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attila77 2009-09-09 21:28

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 324490)
@sachin: by that logic, the n900 comes with a 10,000mah battery** ;)

The point is, there WILL be 32GB microSD cards so you WILL be able to have a 64 GB (and 96, etc) N900 not that far in the future. On the other hand you can't exactly choose to pop in a card to increase that iPod Touch capacity.

ralphb 2009-09-09 21:28

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by eiffel (Post 324521)
Heck, even my old N800 could do 64GB via 2 x 32GB SDHC.

The N900 has a Micro-SDHC slot, and 32GB micro-SDHC cards are coming "real soon now", so you'll have 64GB within the life of your N900 (when you add that to the 32GB built-in).

By which time my music collection will be 75GB. :)

Bratag 2009-09-10 00:33

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Nuff said

allnameswereout 2009-09-10 01:26

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by ralphb (Post 324473)
Heheh, so now there's a new 64GB iPod Touch. Finally enough flash to store my music collection. Same or better for the N900 please Nokia.

Little to nothing is known about the hardware specs.

Except it won't have a camera because Apple customers want a Gameboy:

shusai 2009-09-10 11:31

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by frals (Post 324335)
Now, I don't know much about how hard it would be to switch the locale on Maemo, but shouldn't it be pretty straight-forward to add language support as its open source?

EDIT: Non-latin languages would obviously be hard to type out with the QWERTY, but you get the stylus and the touchscreen for "icon" based languages... :)

Well, it doesn't seem to be that easy...
There is (was ?) the Maemo CJK project, which tried to enable Chinese, Japanese and Korean input (output isn't such a problem, only some fonts have to be installed) on the N700/8x0, but it never really worked. For example, it only worked for some applications, was not able to change the input-method on-the-fly, the original virtual keyboard got replaced and couldn't be restored anymore, ...
The developers even suggested to be prepared to reflash your device! ;)
So that are only 3 languages and already many problems, but what about other asian languages, what about languages written from right to left, such as Arabic or Hebrew?

nicolassinclair 2009-09-10 12:30

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
I got really excited for a brief moment: 15.5 mexapixel camera!!! Then sense prevailed!

Laughing Man 2009-09-10 21:04

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
Haha it's not the megapixels that matter as much anymore. It's the quality of the lens, sensors, etc..

Though the n900 does have decent ones for a cameraphone..

christexaport 2009-09-11 01:09

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 324495)
But the advantage for me of removable memory is that i dont need to carry the stupid proprietary cable with you. Just pop out the card insert it into the computer and you can exchange data. So i always prefer removable memory.

Nokia hasn't used proprietary cables in about 3 years. Nokia had been using MiniUSB, but has moved on to MicroUSB, the standard chosen for power charging and data transfer for most of the big mobile manufacturers.

But I still feel you. My N95 8GB lacks removeable memory, and it sucks.

Laughing Man 2009-09-11 01:39

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
I think sachin007 was referring to the iPhone, Apple has pretty much always used proprietary cables for their iPod and now iPhone and iPod Touch lines.

I prefer removable memory myself, though I don't think I have any eaders that support micro or mini SD..heck my current one doesn't even support SDHC lol.

christexaport 2009-09-11 02:15

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
to use the microSD in a reader, you need a SD card adapter. They're pretty cheap, and some come with the microSD cards now.

texaslabrat 2009-09-11 02:21

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 325190)
I think sachin007 was referring to the iPhone, Apple has pretty much always used proprietary cables for their iPod and now iPhone and iPod Touch lines.

I prefer removable memory myself, though I don't think I have any eaders that support micro or mini SD..heck my current one doesn't even support SDHC lol.

these days mini and micro cards generally come with adapters to turn them into full-size sd cards. And, as Chris said, many also come with a usb reader as well.

bummer 2009-09-11 03:55

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 318613)
I didn't make any controversial ****ing statements. This closed in group here feels like it's their turf and want to start a ****ing war about stupid ****.

Apologist my ***. I care very little for this "us vs. them" mentality that's being embraced as of late.

I'll support whatever is worth my time. Which part of that is controversial?

As it stands, none of this is worth my time. You people want something as minor as OBEX. I was pushing for A2DP - screw file sharing in an insecure and slow manner. I got wifi for that. Seriously, it's so low on my totem pole of stuff I want it's a non-factor now.

You people want it, I get it. I'm again not in your corner for it. Bluetooth transfers for files I might want to use USB2 for or wifi for... I don't have an half-hour for a 250mb file.

I have less time for stuff like that. Even less for a bunch of ****ed up, out of touch, singular minded fanboys.

I'm your fan :)

gerbick 2009-09-11 04:18

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
I wouldn't be my own fan for that.

After a week straight of being assaulted by some seriously bad Linux fanboys, apparently I took it to this board(s). Not a wise thing... I can admit that.

christexaport 2009-09-11 19:54

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
Hell, gerbick, I went off on half my own Symbian community, going mad because of a lack of an N95 replacement a year ago. We all gotta rant some things off our chests sometimes. We're human. LOL

janzeeschuimers 2009-09-12 12:05

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
The hardware of the n900 and the 3gs is the same:

ARM Cortex A8 600 MHz, PowerVR SGX graphics.

But the Iphone has the SGX 535 and the n900 has "only" the SGX 530.


PowerVR SGX530:
14 MPolys/s for the handheld mobile market.

PowerVR SGX535:
28 MPolys/s for handheld high end mobile, portable, MID, UMPC, consumer, and automotive devices.

I do not know what the specs above mean but 14 MPolys/s against 28 MPolys/s is 100% more.

Is there a big difference between the SGX 530 and the SGX 535 in graphics power ?

edit:Someone on a German forum told that the SGX 530 only vga video can handle and that the SGX 535 full hd video can handle.
(look at page 25).

DeeGee 2009-09-12 13:58

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
Well the numbers are double on the 535, so theoretically it should be able to push out double the polygons. Then again there isn't very accurate info on those mobile gpu's so it's hard to say what kind of performance increase it would actually mean.

And of course the CPU also affects the performance and it is still the same speed as in N900.

And I wouldn't say that the info on 3GS's gpu being the 535 model as 100% sure. The SoC seems to be something Samsung has specifically made for Apple, so hard to be sure what's inside it.

GeraldKo 2009-09-12 16:54

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 325538)
We all gotta rant some things off our chests sometimes. We're human.

Maybe. Maybe not.

christexaport 2009-09-12 20:02

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
Good one, GeraldKO.

iskarion 2009-09-13 10:20

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by DeeGee (Post 325810)
Then again there isn't very accurate info on those mobile gpu's so it's hard to say what kind of performance increase it would actually mean.

There is some information available at
(free registration required)

Seems that the main difference between the various SGX5x chips is the no. triangles/pixels per second, clock speed, die size, power consumption.
While all chips support OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0, OpenGL 2.0 and Direct 3D/DirectX 9 are only supprted by SGX535/SGX545 and the SGX545 in addition supports OpenGL 3.0 and DirectX 10.1.
HD video is mentioned for all chips.

smog 2009-09-13 11:31

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
"N900 vs Iphone. "

what made the iphone/touch better is the application store and the community.
we can count the good Maemo apps on our 2 hands while the apple apps numbers are simply exploding.

and yes, a LOT of them are free.

I don't own any apple product but as much as I tried to push the N800 or n810 to friends, they discovered the form factor and went for the touch. let's face it, it's not all about the hardware.

christexaport 2009-09-13 18:35

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
smog, most of the iphone's apps suck and are useless novelties. the ipod touch gains on the N8xx because it has a pocketable size and a telephony capability. Both have an "app store", just app manager is all free apps.

Look at the iPhone apps compared to Symbian apps. There is more useful apps for Symbian imo, and Maemo seems far ahead of both. As for the community, its just the American devs. Had the iPHone been in China and Russia where the real devs are (No offense, US and UK devs), you'd see more good apps. Watch how fast all the devs switch in the next couple years to the Nokia device portfolio.

ysss 2009-09-13 18:42

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
@christ: I commend your enthusiasm, but can you tell us how familiar are you (really) about the apps available for the iPhone?

I notice you've been making bold comments against many products\technologies from assumptions you've made without first hand experience or knowledge (ie: about n800\n810, about iphone\touch, etc).

My interest here is for us to have discussion with factual basis, so we have a better understanding of what's OUT THERE. Whether one considers them as 'competitors' or 'options'. So we can have proper assessment of the market.

There's no point in talking trash against the competitor as far as I'm concerned, because all it does is lower your own standards.

kenny 2009-09-13 18:48

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 326325)
the ipod touch gains on the N8xx because it has a pocketable size and a telephony capability.

Whoa, here we go again.
What "telephony capability" does the iPod Touch have that isn't available in the N8x0?

allnameswereout 2009-09-13 21:37

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 326325)
smog, most of the iphone's apps suck and are useless novelties. the ipod touch gains on the N8xx because it has a pocketable size and a telephony capability. Both have an "app store", just app manager is all free apps.

:rolleyes: try to respect your competitor and learn their strength and weaknesses. Do you think any war (conflict) was won by just looking down to the enemy, downplaying any of their strengths? You only fool yourself that way.

Yet what you say might be the case for you in your situation. I can assure you there are tons of useful applications for my iPod touch. Many of which are mere frontends or compilations of data. Example: offline Wikipedia, a program to parse supermarkets for deals, a program to check train schedules and delays, a program to check bus schedules and delays, a program to manage your eBay, a decent RSS feed reader, a program to check traffic queues, a program to check weather (with map), a program which parses Rabobank performance and news, a program which allows one to get information about owner of number plate, a program which checks for cinema offerings & deals, convenient unity converters, stereogram, a program which allows you to easily download or buy an application, anatomy program, visual wifi scanner, a good soulseek client, seismographic data parser, astrology data parser, sushi review data parser, restaurant review data parser, flashlight, Myst, F1 data parser, fuel price data parser, pocket wine review, translator (online), NFSU, Zen Bound (puzzle game), find nearest ATM, Shazam, Rummikub, dictionaries, yellow pages, newspaper data parsers, monkey island SE, Spore, Fokke & Sukke comic, easy & visual interface for managing social network sites.

BTW, they all have a decent interface. What most applications do is parse data and function as abstraction layer. Together with Cocoa this creates clean, good interfaces. Some of these applications might cost a few bucks, but who cares, if it fulfills its role. Both N8x0 and iPod touch are pocketable alike, and both do not have telephony capability.

BadMojoUT 2009-09-13 23:19

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
I generally hate wading into these "versus" debates but oddly enough, I can't help myself in this case.

So here goes. A bit of background. I used the original iPhone for 3 months (and still own it) and I have from time to time played with the App store. I've been a primary Symbian user for many years now.

With that out of the way, here's my take.

The App store has plenty of great games and apps. I don't think it's appropriate for me (or most other people for that matter) to determine how the apps on the iPhone compare with the apps on Symbian in terms of usefulness just because, well, I haven't reviewed the tens of thousands of apps on both platforms.

However, I will say that in terms of getting *easy* access to useful apps, the iPhone, until recently, very much had Symbian beat. And I think this had to do with the perception among some that the iPhone has more useful apps than other platforms. And also, because of the relatively closed hardware platform (I know the 3GS breaks the trend), it's resulted in a console-like dev environment that's created a thriving gaming scene. This is key. (Incidentally, if you had told me three years ago that Apple would be a key player in the mobile gaming scene, I would've called you crazy. Ha!)

Now, that's not to say that there aren't a whole lot of crappy apps in the App store. In fact, one company recently got shut down because they were making superfluous apps that did like one thing (for instance, an app that pulled images off of common websites for one celebrity). Why would they do such a thing? Well, their strategy was basically to push out as many new apps as possible and get the early adopters to purchase. By taking advantage of the fact that nobody had reviewed their app, they were able to constantly dupe customers into buying their crappy products. And they were earning several thousand dollars a day. I think they had pushed like over a thousand apps in a year or so (I'm speaking from memory, I need to find the article on TechCrunch). In order words, this company gamed the system almost to perfection.

That was a rather interesting phenomena. And I think there are app development companies that are also trying to mimic this. So basically, the very aspects of the app store model that spurred so much innovation and interest was also a driving factor into a lot of crappy apps being developed. it'll be interesting how this pans out with the Ovi store and just with the general mobile app development space.

gerbick 2009-09-13 23:43

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by kenny (Post 326336)
Whoa, here we go again.
What "telephony capability" does the iPod Touch have that isn't available in the N8x0?

Apps that have been updated after 2008. I'll start and end there. Namely Skype and Fring since they're out for both. Apparently - as brought to my attention since I had stopped waiting on a fix sometime last year - RTComm had been updated.

Pidgin is still stuck in 2.5.x when the desktop is at 2.6.2 - but that doesn't mean that the libpurple is that far behind. I guess.

In all fairness, the whole telephony slant though is not really a big difference in my opinion though.

I'd say games is the biggest difference.

R-R 2009-09-14 00:16

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by BadMojoUT (Post 326449)
And also, because of the relatively closed hardware platform (I know the 3GS breaks the trend), it's resulted in a console-like dev environment that's created a thriving gaming scene.

How is the 3GS breaking the trend? I missed that news :-)

allnameswereout 2009-09-14 00:38

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 326460)

I'd say games is the biggest difference.

I see the importance of games, but really, if you look in my list you'll notice a lot of applications which abstract data. Ofcourse, many are specific to my country, but I suspect the same is true for a German or French iPhoneOS user. I'm really happy with those small little tools because they save a lot of time and effort, and some stuff is simply very useful to have with you (such as an offline Wikipedia). A smartphone is like a swiss army knife. But it has to be convenient to take the tools out; don't always want to start browser and search around on desktop optimized sites.

BadMojoUT 2009-09-14 00:39

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by R-R (Post 326469)
How is the 3GS breaking the trend? I missed that news :-)

It's running the PowerVR SGX 3D accelerator, which has support for OpenGL ES 2.0. OpenGL ES 2.0 gets away from fixed function pipelines to programmable ones (similar to going from DirectX 7 > DirectX 8 if you're familiar with the API in the PC world).

I guess I should've worded it a little differently. Games written for OpenGL ES 1.1 will work just fine on all three iPhone models (as well as the iPod touches) so from that perspective, the 3GS doesn't break compatibility. However, if a game developer wishes to take advantage of the programmable pipelines for fancier graphics, then they'll have to eschew backwards compatibility or choose to create two rendering paths (one for OpenGL ES 1.1 and the other for OpenGL ES 2.0) to support all iPhone models. The latter option, obviously, takes more development time.

So technically, if you were to develop *just* for the 3GS, it's very much a console-like environment since the hardware is locked down. The thing is that if phone hardware evolves the way it does on the PC (i.e. new phone models with ever more powerful hardware keeps getting released every six months or a year), then the development path is akin to that of a PC games in the 90s and earlier this decade. You have to make a game that supports many different hardware combinations, from low-end 50 dollar phones to the latest cutting edge 400 dollar plus phones, in order to have as large of a market to capture as possible. This is in contrast to the console environment, where you have a single target platform to work with and you learn to squeeze ever more power out of the console as you develop titles over its lifetime.

Developing for the first two iPhones and iPod touches was akin to developing for a console. The hardware was identical, save for flash memory and phone capability differences between them. With the advent of the 3GS, the dev environment looks more like a PC where you have to figure out if you want to develop for the high-end only and get a smaller market or develop for the baseline albeit at the cost of fancier graphics or longer dev time.

gerbick 2009-09-14 00:42

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 326479)
I see the importance of games, but really, if you look in my list you'll notice a lot of applications which abstract data. Ofcourse, many are specific to my country, but I suspect the same is true for a German or French iPhoneOS user. I'm really happy with those small little tools because they save a lot of time and effort, and some stuff is simply very useful to have with you (such as an offline Wikipedia). A smartphone is like a swiss army knife. But it has to be convenient to take the tools out; don't always want to start browser and search around on desktop optimized sites.

Oh, I agree with your list. I just said "biggest difference" in regards to what's really 100% lacking imho.

Your list, quite impressive. And I agree with your list. I just know the likelihood of some, if not most of those "might" show up in one way or the other.

UCOMM 2009-09-14 18:28

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
how about n900 vs leo

4.3 inch screen with the same resolution and no keyboard

running snapdragon supposedly

ysss 2009-09-14 18:33

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
@UCOMM: 4.3" 800x480 screen with thin border is pretty SEXY :D
If only there's a slide out 4 rows keyboard just behind it.. and runs a more current OS...

texaslabrat 2009-09-14 18:37

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by UCOMM (Post 326881)
how about n900 vs leo

4.3 inch screen with the same resolution and no keyboard

running snapdragon supposedly

Looks roughly the same overall size as the N800. Great for a dedicated tablet..too big (IMHO) for a phone that you're going to take with you everywhere (to be honest, the N900 is really pushing it as it is). But, to each their own...

UCOMM 2009-09-14 18:42

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
aye i don't see how that would be pockatable, its just too wide

for a phone i think 3.5 is the sweet spot

gerbick 2009-09-14 19:00

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
I wear blazers or suit jackets... and I don't wear tight *** jeans either.

That would be easily pocketable.

ossipena 2009-09-14 19:08

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 326903)
I wear blazers or suit jackets... and I don't wear tight *** jeans either.

That would be easily pocketable.

this is stupid speculation that doesn't lead anywhere. everyone has atleast 2 things: arsloch and opinion of the max size of pocketable device.

UCOMM 2009-09-14 19:26

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 326903)
I wear blazers or suit jackets... and I don't wear tight *** jeans either.

That would be easily pocketable.

I wear a doctors coat(with a kajillion pockets) and tight *** jeans.

That still wouldn't be easily pocketable

ooo ooo do i win

christexaport 2009-09-14 21:31

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
Ossipena, I don't think it was speculation so much as opinion. We all have one. And gerbick, good look on the baggy pants. Let em breath...

@ kenny,
I meant the iPhone, not the iPod Touch, fact cop! LOL! (You bust me everytime... I like it, though. Keep me on my toes...)

@ allnameswereout,
I should point out that Symbian Freak is my home, but I write for various mobile sites, and don't bite my tongue with my dislike for the iPhone/iPod propaganda. And my assessment of iPhone apps is firsthand. I've used most smartphones in some capacity via reviews and personal trials. I think most of the iPhone apps are gap fillers covering up the touted but crippled browser. I've long said that a full featured browser would eliminate the need for most of the apps, ie. Facebook and twitter apps, etc. But I didn't intend nor wish to discuss the iPHone today, but phones in general. It is usually the first mentioned, so I mentioned it to relate to the group. I know of many useful apps, but twice as many "shake the boob", "lighter flame", "mirror" (which is also on S60, sadly, and "ifart" apps. I'd say they have many apps to make things easier and faster, but I bet multitasking would do more for that than any app.

I HAVEN'T tested the N8xx, but I don't speak much about it either, except to wonder how ASR hasn't found its way onto them so far. And I think calling the N8xx pocketable is pushing it. I don't see many coming out of pockets, and all I hear is 'its too big for a phone". But I'd like a phone that size tbo.

allnameswereout 2009-09-14 22:35

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 326946)
I should point out that Symbian Freak is my home, but I write for various mobile sites, and don't bite my tongue with my dislike for the iPhone/iPod propaganda.

That is OK, but flaming isn't for that does not contribute to create an objective state of positive and negative aspects in the compare. People who are interested in compares between N900 and iPhone 3GS want some kind of honest, informative compare. Honest disgust/hate or misinformation has no place. It only serves as noise.

They don't want to read nonsense from Maemo, S60 or iPhoneOS zealots!


And my assessment of iPhone apps is firsthand. I've used most smartphones in some capacity via reviews and personal trials. I think most of the iPhone apps are gap fillers covering up the touted but crippled browser. I've long said that a full featured browser would eliminate the need for most of the apps, ie. Facebook and twitter apps, etc.
So, you'd say, the same is true for Android? The problem is that almost no website is optimized for mobile usage (some were for WAP, T9, and iPhone but thats it). This will not change unless we have some goddamn standards. But I think its better to spew the data out abstract, and let the viewer deal with how to show it. Exactly what iPhoneOS does. These applications serve as abstraction layer, and they're necessary. Heck, I some of such apps on S60 too. And Qt4 and web (HTML5) will do the very same for S60 & Maemo.

While a good browser would negate the necessity somewhat it is not able to beat the (almost) perfect interfaces of stand-alone applications. Also, one would not crash the whole browser. And, for now, we're still bound to Ovi Maps stand alone because ithe online version is IE only ;)

Personally, I've also uncrippled my browser on iPod touch. And got mulitasking on it as well. The point here is not to hail any product though (as you read in my first paragraph). We don't need hailers in this thread they can go to some pub on t.m.o and whine there. We want to understand the positive and ngative aspects of devices (hardware & software wise).


But I didn't intend nor wish to discuss the iPHone today, but phones in general.
Well, uhhh... the subject of this thread is...


It is usually the first mentioned, so I mentioned it to relate to the group. I know of many useful apps, but twice as many "shake the boob", "lighter flame", "mirror" (which is also on S60, sadly, and "ifart" apps. I'd say they have many apps to make things easier and faster, but I bet multitasking would do more for that than any app.
I don't know these useless applications! I never tried them! Not one! I read for example, which has useful applications reviewed and tested. If it is in my interest I install it. To compare, there are websites dedicated to my phone too (Nokia E71) albeit less informative, and far less applications out there such as the one I described.


And I think calling the N8xx pocketable is pushing it. I don't see many coming out of pockets, and all I hear is 'its too big for a phone". But I'd like a phone that size tbo.
Yes, you need deep pockets ;) lets just say you don't need a bag to transfer it whereas a netbook would never fit in your pocket. So it is pocketable, just too big for a certain % of users.

gerbick 2009-09-15 00:09

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 326908)
this is stupid speculation that doesn't lead anywhere. everyone has atleast 2 things: arsloch and opinion of the max size of pocketable device.

It's stupid? How so? You're talking about a product that's basically would be, in that aforementioned post, the basic same size as a Nokia N810 which fits into my pocket quite easily.

So... how is that stupid? It is easily pocketable - the wished for 4.3" N device and the HTC Leo.

btw... Ich verstehe Deutsche. Alles arschloch ausser mich.

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