810 is pretty much ready for mainstream.

mwiktowy 2008-05-06 17:16

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by luca (Post 178374)
Well, folks, it seems that diablo it's just a minor update with nothing really substantial in it,
quoting from a message on the maemo-developers list

Have you considered that the "minor" update of allowing any package (including core packages and kernels) to be updated via apt-get or updated via the Application Manager at any time might fundamentally change how versions are released in the future?

We won't *have* to wait 6-12 months for a firmware that completely clobbers all the customizations that you've done. That kind of flexibility will allow each package to get updated separately as they need to be.

I don't like having to wait a long time for a ton of updates to come simultaneously. I hope Nokia runs with this concept and brings more frequent, smaller updates that will be less disruptive and easier to troubleshoot if problems do occur.

luca 2008-05-06 17:24

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by mwiktowy (Post 178480)
Have you considered that the "minor" update of allowing any package (including core packages and kernels) to be updated via apt-get or updated via the Application Manager at any time might fundamentally change how versions are released in the future?

We won't *have* to wait 6-12 months for a firmware that completely clobbers all the customizations that you've done. That kind of flexibility will allow each package to get updated separately as they need to be.

I don't like having to wait a long time for a ton of updates to come simultaneously. I hope Nokia runs with this concept and brings more frequent, smaller updates that will be less disruptive and easier to troubleshoot if problems do occur.

That's pretty much what I've been waiting for, to the point of being reprimanded here for asking it too many times (actually two), but it seems we won't get that with diablo. No new browser engine, no apt-get upgradeability.

I'd be delighted to be proved wrong though.

Bundyo 2008-05-06 17:45

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

No, unfortunately not. We are working to get apt-get upgrade working
for releases that come after Diablo.

For the Chinook to Diablo upgrade, yes.
Seems to me the upgrade will be working after Diablo as planned... The seamless upgrade was not intended to work for a transition between Chinook and Diablo.

luca 2008-05-06 17:54

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
It depends on how you interpret for releases that come after Diablo: it can either be that you can transition from Diablo to Diablo+1 with apt-get or that you'll be able to do it only from Diablo+1 to Diablo+2.
I guess we'll have to wait and see. Edit: since I don't like to wait, I asked on the mailing list :D

Johnx 2008-05-06 18:08

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Where did you hear you won't get that with Diablo? I thought the whole "seamless software updates" were the big "new" thing being pushed into Diablo.

Bundyo 2008-05-06 18:10

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Fanoush also asked about the browser, so we'll see.

Benson 2008-05-06 18:34

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Well, I thought those words were written by a developer, not a politician, so I thought they just meant what they seemed to, in the context of that e-mail.

Perhaps I was wrong; guess , and/or believe the quotes here:

fanoush 2008-05-06 19:27

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 178509)
Fanoush also asked about the browser, so we'll see.

The possible answer is hidden in different reply

"From a technical perspective, the browser team did not have enough
time/resources to merge to trunk (nor was there a stable trunk of any
value until long after we were frozen) and get any work done for diablo.
We therefore had to choose not to merge to trunk and plan to do it for a future release. "

My understanding of this is "still same old browser code" in Diablo.

brontide 2008-05-06 19:40

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by fanoush (Post 178536)
My understanding of this is "still same old browser code" in Diablo.

So here are the major features for Diablo

MicroB updates
Modest - If it's ever ready
Rfcomm - ? was this slated for Diablo

SSU will make it in, but won't that just encourage Nokia to release the "almost-but-not-quite-ready" stuff?

Bundyo 2008-05-06 19:43

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
So, if we have SSU, MicroB is an easy decision - postpone it... ;)

EDIT: btw, MicroB will have at least... enhancements. One of which is... kinetic scroll... :(

brontide 2008-05-06 19:50

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 178543)
EDIT: btw, MicroB will have at least... enhancements. One of which is... kinetic scroll... :(

Great, another half-baked idea that won't work correctly in the first 2 releases. Is Nokia trying to make every good feature of this device suck even more than it does now?

spartanNTX 2008-05-06 19:59

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by brontide (Post 178541)
So here are the major features for Diablo

MicroB updates
Modest - If it's ever ready
Rfcomm - ? was this slated for Diablo

SSU will make it in, but won't that just encourage Nokia to release the "almost-but-not-quite-ready" stuff?

I am still holding out hope that the "Navigation software gets an upgrade." mention here:
and here
is significant. i.e. updated maps and improved acquisition times for the n810

GeneralAntilles 2008-05-06 20:04

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by fanoush (Post 178536)
My understanding of this is "still same old browser code" in Diablo.

We can hope that SSU will decouple MicroB from the big dot releases, so maybe we'll see a real update in a month or two. :\

Benson 2008-05-06 20:32

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by fanoush (Post 178536)
The possible answer is hidden in different reply

"From a technical perspective, the browser team did not have enough
time/resources to merge to trunk (nor was there a stable trunk of any
value until long after we were frozen) and get any work done for diablo.
We therefore had to choose not to merge to trunk and plan to do it for a future release. "

My understanding of this is "still same old browser code" in Diablo.

Thanks for that; disappointing.

From the linked email:

I think the key is that you're ascribing this to be an OS release.
It isn't. it's a dot release. We never claimed it was a new OS release,
the marketing information on this is quite clear, and I can't imagine
anyone from Nokia would have claimed otherwise.
Which does seem to explain some things; Nokia considers point releases differently than, say, Microsoft, where we have NT 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2 all billed as completely new releases, and with the versioning very much swept under the rug.

mwiktowy 2008-05-06 20:32

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 178553)
We can hope that SSU will decouple MicroB from the big dot releases, so maybe we'll see a real update in a month or two. :\

That is my hope.

It seems that the browser team couldn't get synced to the new mozilla stuff in the trunk because of the early internal development freeze imposed by everything else. With everything independently update-able, they might be able to reduce the freeze->release time somewhat.

In the worst case, at least making beta builds/releases might be easier for them now. Those previous beta releases indicate a slowly shifting development culture within Nokia but it has some ways to go to match upstream.

mwiktowy 2008-05-06 20:43

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 178563)
Nokia considers point releases differently than, say, Microsoft, where we have NT 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2 all billed as completely new releases, and with the versioning very much swept under the rug.

Version numbering is mostly a marketing thing, it would seem. Very different from project to project and very subjective. There are some stability-based versioning schemes out there but you still have to know the specific project cultural knowledge to know what they mean by version 2.9.

I kind of like the more objective, date-based versioning that Ubuntu and Gentoo use. Doesn't really tell you about the stability of it, but if every project used this at least you would roughly know what version of some dependency should go with what. Not perfect but better.

traveller604 2008-05-06 22:16

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by luca (Post 178392)
From the ubuntu mobile faq (emphasis mine):


I remember reading that Nokia was going to port it to ARM..

manderss99 2008-05-07 04:30

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by spartanNTX (Post 178550)
I am still holding out hope that the "Navigation software gets an upgrade." mention here:
and here
is significant. i.e. updated maps and improved acquisition times for the n810

Me too. I really want to buy the navigation but when I've tested it
the software was sadly outdated, it shows petrol stations thats
been closed for at least 5 years and routing repeatedly
suggested making illegal turns ...

I want a single unit, but since a nüvi 205 costs just
a little more than the 3 year wayfinder license I guess its
no deal unless the software is considerably improved.

Is anybody in a position that can confirm that the navigation software will be updated ?


sd_proto 2008-05-10 09:27

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Has this been posted already?


"I just upgraded a N800 from Chinook to a internal Diablo pre-release with apt-get."

qwerty12 2008-05-10 09:33

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
**** ****.

I'm doing it now, thanks ;)

(Thank God I use Linux as primary OS)

Ok, lifeguard reset is disabled. I'm now going to move the archives folder.

Wait, I need to read better:


I hope we can soon announce the repository that you need for this, but I can’t make any promises.

GeneralAntilles 2008-05-10 15:09

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 178563)
Thanks for that; disappointing.

Looks like they're on target for trunk with Diablo+1, anyway, though I couldn't get an answer out of timeless re SSU and decoupled updates. . . . Doesn't leave me particularly hopeful for avoiding Nokia's glacial release cycle.

Benson 2008-05-10 15:13

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Some of the more adept readers might have noticed that the Hildon App Mugger comes with 3 repositories preconfigured:
Well, I haven't the slightest clue where the correct repo is for Diablo, but if anyone comes up with any ideas involving 'sed s/chinook/diablo/' or equivalent, I suppose they could try them. ;) (Hope mvo doesn't get in trouble over this...)

qwerty12 2008-05-10 15:16

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 179982)
Some of the more adept readers might have noticed that the Hildon App Mugger comes with 3 repositories preconfigured:
Well, I haven't the slightest clue where the correct repo is for Diablo, but if anyone comes up with any ideas involving 'sed s/chinook/diablo/' or equivalent, I suppose they could try them. ;) (Hope mvo doesn't get in trouble over this...)

**** me, Benson, you found it!. I <3 you. I'm gonna start updating. Time to disable lifeguard and DownThemAll the dpkg files incase they get deleted.

Benson 2008-05-10 15:23

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Ummmm... not sure if that's a tangent, or if I'm unclear here; you don't need app mugger to do it; that's just how I figured it out... And if you were to somehow go through with a Diablo upgrade, you'd have the new package manager.

Edit: OK, you got the idea now.

qwerty12 2008-05-10 15:26

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Yep, I realised you found the source :). Good job, I'm still on stock kernel and initfs.

I have 654 packages to download :D. I'll post the progress here once it's installed.

GeneralAntilles 2008-05-10 15:30

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Installing . . .

Mara 2008-05-10 15:38

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
All I can say is that Diablo SSU update files are "in the wild". I just updated my N800 from earlier Diablo to the latest Diablo yesterday, at home, using SSU... :)

Also the System Software repository can be edited: I did that before... when trying the Chinook betas. Somewhere in the system is a text file that contains all the repository information. There is one line that makes any particular repository "locked" or not. Just editing that text file, and then saving, you can edit the System Software repository.

Sorry, do not remember where the file is... it is so long time I did work with that.

qwerty12 2008-05-10 15:42

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Nice, my N800 is now force installing the debs. I can tell you they include a Chinese font now too :) And gcc is installing too :/

And my N800 is white screened. Reflashing and trying again.

bunanson 2008-05-10 15:59

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 179987)
Installing . . .

How do you do that? I saw 2 million files in the package, you do something like dpkg -i ...?
And qwerty12 too, may I join the party :D ?



luca 2008-05-10 16:00

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
I guess that repository is just for upgrades to diablo (not starting from chinook), however the "normal" repositories for diablo are also live (no need to guess anything, the directory is browseable).
BTW, did anybody notice those diff files?

GeneralAntilles 2008-05-10 16:04

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Linking again since nobody noticed it the first time.

qwerty12 2008-05-10 16:07

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 180002)
How do you do that? I saw 2 million files in the package, you do something like dpkg -i ...?
And qwerty12 too, may I join the party :D ?



look at the link at the bottom. dont use dpkg to do it. I'm reflashing and doing it with apt.

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