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RevdKathy 2010-01-09 13:38

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support
Orange UK settings posted over in the other thread. Huge thanks to frals for his time, effort and patience with me!

pippomu 2010-01-14 19:10

MMS configuration H3g Italy - Tre Italia
MMS configuration H3g Italy - Tre Italia

after installing fMMS and fAPN - GUI for adding a new GPRS APN
here the steps:

with fAPN
add anew apn named mms (important: respect cases - mms is different than Mms). You can close.
go to main settings and then, connection settings and edit the apn just named "mms":
access point name:
user name: (empty)
password: (empty)
ask for password: leave unchecked
go on and click on advanced
use proxy: check the box
proxy HTTP: or
port: 8799
in the tab IP address leave everything automatic

save and close.

with fMMS
click on configurations
APN: mms [/B](remember: respect cases - mMS is different than mmS);
MMSC: ""
Resize image width: 300 (Tre Italia guarantees up to this dimension);
Your phonenumber: write your number in format +39xxxyyyyy

Hope it's usefull

qgil 2010-01-16 00:35

Re: [In development] Brainstorm: MMS Support moved to In Development.

ReemZ 2010-08-30 05:28

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 335714)
I can only speak for my own telco, Vodafone NL. It seems they have different APNs because there are different connections configured (there are 4, in fact). But that is not the case. They have the same APN name which you can see in details: with username vodafone and password vodafone. The only difference is the default homepage. For MMS, it is so at least in my case there is no need for a seperate ppp1 please verify in your phone settings about your case. YMMV.

I've not read the entire thread just yet, so I'm not sure if you might have had to answer this question before and I'm sorry if I'm causing a problem now, but I found your post through a search on "mms vodafone". I'm with Vodafone NL too and I'm having trouble finding the right settings.
The Vodafone site mentions a proxy port number (8799) but I'm not sure if I'm to include this in the proxy url or not, and I'm at a complete loss as to the 'advanced' settings, where I'm to enter the IP address and DNS addresses.
Needless to say I can't send or receive MMS messages at this point.
Any chance you could help a fellow Dutchman out here? ;)

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