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javispedro 2010-01-23 02:12

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 479100)
I'm looking for a way to disable the Home button, on a N800, from bringing up the task switcher thingie.

Sorry Addison, but I don't know this. If it's not been asked before you could open a new thread, since it seems a pretty generic question and you may get more answers that way.


Originally Posted by shrizzle (Post 489262)
well : actually uninstalling, restarting, re installing, re -uninstalling. and reinstalling did the trick....
back with sound and on super mario :)

Currently if you boot up a game with sound disabled/muted, SPC700 emulation is not run. Thus no matter how many times you go back to the launcher and enable sound then continue a game, most probably you won't get any sound. You have to restart a game if you started it without sound.

I plan to change that behavior some day.

Addison 2010-01-23 22:26

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Thanks for the response Javis.

Yeah, it looks like dbus sends out an automatic signal with the home key being pressed which is difficult to intercept.

I'm currently hoping to hear from Matan on how to problem solve for this.

I'll post the solution here if I get anything.

OID 2010-01-24 12:25

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 491082)
Thanks for the response Javis.

Yeah, it looks like dbus sends out an automatic signal with the home key being pressed which is difficult to intercept.

I'm currently hoping to hear from Matan on how to problem solve for this.

I'll post the solution here if I get anything.

Task-switcher menu work only with hildon-desktop, you can try using another window-managers like fvwm2, wmaker, openbox and remap home-button action

Addison 2010-01-25 00:09

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Hey OID.

You seem smart which is a rare find here in these forums. :)

Mind taking a look at this thread and posting a comment to it?

xopher_mc 2010-01-28 16:49

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Where can one find drnoksnes for the n8x0. As the devel repository no longer seems to have it.

javispedro 2010-01-29 00:06

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by xopher_mc (Post 499678)
drnoksnes for the n8x0

Here, though this is the version without Zeemote support.

Addison 2010-02-01 22:23

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Heya Javis!

If you ever do release another update of this for the N8x0 series, I'd like to make a "small" suggestion.

The physical, real life Snes Controller, the D-Pad is on the left with the buttons on the right, just like you have it mapped out on the touchscreen.

Because the N800 model has all of the hardware keys on the left, I was wondering if you could perhaps offer a feature to switch the side on where the touchscreen D-Pad is located so that it's on the right.

I think this would be a much better layout for us.

Any thoughts on this?

javispedro 2010-02-02 00:11

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
You'll have to remap the keys manually for now...

Addison 2010-03-20 00:32

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Any idea on why it's unable to update with the latest version?

javispedro 2010-03-20 15:48

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 574174)
Any idea on why it's unable to update with the latest version?

Uh, could you check what's the cause for the error? (Long tap, select details, and screenshot/transcribe the third tab).

The only difference in this version is the zeemote libs, but after recent work by MasterOfGizmo they install fine on my N810.

Addison 2010-03-22 22:09

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Thanks Javis! :)

Yeah, in the Summary it says "Broken but able to update"

In Updating I can see "Application packages to install: libzeemote-conf-client (1.0.1-maemo6)"

My current libzeemote thingie version is at 1.0.1-maemo3.

So I see what's happening on this.

Thanks for walking me through the error.

Oh, and congrats on yet another excellent, super terrific, happy funball release! :D

javispedro 2010-03-22 22:24

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
I see.

Well, I'll be temporarily removing Zeemote support for the time being (since I'm trying to get it to extras -stable).

Addison 2010-03-22 22:36

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Can Diablo users vote on your package releases or is it just the people who own the N900 that are able to vote?

javispedro 2010-03-22 22:42

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Diablo users don't need to vote -- if I promote the Diablo package, it goes straight into extras (-stable).

caimanjosh 2010-03-26 20:23

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Just a quick comment -- wow, this is terrific! For literally years I'd been hoping there would be a decent emu for a portable device that I owned. I even thought about getting a PSP just for the SNES emu. And now there's a very good one for my N800, which I never thought would even have a SNES emulator! Thanks for the excellent work here.

Now if only the N800's hardware controls were more conducive to gaming...ah, well....

Addison 2010-03-26 22:23

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Okay, so I've already mentioned this before so I promise that this will be the last of the next 5 times I bring it up again. :)

Hey Javis, do you think you'll ever get to the completely bored state of mind where you could have an advanced user setting option in regards to the touch screen controls?

Perhaps a configuration file where we could personally map out the screen to our own liking.

I was thinking of mapping something like this for the 8 directional dpad. Of course the game screen would have to be shimmied to the left side.

Also, have an extra option to load up a background desktop image so the final result would look something like this.

As you have it right now, pressing something like right dpad and the A button simultaneously would require 8 fingers or the additional use of your face. *lol*

I know it would depend on quite of bit of added coding on your part so I already consider myself yelled at for even mentioning this request. ;)

Cheers buddy.

javispedro 2010-03-29 02:30

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 583829)
I know it would depend on quite of bit of added coding on your part

Putting in another hardcoded bitmap .. not much
making it GUI reconfigurable... yes.

I guess you would be OK with some options on the settings file.

Addison 2010-03-29 03:08

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Yeah, whatever you think can be done and coded easily for you would be awesome!

Having an N800, it makes the most sense to have the Dpad (all 8 directions) on the right side of the screen and to map out the hardware keys for the buttons.

Thanks for taking this under consideration, Javis. :)

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