![]() |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I thought I tried that...and it said it could only clone from flash? Although thinking back I might have been trying PBEasy.... I ended up using backup and restore to get switched over. ? So, for future reference: Use console tools to partition the card then run clone (N800 internal to external?) ? Thanks again for a great set of tools! :D |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Thanks again for the explanation of how things work. I seem to have gotten the system to part the internal mmc 2GB fat32, 256 swap, rest ext3. and I seem to have cloned the system at least thats what the software said and it even installed the boot menu. Now however when it boots it offers me flash which if i select comes up with something about jffs2 and the system starts as it used to. The second option is to boot from the external mmc ? which doesnt have an ext3 part on it and the third option is the internal mmc using p6. Neither the internal nor external selections work and when i select these it tells me that the boot failed and then boots from flash but without any message about jffs2, do you have any clue as to what might be going on? cheers |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Cheers PB redoing the boot menu worked. One small thing prior to cloning my internal memory was 256mb with 192mb used and 64mb free. Now it is 1.52gb with 433mb used and 1.1gb. I was wondering if there was an explanation for the difference in the used memory. Is it possible that the SSD or whatever that is used as internal memory (not the internal SD card i cloned to) is using some type of compression. Not particularly worried just curious.
Cheers Jim Barnes |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Yes, the internal flash filesystem uses jffs2, a compressed file system designed for flash memory.
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Really not interested in reading 17 pages of posts? Neither was I... :rolleyes: So here's all the stuff I wish I could have just read in one post, compiled from previous posts and some of my own additions for issues I ran into when I flashed my N810 and was setting it up with pbeasy. Q: I'm worried about using this program, I don't know much linux and I might loose everything. A: If you're NOT worried about your data, then you don't have anything to worry about. Should you decide you're not happy with the results, you can always follow the instructions to reflash your device, and you'll get it back to factory standard. If you're worried you might loose your data, really what you're saying is "I don't know if I have a good backup". If that's because you don't do backups, you're nutz. :o If you only use the Backup\Restore program that came with your device, you probably have reason to be concerned as it only backs up a portion of your device's data. :( One way or another, you've come to the right place! :cool: The "pb" program comes with a far superior Backup utility, which I highly recommend using even if you never do Clone your device. :D So before you start with "pbeasy", run the "pb" program. Have a look at the Backup option, read the Help and you'll be good to go. The key here is to make sure you are happy that all your data has been backed up. I would suggest backing up your system to an external memory card, then copying those backup files from the memory card to your desktop computer. If you can open the backup files on your desktop computer and see your precious files nice and safe, you'll have the warm fuzzies and want to try Cloning. :) (Windows users can install the free 7-Zip program for opening the backup files) Keep in mind if this is your first time, you'll want to back up at least the internal jffs2 drive (/dev/mtdblock4 on mine), and the internal memory card (/dev/mmcblk0p1 on mine) before getting started. Q: I am clicking the big "CLICK > < HERE" link in the instructions, but all I see is a bunch of text junk! A: Instead of clicking on it, click and hold your stylus on the link until a menu appears. Choose "Save as..." from the menu. Save the file wherever you like (it defaults to "Documents", that's fine). Once it's done downloading, run the File manager program, locate the folder you saved the file into, double-tap the "console-tools" file and follow the instructions. Q: When Partitioning, what is the first FAT partition for? A: This is a FAT partition for general compatibility with what maemo is expecting to see. I would recommend a minimum of 64 MB. This partition becomes /media/mmc2 on my N810. Maemo uses this location for apt temp files, and some software programs store their data files here. On mine its also the place it wants to put virtual memory, so if you choose to use virtual memory instead of a swap partition, you may want to add 128 MB to your total (128 + 64 = 192 MB). Techie note: Don't forget this is a FAT partition, you won't be able to sym link folders out of here. "Maemo expects a FAT partition to be there, so I always put one. If you connect to an USB it could cause you problems. I always keep it. Also application manager uses it and other things. For compatibility sake and to save from troubleshooting, I would keep a small partition, 16-32MB minimum." (penguinbait) If you use the Wayfinder map program, read this. Q: When Partitioning, what is the second FAT partition for? A: This is actually for the swap partition, 256 MB is a reasonable choice. In simple terms, a swap partition gives you more memory, allowing you to run several programs at the same time. The swap partition is in lieu of "virtual memory" (i.e. you will not need to enable virtual memory if you use a swap partition). Q: I did the Clone, and I now have a text menu appear when it starts up, but it will only boot off the first item (jffs2) A: Even though the Clone appeared to complete successfully, it didn't. You need to re-run the Clone a second time. Q: How do I know if the swap partition is working? (this is assuming you have now successfully booted into your newly cloned partition) A: Run X-Terminal and enter Code:
free Q: How do I fix the swap? A: You could try and run "pb" from X-Terminal, and choose the "Swap" menu item. But I found this didn't help, it only listed the internal jffs2 partition. If that doesn't work for you either, below is my cheater way to make it work. Just keep in mind, this may not be the same way penguinbait does it, :eek: so later on if you want to try the pb > Swap option, you may want to first undo these changes. Assuming you let pbeasy set up your partitions, in X-Terminal enter: Code:
sudo sfdisk -l If you have troubles with the sudo commands, you may need to install the "sudser" program first. For the techies who are already root (via ssh or otherwise), make sure you remove the sudo from each command. For whatever reason, Maemo doesn't pay attention to the fstab file. We can make it pay attention to the swap by adding a reference to the /etc/init.d/rcS file. First we'll make backups of the files we're going to change, then we'll edit the rcS file. At the X-Term prompt, type: Code:
sudo cp /etc/init.d/rcS /etc/rcS.bak Code:
swapon -a If you run into any troubles and want to exit without saving, just hit Escape then ":q!" and hit Enter (note there is an "Esc" button at the bottom of the X-Term window). The last few lines of the file should now look something like this: Code:
echo "49152 65535" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range Now edit the fstab file: Code:
sudo vi /etc/fstab Code:
/dev/mmcblk0p3 swap swap defaults 0 0 If you'd like to activate the swap immediately, at the command prompt type: Code:
sudo swapon -a Q: I shutdown my device, and then when I started it back up again, I didn't get the menu! A: That can happen when you have your device plugged in for charging. When it's charging it doesn't shut down all the way. Just unplug it, turn it off then back on again, and you should get the proper menu (you can then plug it back in to continue charging). |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Thanks, was this a brithday present? I added the following infomation onto my first post.
-------------------------------------------------------------- Please look at the following information pertaining to bugs and usage. >> NEWBIE FAQ << Provided by Eladon |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
How to make the Wayfinder map program work:
Please note these instructions are based on an N810. By default the map program locates it's data files in "/media/mmc2/map". On a standard device setup, the "mmcX" folders are used for memory cards in your device (whether built in, or external). When you partition your system using pbeasy, the /media/mmc2 folder actually becomes a pretend memory card, which is the FAT partition you created. So you probably made a relatively small FAT partition, and there's not enough room in "/media/mmc2" to hold your "map" folder. Well it turns out the Wayfinder program will be happy to find the "map" folder in any "mmcX" series folder (i.e. "mmc1", "mmc3", "mmc4", etc.). Sadly, most other software that uses /media/mmc2 doesn't have this feature, so kudos to Wayfinder. Essentially all you have to do is move the "map" folder to whichever memory card you have enough room on. For example, if you just ran the map program for the first time and had troubles downloading maps, you'd close the program, run X-Term, and enter a command like this: Code:
sudo mv /media/mmc2/map /media/mmc1/ Note, if you are moving files from a linux partition to a FAT partition, you may get a bunch of "cannot preserve ownership" errors, that's OK you can ignore them. Also if you can't run sudo commands, try installing the "sudser" program. Q: But I don't want to put it on an external memory card, I want it on my main drive (the cloned partition). How do I put it there? A: Easy, just make a "pretend" memory card. For example, if the folders "mmc1" and "mmc2" already exist, you would create a "mmc3" folder and move the data there, as follows: Code:
sudo mkdir /media/mmc3 A: If you reflashed your device with a different firmware version than you had before, you may now be running a different version of the Wayfinder sofware. Unfortunately to "upgrade" your map folder data files to the newer version, it seems the Wayfinder software insists that the files be located in "/media/mmc2/map". Go figure. Assuming you have enough room on your cloned partition for the map folder, essentially what you need to do is temporarily unmount the FAT partition from /media/mmc2, move the map folder into /media/mmc2, run the map program so that it will upgrade the data files, move the map folder back to wherever you had it before, restart your device, and you're good to go. Here's step-by-step instructions for that. Let's assume you currently have your map data in "/media/mmc3/map", you tried to run Wayfinder, and it doesn't recognize it. Close the map program, run X-Term and enter the following, except replace "mmc3" with whatever folder you currently have your "map" folder in, (careful DON'T change any "mmc2" references, only the "mmc3" ones!) Code:
sudo rm -rf /media/mmc2/map Now run the map program. Answer any prompts that appear. Once the software is running, you should have your maps, favorites, etc. Now shutdown the map program, and do this from X-Term: Code:
sudo mv /media/mmc2/map /media/mmc3/ |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I've created partitions, and then ran the Clone tool. Bootmenu installs but once I reboot it hangs. I can't move around the menu nor can I select the item it is already on. This is on an n810 flashed to 43-7.
Thoughts? And what's the Home key? |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
It doesn't boot to anything. The menu loads up and then it hangs. The only way to get the device booted up is to reflash it.
I'm reflashing the device. I'll then install console-tools and run the bootmenu installer. I'll post the results. |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Didn't work. The bootmenu still hangs.
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Is this an 810 winmax edition??
If so, you need to install console tools and the update the bootmenu (initfs flasher) package from the menu system. Then do the install. Install tools was not supporting wimax edition at the time of the release of console tools. I included a way to update console tools to the latest version of initfs flasher (bootmenu) let me know? |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Yes, it is a Wimax edition. My apologies for not mentioning it earlier. I will update initfs_flasher and report back.
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I was able to boot and it appears I am able to boot to flash considering I'm now being told "Can only be run from flash" when I attempt to clone.
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
GREAT apps , PBeasy and PB , I think !!
But I have run into a problem, and (to me) it seems rather strange. EDIT : Tablet is reflashed, etc., so all traces are lost. My guess is corrupted mmcs, slow formatting from windows-box seems to have solved it. Possibly I did something they were not meant to be used for, or that diablo doesn't tolerate. Diablo (cloned) got corrupted ( but runs still ) as I tried (in PB > partition with CFDISK ) to make 2 FAT partitions on the external mmc, see below. ?? >> Two system files with conflicting information ?? As I am rebuilding my system I can always recover easily by recloning, but I should like to know what happened. ( Being new to linux, I don't know which system files to check or what information could be left out, ..) (sorry about the format, adapted from a text file, must learn your ed.) History ( N810 + 8 GB ext. card ) : 1 ) Reflashed (..43-7) 2 ) Installed rootsh , PB , PBeasy , couple of apps. 3 ) Partitioned internal mmc : 3a) PBeasy > FAT 256 , swap 960 , ext3 3b) PB > CFDISK > changed the swap partition to linux (83) 3c) PB > MKFS > formatted part. 2 and 3 to ext2 , part.1 to FAT. 4 ) Partitioned external mmc : 4a) PBeasy > FAT 4608 , swap 1280 , ext3 4b) PB > CFDISK > deleted the swap part., and made a new 1024 MB linux (83) part. and a new 256 MB swap (82) part. ( ? are such tricks allowed in PB ? ) ( I computed the MB-values CFDISK asked for to be exact numbers of cylinders.) 4c) formatted with PB > MKFS to : 4608 MB FAT + 1902 MB ext3 + 1024 MB ext3 + 256 MB swap 5 ) Installed easy Debian with image in ext. mmc FAT part. ( will try to learn how to put it in the 1902 MB ext3 part.) 6 ) Cloned Diablo from flash to int. mmc part. 2 7 ) ( Tried to install Mer 0.9 on int./ext. mmc , but it wouldn't boot.) So far, so good, everything worked, both from flash and from diablo clone on int. mmc., so I installed some more apps. I wanted to check if swapping took place, so I read Eladons Newbie FAQ, and did ”free” in Xterm. >> no swapping. I tried PB > SWAP , but the ”swap” part. (on ext. mmc) did not show up in the menu. NOW it comes : ( Running Diablo from clone.) I tested to change the swap part. (on ext. mmc) to something else and then back to swap again : PB > CFDISK cursor on swap part. , cursor on [ type ] , CR , …chose 6 , CR , ( wrong?, are 2 FATs allowed? ; it looked all right in the CFDISK display.) cursor on [ write ] , CR . Program FAILED TO WRITE , sorry, I have forgotten the details. I experimented a lot with PB and PBeasy to no avail. RESULTING situation : Running Diablo from CLONE : Filemanager (the built in f.) did not load, but after several reboots it did and could access both mmc:s. PB > MKFS still shows all three partitions on int. mmc, but only part. 1 and 3 on ext. mmc. PB > simply looking at a part. table in CFDISK/FDISK and then quit > > ”Processing filesystem changes . . .” shows up > > both mmc:s not recognized , filesystem corrupted or unformatted > > leads to reboot. PB > MKFS trying to format an empty part. on int./ext. mmc > > succeds upto signboard ” mkfs .... was Successful!! . . . . . <OK> ” , CR > > a series of error messages : ”Error: Error opening /dev/mmcblk0: No such file or directory” , identical messages for /dev/mtdblock4 , ..3 , ..2 , ..1 , ..0 , a series of identical ”grep: /proc/modules: No such file or directory” , > > leads to reboot. ( I managed to time a few screenshots and used them to document the above.) ( Sometimes on reboot Bluetooth is on, it shouldn't, once it went off again by itself, ?? ) Otherwise everything seems to run. ( I havn't checked the gps, see below.) Running Diablo from FLASH : Everything seems to work, PB and PBeasy also, both mmc:s are recognized. PB > MKFS shows all three partitions on int. mmc, and partitions 1, 2 and 3 on ext. mmc. PB > BACKUP : PB - Backup of FLASH to int./ext. mmc succeded, running BOTH from flash and from clone. PB - Backup of CLONE to int./ext. mmc FAILED, running BOTH from flash and from clone : PB > FULL Backup from cloned Diablo (on int. mmc part.2) to int. mmc part.3 > > a signboard " Backup FAILED?? OUT OF SPACE?? . . . . . .< OK > " , CR > > a signboard with a series of error mesages: " tar: ./dev/.udev/names: Cannot stat: input/output error tar: ./dev/.udev/queue: Cannot stat: input/output error tar: ./tmp/.esd/socket: socket ignored tar: ./var/lib/gps/gps_driver_ctrl: socket ignored tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors ANY ERROR SHOULD BE SHOWN ABOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . < EXIT > " , CR > > " Backup /dev/mmcblk0p2 to /dev/mmcblk0p3 FAILED . . . < OK > " , CR > > back in menu in PB . So, I still have ”half” a running tablet and will keep the unknown corrupted file(s) intact for a while before I consider to reclone. Thank you for your patience . . . Any hint on what might have been going on in my N810 would be really welcome !! EDIT : Running cfdisk in root in Xterm >> FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive , BOTH in flash-diablo and in clone-diablo . EDIT: internal mmc seems to be read-only from flash and clone diablo, but R/W from USB. EDIT : Tablet is reflashed, etc., so all traces are lost. My guess is corrupted mmcs, slow formatting from windows-box seems to have solved it. |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Not sure if anyone is still looking at this thread, but before I start a new thread, I'd thought I'd post here first.
I want to establish a 2gb fat partition on my new 4gb bootable internal sd so that it shows up when booted to sd as a 2gb internal storage. I have a 2gb ext2 partition on the sd already. It is mmcblk0p1, but there is a 2gb unallocated block of space before it (i.e., to the left of it) when the card shows up in gparted. Simple question. How in the world can I make that 2gb of unallocated space show up as "internal sd" when booted to this ext2 partition?? I've tried everything--certainly everything I can think of with gparted, console tools, and windows disk management. Any help is MUCHO APPRECIATADO! (oh, and if you can help me with me my spanish, I'll give you dos thanyos!) |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Just wondering if there will be a fix for swap partition not getting recognized or automatically enabled?
I don't reboot that often, but having to manually enable swap each time isn't the most rewarding way to start a new session. Somewhat related, is there a way to enable command memory in xterm, similar to up/down arrow on the typical desktop Linux terminal? |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
mkfs -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p0 EDIT: you will have to create this partition in the unallocated block first with sfdisk. |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Or create a bash script (I don't know how to do this) and put it in services? |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
i need some help. Im a total noob :(, i dont know much about cloning, but i need to clone my OS to my 8gb SD, where can i see STEP by STEP cloning to SD? I have a Nokia N810 with the latest firmware. Thank you
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacememen
Run PB , chose CFDISK in the menu, and make a new FAT partition at the beginning of the free space. I suppose you tried this, I did, but I had to format the new FAT partition from my Windows PC with my N810 attached by USB-cable. BUT , my ext2 partition was "mmcblkXp2" (yours ---p1), perhaps diablo wants the first FAT partition to be ---p1 ?? If THAT is the case, I would like to know if partitions can be renumbered ? ( A suggestion for a slow way around : Copy (e.g. with gtar) your ext2 partition to somewhere, "remake" your mmc, and copy back. ) |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
If not, do, and download and install the Console Tools, use the second of the two links (in that post) just below each other. Then start X-terminal and write "pbeasy <Enter>". This program lets you do everything necessary to clone. If you want other partitions than this program makes, "PB" is not much more difficult to learn to manage. The steps to clone are in order : partition , clone , bootmeny . I think Penguinbaits instructions will fill in the rest. ( It CAN happen that you have to format the FAT partition on your SD card again, possibly even from your PC.) I am a complete (linux) newbie too, and I found Penguinbaits programs and instructions easy enough. Good luck ! ( If not, feel free to ask again, and I will try to answer, although maybe not the same day.) |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
^^Nokia needs to fund this hacker^^ everyone who uses his tool for 8gb should donate $10.. 100 ppl n see wha else he comes out with im on 810 w/ 43.7 run pb and use space bar & enter |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
the console tools deb is corrupted I tried to install it today no success
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Its my crappy hosting from siteground.com - redownload it |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
ok so I have been booting from my n810 from 8gig and loading up software..
I think rootfs got full somehow during some apt-get installs, and that is what's causing this reboot loop? happens as soon as I plug the device in. tons to dig through to find answers in the forums |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Mount your SD boot partition (first load drivers) EXT3 find /mnt -name jbd.ko | xargs insmod find /mnt -name mbcache.ko | xargs insmod find /mnt -name ext3.ko | xargs insmod EXT2 find /mnt -name mbcache.ko | xargs insmod find /mnt -name ext2.ko | xargs insmod Mount the SD mkdir /SD mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /SD or mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /SD or whatever the correct device is. Now you should have your boot partition mounted on /SD cd /SD now figure out what used up all the space df -h (will show you how much space is used on a partition) du -sh (will tell you how much space is taken up under the directory you are in) Hope this helps |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
thanks for the help
I held home & tried the different options like boot to flash.. / internal / ext (which say not found, booting from flash" >> first option / default "booting from flash (mtdblock4 jffs2)... " is in a reboot loop. I tried with and without my SD card in there. only way to shut off is remove battery. maybe worth trying ubuntu liveCD on home pc, and see if mem card is recognized? worst case is I have to reflash and install essentials.. which im getting used to. Did I make a mistake when partitioning the 8gb, by leaving the partition too small? the one recognized as the n810's internal with mydoc's and all that? .. apt-get was putting files in the user folder on there.. and when dpkg -i somefiles it said no space error.. the drive was otherwise totally empty except for some files that had been apt-get, and they weren't taking too much space.. other than that, i had a shitload of apps installed via application manager |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
It sounds like you may have had an error when installing bootmenu, and were still booting from flash not from SD?? |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
SD bootmenu worked great with 8gig on the latest diablo N810 thx to you pb wiz4rd, after rebooting worked fine
.. until . . The error happened when installing app's overflow'd the space on a 256mb partition drive i believe. Yes this could've still been on the internal.. but I thought this was on the external now, and so I could possibly resize it to be bigger for 8gb standards. I need to find my ubuntu cd's so I can try seeing if they're mountable I should've backed up |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
When I install the bootmenu with pb on my n810 I can enter a timeout value. But upon reboot my bootmenu will not timeout and does not show a timeout counter. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong...?
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
mine with a 4 second delay worked pimp on n810diablo43-7 (i think is newest)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
pb -partition -clone -install bootmenu -config to default from external i had missed the last step and overfilled the flah lots of space now! |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
ok, ive followed all the instuctions, i want to clone the OS to the 2 GB INTERNAL memory so i can have more space for installing apps and have my 8 GB SD free for other stuff. So ive cloned it to the internal memory, after the first clone when it rebooted it started with Bootmenu, so i select boot from INTERNAL MMC, not from INTERNAL FLASH, but i got "Boot from internal failed, booting from flash". What am i doing wrong? Ive partitioned my 2 gb (1.9 gb) in these:
896 for the first FAT partition (I guess this is the space where i can store files from my computer, docs, music etc, but not very usuable since it is less tha a GB) 512 for the Second FAT partition ( I think this is the SWAP partition, as i know this is the space that is used for running a lot of apps ath the same time) 512 for the Linux partition ( i dont know what this is for) so please, can someone help me understand what am i doing wrogn or simply whats the partitions for? Im only doing this because i want a lot of space so i can install more apps and i want it to be more fast. Thank you |
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