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RevdKathy 2010-01-26 08:27

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I've had witter (0.2.2) spontaneously close on me a couple of times. I'm guessing that was unintentional, and it doesn't contain a "You've wasted enough time" feature. Is there a new version I'm not usng yet?

I still love it. (And the comment about colours was more repeating what I'd seen others tweet than any feeling I have - don't waste time on that till you have the function how you want it)

dwould 2010-01-26 09:18

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 495101)
I've had witter (0.2.2) spontaneously close on me a couple of times. I'm guessing that was unintentional, and it doesn't contain a "You've wasted enough time" feature. Is there a new version I'm not usng yet?

I still love it. (And the comment about colours was more repeating what I'd seen others tweet than any feeling I have - don't waste time on that till you have the function how you want it)

0.2.2-3 is the latest, i tend to but smaller changes at the -n level. and bump the main version for big stuff.

the random exits are some kind of segfault in one of the libraries i use. sadly i have no idea which or why it goes wrong. if it try to use a hildonfiledialg instead of the gtk one for twitpic that goes boom in a similar way.

as for the colour thing, i saw the same tweets. and siunce it was a relatively easy change to make 0.2.2-3 contains some support to change the colours

euanandrews 2010-01-26 10:07

Re: witter - a python twitter client
very good, working fine now...
love the colour change, works good...
would be good if you gave the ability to change the background colour too, as otherwise its blue may clash with the users chosen colour scheme....not a biggie though

mscarrot 2010-01-26 17:13

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Wow, thanks so much for the update, works great,
just one spontaneous shut down, so it is pretty stable over here

Really like the options you've added with this last update,
would like the color option to be extended to the icons and background, and if possible adding avatars of course.

I switch between mauku *cause of the easy see in a glace who posted a tweet avatar bubble style* and Witter (more options, search etc.)...

Would be tremendously happy if somebody could merge these 2 apps together, the looks of Mauku and the functionality of Witter !!


- maybe if possible when posting a new tweet that it says; Posted from Witter in stead of API ??
- Do you have a solution for the time not displayed correctly (1 hour less then actual, am located in Amsterdam Time Zone).

dwould 2010-01-26 19:07

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by mscarrot (Post 495808)
Wow, thanks so much for the update, works great,
just one spontaneous shut down, so it is pretty stable over here

Really like the options you've added with this last update,
would like the color option to be extended to the icons and background, and if possible adding avatars of course.

the icons are all in files and i have no idea if it's even possible to dynamically change the colours. you're welcome to create your own font set to match the colour you want they all live in /opt/witter/Icons/

Originally Posted by mscarrot (Post 495808)
I switch between mauku *cause of the easy see in a glace who posted a tweet avatar bubble style* and Witter (more options, search etc.)...

Would be tremendously happy if somebody could merge these 2 apps together, the looks of Mauku and the functionality of Witter !!


- maybe if possible when posting a new tweet that it says; Posted from Witter in stead of API ??

configure oauth. twitter doesn't let an app report itself as source over basicauth. or rather it doesn't let any new apps do so. but witter is registered so when you configure oauth it will show up as source

Originally Posted by mscarrot (Post 495808)
- Do you have a solution for the time not displayed correctly (1 hour less then actual, am located in Amsterdam Time Zone).

i just paste the time straight from the tweet xml with no processing. it hadn't really occured to me to mess about with it.

dwould 2010-01-26 21:50

Re: witter - a python twitter client
since 0.2.2-3 seems to be relatively well received for extras-devel I've promoted to extras-testing.

Not sure what I'm going to look at next, but if anyone can point me at information on any of the following it would be helpful...

using libnotify from python - I'd like to be able flash led etc for dms/mentions

or how to get signals from the rocker switch - I'd like to allow the font size to be stepped up/down as a zoom type function

Anything at all around make a more performant display in python. currently it uses a gtk treeview backed by a list store using a custom cell renderer. and it just feels like there must be a sexier faster wy to display. but I'm at a loss of where to start.

RevdKathy 2010-01-27 08:21

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I'm not managing to d/l more than 20 tweets at the moment. I was in 0.2.2 but not in 0.2.2-3. It that just me?

As for faster, I think doing the python optify (which I did for rootfs space) seemed to make a slight difference. Once loaded though it's pretty fast. A little bit of ghosting on the scoll - can you make the scolling smoother?

ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-27 08:35

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Just created my twitter account, and just downloaded this application.

Made my first tweet A OK the program looks great so far seems to be well featured and I like the interface.

dwould 2010-01-27 08:36

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 496980)
I'm not managing to d/l more than 20 tweets at the moment. I was in 0.2.2 but not in 0.2.2-3. It that just me?

do you mean the +20,+50,+100,+200 buttons aren't working for you now? if you press them in windowed me does witter show it's busy at all? they still work fine for me....

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 496980)
As for faster, I think doing the python optify (which I did for rootfs space) seemed to make a slight difference. Once loaded though it's pretty fast. A little bit of ghosting on the scoll - can you make the scolling smoother?

the scrolling is what I'd love to fix, but i think i'd probably have to take a completly different approach to rendereing. once you load lots of tweets things slow down, and i get some strange artefacts whilst rendering sometimes. just not sure what approach to take.

RevdKathy 2010-01-27 08:49

Re: witter - a python twitter client
To be accurate, it does sometimes. But mostly it doesn't. Sometimes it just reloads the same 20, sometimes it doesn't seem to respond at all.

BTW, you want to get on twitter and silence the fools shouting for gravity. ;)

euanandrews 2010-01-27 09:05

Re: witter - a python twitter client
He is on Twitter, and to be fair, Gravity is a really good app...Janole is considering porting to Maemo 5 as we speak...

When witter first started, it was not in the same league as Gravity, but as Daniel has released updates and refined witter, added more features, its just gone from stength to strength...

A Maemo version of Gravity would still be tough competition though

berty 2010-01-27 09:14

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Bring on Maemo Gravity I say!!!!

mscarrot 2010-01-27 12:27

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I agree that this app is getting better and better. I set up the 0Auth and it is saying posting from Twitter now (thanks for pointing that out to me Daniel !!)
So now hopefully get some extra advertising on twitter for Daniel's good work !!

(still like the sleek Mauku style more, but will stop nagging....)

One happy customer over here Daniel, keep up the good work and will patiently wait for new changes to come.

(probably could design some icons or color these myself, but getting it on and off the phone would be impossible right now, hi-tech geek (yet).

dwould 2010-01-27 12:52

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 497015)
To be accurate, it does sometimes. But mostly it doesn't. Sometimes it just reloads the same 20, sometimes it doesn't seem to respond at all.

hmm strange and this is on the timeline view? it currently isn't working in an other view

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 497015)
BTW, you want to get on twitter and silence the fools shouting for gravity. ;)

nah, it was never my intention to push witter on people. I'm making it an app i like and if others like it and use it then great. but if they want gravity or whatever that's fine with me.

Hossie 2010-01-27 17:44

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by euanandrews (Post 497035)
Janole is considering porting to Maemo 5 as we speak...

Really? He was given a free N900 months ago. He doenst respond on questions about Maemo support. He only implements features with much less votes on Uservoice.

How do you know he is on it?

dwould 2010-01-27 21:48

Re: witter - a python twitter client
small update in extras-devel 0.2.2-4 (thanks to pycage for the info I needed) the vol/zoom rocker now lets you increase/decrease the font size.

mscarrot 2010-01-27 22:19

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Works like a charm Daniel, thanks for this great feature !!!

netAdept 2010-01-27 22:36

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 498353)
small update in extras-devel 0.2.2-4 (thanks to pycage for the info I needed) the vol/zoom rocker now lets you increase/decrease the font size.

That's a great feature. Very handy for being able to see @m4updates whilst driving to work :eek:

evil_m0nkey 2010-01-27 22:39

Re: witter - a python twitter client
now thats a good feature.

how about

- we click on the tweet
and then it goes forward to a new page, where we can reply, re tweet, dm from there. Kind of like logpost.
- rather than giving the option of color, make it theme baes, like how gpodder lists everything
-portrait mode

Again, these are my 2 cents. I absolutely love the app. Look forward to recieving updates. Keep up the excellent work

Hotshot 2010-01-27 22:49

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Can't wait for this to hit extras i'm in need of a good twitter app cause sometimes the web don't cut it lol

jasallis3 2010-01-28 03:13

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Incredibly stupid question: can someone link me to where I can download this?

Sorry, only two weeks in with my N900. :)

ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-28 05:32

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by jasallis3 (Post 498774)
Incredibly stupid question: can someone link me to where I can download this?

Sorry, only two weeks in with my N900. :)

The most simple way is by enabling the devel and extra testing repositories, you need to read up on what those are and the associated risks.

Basically if you get anything from there your a beta tester :D

euanandrews 2010-01-28 06:39

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by Hossie (Post 497826)
Really? He was given a free N900 months ago. He doenst respond on questions about Maemo support. He only implements features with much less votes on Uservoice.

How do you know he is on it?

That story of Janole being given a N900 was incorrect, he had not, I got that answer from Janole himself...

As for Gravity, check out his support forums, I made a feature request for Maemo 5 support which has since rocketed to #1 request (people can vote for their favorite feature request) and recently Janole updated the status of that feature 'pending'...and hes talking alot about it on his twitter account, which I also follow.

RevdKathy 2010-01-28 08:00

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I stil definitely can't get any more than 20 tweets. I'm giong in search of whatever the extra-very-latest version is in the hope that that will unfankle something. Since it's ony me, it's clearly a very minor fankle!

ymb 2010-01-28 08:18

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by jasallis3 (Post 498774)
Incredibly stupid question: can someone link me to where I can download this?


Originally Posted by ViciousXUSMC (Post 498889)
The most simple way is by enabling the devel and extra testing repositories, you need to read up on what those are and the associated risks.

Basically if you get anything from there your a beta tester :D

I would say only enable Extras-testing, I have found the apps there to be quite stable (and the idea is that you are doing beta testing then you go and vote to enable the app to be promoted to Extras).
Extras-devel is for the hard-core alpha testers, and should really be left for the more experienced people (as bugs at that level could require re-flashing the device!)

I also use which works really well, especially with the new portrait browser mode

dwould 2010-01-28 12:18

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by evil_m0nkey (Post 498452)
now thats a good feature.

how about

- we click on the tweet
and then it goes forward to a new page, where we can reply, re tweet, dm from there. Kind of like logpost.

I'm kind of curious what the benefit of this is over the current approach? I quite like at the momen tthat it scrolls the tweet you tapped on into view, so you can see it whilst you user the buttons. What would you be looking to gain by switching to a new page?

Originally Posted by evil_m0nkey (Post 498452)
- rather than giving the option of color, make it theme baes, like how gpodder lists everything

I'm not quite sure how yet, but I am considering how to effectively support themes. Such that the current icons and colours would be the default theme, but maybe make it easier for people to bundle up different icons and colour settings for their own themes. needs some careful thinking about

Originally Posted by evil_m0nkey (Post 498452)
-portrait mode

yikes, no idea how to do this, I guess I'd have to think about all different buttons layouts to work in portrait.

Originally Posted by evil_m0nkey (Post 498452)

Again, these are my 2 cents. I absolutely love the app. Look forward to recieving updates. Keep up the excellent work

euanandrews 2010-01-28 21:11

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Portrait that would be a celebrated featute...and would put your app in a whole new league as its a desired feature many want on the N900, and very very few apps do.

vdx29 2010-01-30 17:18

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 498984)
I stil definitely can't get any more than 20 tweets. I'm giong in search of whatever the extra-very-latest version is in the hope that that will unfankle something. Since it's ony me, it's clearly a very minor fankle!

You are not alone. I can't seem to get more than 20 tweets either.

mscarrot 2010-02-01 12:02

Re: witter - a python twitter client
tested the getting 'extra' tweets over the last days.
I can only recieve 20 OR 200 tweets when requested.
The buttons in between those 2 doesn't seem to work with me either.
Am using Witter as my main Twitter app.
Have only one bug or issue; time-stamps are still one hour less then actual time, I'm from the Netherlands so that's AMS-time.
Was wondering if more people have this issue, or is it just me?

would it be possible to add a 'add to favorite' tabb too?,
am missing this option in daily use.

Keep up the good work, can't wait to see new updates.

dwould 2010-02-01 13:50

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by mscarrot (Post 504968)
tested the getting 'extra' tweets over the last days.
I can only recieve 20 OR 200 tweets when requested.
The buttons in between those 2 doesn't seem to work with me either.

I'll do some investigation and see if I can spot an obvious problem, I'm pretty sure I tried all of these and they worked, but I may have broken things again.

Originally Posted by mscarrot (Post 504968)
Am using Witter as my main Twitter app.
Have only one bug or issue; time-stamps are still one hour less then actual time, I'm from the Netherlands so that's AMS-time.
Was wondering if more people have this issue, or is it just me?

currently in witter I do nothing at all with timestamps, I simply pull it from the message as it comes from twitter. To do more than that I can feel there might be a world of pain. I literally don't even treat them as timestamps at the moment just text.
One question though, are you using basic auth or oauth? At the moment basic auth still uses my own code for talking to twitter, and oauth uses the python-twitter library. It's possible that if you aren't using oauth yet, then doing so would resolve this issue, *if* the python-twitter library does more than me around timestamps.

Originally Posted by mscarrot (Post 504968)
would it be possible to add a 'add to favorite' tabb too?,
am missing this option in daily use.

Keep up the good work, can't wait to see new updates.

I have honestly never used the favorite mechanism in twitter, and hence had not considered implementing it.
I'm wary of adding more tabs just because there are already a lot of controls. I'll guess I'll think about it, but honestly it is not high on my internal list of things that need doing.

For those that are interested in what the main things on that list are...
I'm working on integration, to automatically expand urls in my received tweets (currently working) and then support shortedning urls from a menu button probably.

better preferences - I've overhauled the preferences option to be a stacked window with pannable area, added a section for credentials, swapped all the refresh interval controls to be touch selectors and generally made it easier for me to add new preferences.

once the above is all working I'll upload a version.

theme-support, I'd like to get it to the point that colour selection + icons can be bundled into a theme which makes it possible to create and separately distribute extra themes.

Account management - I'd like to tidy all this up into a sensible panel which let syou configure multiple twitter/ indentica/custom accounts. as well as creds in one place. This requires a big change in the logic to support multiple log ins etc. but I can see the usefulness.

Lists support - Whilst I still don't really want to do avatars, I can see that lists address some of the issues that people have without avatars, namely the ability to focus in on specific subsets of their friends in an easy way.

I expect all of this to keep me busy for a long time. And if I get any good information on how to make better use of graphics libraries to speed things up, that will probably jump to the top of the list.

dwould 2010-02-04 23:57

Re: witter - a python twitter client
uploaded 0.2.2-5 to extras-devel.
preferences now updated. if you have a account and api key you can get url shortening via the main menu.
at the moment any urls are automatically expanded. but i'm not sure whether i want to stick with that feature or not.

euanandrews 2010-02-05 09:05

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Ya started theme support I see...
URL shortening....testing 1 2 3....
And a more pretty preferences menu.
Good work

dwould 2010-02-05 20:18

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by euanandrews (Post 511498)
Ya started theme support I see...
URL shortening....testing 1 2 3....
And a more pretty preferences menu.
Good work

well 'started' theme support in so far as i have a place to control it from. but i've not figured out any of the workings.

still wondering if there is any better/faster way to render the tweets. if so it would change anything i do theme wise.

JosefA 2010-02-05 20:30

Re: witter - a python twitter client
dwould, witter is good stuff. Thank you!

zerojay 2010-02-05 20:41

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 512324)
well 'started' theme support in so far as i have a place to control it from. but i've not figured out any of the workings.

still wondering if there is any better/faster way to render the tweets. if so it would change anything i do theme wise.

Get rid of the bubbles the tweets are shown in. They're useless and just plain look ugly. I would even just go with the way conversations does IM... and chances are that no longer drawing the bubbles would solve your slow redrawing.

dwould 2010-02-05 21:47

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 512350)
Get rid of the bubbles the tweets are shown in. They're useless and just plain look ugly. I would even just go with the way conversations does IM... and chances are that no longer drawing the bubbles would solve your slow redrawing.

ugly or not, removing them has a negligible effect on performance.
i think gtk and cairo are just not fast enough from python. either that or i have a lot of badly performing code (entirely possible)
wondering if can get some sensible performance tests going.

euanandrews 2010-02-05 22:40

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 512324)
well 'started' theme support in so far as i have a place to control it from. but i've not figured out any of the workings.

still wondering if there is any better/faster way to render the tweets. if so it would change anything i do theme wise.

Personally I think the theme support is a waste of time...the basic controls you have already provided are fine...but you should consider coding it in such a way so that when people do updates, their colour preferences are remembered, and not discarded as presently are.

Focusing on rendering the tweets faster I do think is a good move, that and making the scrolling smoother.

Still would love to see avatars...nudge nudge ;)

evil_m0nkey 2010-02-05 22:56

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Rather than themes, make them go with the theme of the cellphone. This is FeedingIt listing, and I have the marina theme installed, looks quite smooth doesn't it.

I think its better witter synergizes with the cellphone theme than create its own theming concept.

again, an idea, love the software. keep up the good work

EDIT: avatars and smoother scrolling if you can

dwould 2010-02-05 23:16

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by euanandrews (Post 512506)
Personally I think the theme support is a waste of time...the basic controls you have already provided are fine...but you should consider coding it in such a way so that when people do updates, their colour preferences are remembered, and not discarded as presently are.

Focusing on rendering the tweets faster I do think is a good move, that and making the scrolling smoother.

Still would love to see avatars...nudge nudge ;)

the colour preferences are supposed to be saved rather than discarded. there are values set in the /home/user/.witter file.
i'd be interested in the output fm running witter at commandline if you find it's not storing your colour preferences.

dwould 2010-02-05 23:19

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by evil_m0nkey (Post 512528)

Rather than themes, make them go with the theme of the cellphone. This is FeedingIt listing, and I have the marina theme installed, looks quite smooth doesn't it.

I think its better witter synergizes with the cellphone theme than create its own theming concept.

again, an idea, love the software. keep up the good work

EDIT: avatars and smoother scrolling if you can

any idea how to hook into the phones theme? is feedingit a python app? i guess i can look into it. but any pointers on how to use and react to themes would be cool

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