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Thats it! 2011-01-25 08:44

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by Joseph.skb (Post 927304)
I don't have bright spots, but the screen on the left side (near the earpiece) is a bit dimmer - noticeable only on a white background. Anyone else noticed this condition?

Yes it's screen bleeding and I had it, too on both sides on my first device. Actually, it was one of the other defects they did acknowledge (as opposed to the spots) . You may be able to get it replaced but be aware that a new screen can develop new problems.

purgiaali 2011-02-22 15:54

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
AArrgghhh!!! I just got a new N900 after the usb broke for the second time, and now I've got spots.


bigears5000 2011-02-22 16:07

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by purgiaali (Post 952828)
AArrgghhh!!! I just got a new N900 after the usb broke for the second time, and now I've got spots.


Both in exactly the same place as mine.

zifis 2011-02-22 16:59

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Oh My God! you guys made me see spots everywhere now!!

JD2010 2011-02-22 17:24

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Hi I had this on my first N900 after 8 months, I sold it with the spot on my second after 3 months!!! Then it was replace with a new one under warranty for USB broken the new one is ok but only 1 week I supposed they all do that after a while

klinglerware 2011-02-22 17:28

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I've had three N900s and all three have developed spots over time. It could certainly be coincidental, but it seems (on my devices anyway) that the spots developed after situations were my n900s were allowed to run hot for long durations.

Since I had a spare still under warranty, I had the LCD replaced just for the hell of it. We'll see what happens, but I'm guessing that the spots will come back eventually. In the grand scheme of things, it's not such a big deal. Unless I've been terribly unlucky, this seems to affect most if not all N900s, so there's no sense worrying about attaining the unattainable "blemish-free" device)...

stew-b 2011-02-22 19:08

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
ive had spots for as long as i can remember on my 900,doesn't really bother me as they are only visible on a totally white screen which isn't very often..

evan 2011-02-25 13:37

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I have the two spots on the very same place as on the pic above. strange. I thought it was random.

Joker7 2011-02-25 21:54

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by purgiaali (Post 952828)
AArrgghhh!!! I just got a new N900 after the usb broke for the second time, and now I've got spots.


wtf same plase here ....

Abukana 2011-02-26 08:30

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by purgiaali (Post 952828)
AArrgghhh!!! I just got a new N900 after the usb broke for the second time, and now I've got spots.


Wow, these are exactly the same spots I have, in EXACTLY the same positions.
My best guess is that they come from some "parts" located in that particular area in the phone body. Could be the heating issue, but regardless, it seems that these spots are a common problem.

Frankly, although I wouldn't get bothered by these spots too much (true, they are apparent not that often, aka white screen), but given that the price paid was $514.54 last May (2010), the device is expected to be flawless.

By the way, do I read the n900 price on Amazon today (feb 26,2011) correctly ($349.00 )?
..Quite a drop in price, I feel stupid :(

Abukana 2011-02-27 04:51

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by purgiaali (Post 952828)
AArrgghhh!!! I just got a new N900 after the usb broke for the second time, and now I've got spots.


Here is my picture:
Exact same position of the spots

spl0z 2011-02-27 12:49

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by Abukana (Post 956232)
Here is my picture:
Exact same position of the spots

Looks like it is a common thing, i have those same spots at the exact same place at same brightness, no dead pixels tho

Thats it! 2011-02-28 09:36

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by Abukana (Post 956232)
Here is my picture:
Exact same position of the spots

LOL, and here - exact match, and this is my second device with spots! And I have to correct people that claim it doesn't matter because you can see it on white screens only - it DOES matter and you can see it on all lighter colours. Browsing the web, writing sms/email, even reading the Maemo forum... all this shows the spots painfully clear. Let's wake up and face it, it is a major flaw. It's that one and other annoyances that cause Nokia to lose at least one customer.
They shot themselves in the foot with this little prototype business venture. The mobile market these days is hard and unforgiving. I wanted you to succeed but, sorry Nokia, you let us down and failed.

TheWalt 2011-02-28 13:09

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by Abukana (Post 956232)
Here is my picture:
Exact same position of the spots

Same on mine, annoying.

neotalk 2011-02-28 13:12

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
same on mine....just had it repaired a month ago and the spots are back.

wilsonf1 2011-03-01 18:34

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
i have the spots too

cheers nokia

Fresh Prince of Nowhere 2011-03-02 06:19

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Spots in the same exact place. This is my 2nd N900.

LordSnick 2011-03-02 11:50

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I have 2 spots in the same place. Been there the last year or so, but it only shows up on light backgrounds and white.

tzsm98 2011-03-02 12:52

Re: Bright spot on display

Originally Posted by STE (Post 448011)
Any idea, what is causing this? Too much pressure on the display? I know that there wasn't any spot at the beginning. Now actually a small second one appeared.

I believe it is a pressure issue. I didn't have these spots on my replacement screen until my grandson played Angry Birds on it. When he gave it back to me it had the spots.

audey 2011-03-02 15:35

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I have this on my 46/2010 n900 after a month and a half of use. I only have the right spot, but it's in the same place. It's pretty small and not that bright, so after my previous experience with nokia support (48/2009 n900, broken usb after ~2 months. No repair) I don't think I'll even bother ringing them.

Bruce 2011-03-02 17:37

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Mine has the same two spots.

Hootenholler 2011-03-02 19:37

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Mine also has the same two spots, the one in the middle the brighter of the two.

Dragoss91 2011-03-17 23:53

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I got 2 white spots on screen too , but it seems almost everyone got them , so I can live with it . :D

davbost 2011-03-18 00:35

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Ive got the same problem. Two bright spots, one center and the other just to the right of it. Could this be a software issue since so many are experiencing the same? Maybe it could be fixed.

bandora 2011-03-18 01:25

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
@ davbost, it's definately not a software issue.. can't be solved unless you change the LCD screen.. but it would be pointless as they will come back.. I think it's caused by some components heating up at those two locations..

jo21 2011-03-24 09:45

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 970002)
@ davbost, it's definately not a software issue.. can't be solved unless you change the LCD screen.. but it would be pointless as they will come back.. I think it's caused by some components heating up at those two locations..

sad, i have 2 of those :/ quite annoying when browsing the web.
it only shows on white for me.
i was thinking of replacing the screen, buying a new one doesnt sound like a great idea either.

neotalk 2011-03-24 10:01

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
i have had this problem twice....first time i also had broken usb so nokia repair replaced the phone....about 2 months ago i took my phone in with the white blobs problem and they replaced a module....then last month 4 weeks after the repair they came back again.!!!!
Quite annoying especially when trying to use the camera or broswe the web.....looks like a 3rd visit back to nokia repair.

evan 2011-03-25 10:12

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by neotalk (Post 974527)
i have had this problem twice....first time i also had broken usb so nokia repair replaced the phone....about 2 months ago i took my phone in with the white blobs problem and they replaced a module....then last month 4 weeks after the repair they came back again.!!!!
Quite annoying especially when trying to use the camera or broswe the web.....looks like a 3rd visit back to nokia repair.

strange that the white blobs were gone, even only for 4 weeks, without changing the screen, but changing some module.
so either the damage to the screen is not permanent, or they did change the screen.

KetkuFIN 2011-03-25 10:30

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
my white spot on screen almost disappeared when i fixed my n900 slider that got stuck. so i disassembled the whole thing just out of curiosity and cleaned everything with CRC dust off (can of compressed DRY air)
EDIT: now the spot is barely visible.

sony123 2011-04-15 21:37

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I sent my N900 for LCD replacement. The device came back and I now have 2 white spots at exactly the same places as many others.

I never seen this before I will take apart my phone to see why.... this time I will be more careful not to snap the screws.....

Abukana 2011-05-06 07:34

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 970002)
@ davbost, it's definately not a software issue.. can't be solved unless you change the LCD screen.. but it would be pointless as they will come back.. I think it's caused by some components heating up at those two locations..

This seems like the most plausible explanation. Whether the spots show up because of heating or pushing, the close proximity of some parts to the screen from underneath (by unfortunate design) seem to be causing this.
Are the "officials" silent on this issue because there is nothing they can do, or do they not recognize this to be enough of a problem that actually needs to be addressed?
I am pretty sure these spots are likely to be on a lot more screens out there, than reported in this thread.

harmohan_kaul 2011-05-08 08:05

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
my n900 also has the same. i think it was from my last wallpaper theme having bright spots at the same place , maybe continuous pixels charged or something . by the way the theme was Meego Turkiye

bandora 2011-05-08 09:33

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by KetkuFIN (Post 975435)
my white spot on screen almost disappeared when i fixed my n900 slider that got stuck. so i disassembled the whole thing just out of curiosity and cleaned everything with CRC dust off (can of compressed DRY air)
EDIT: now the spot is barely visible.

Interesting.. I shall try this when I have time to do so to confirm this.. (How long have you had the spots for though? Maybe the longer the more it get permanent? jw)

SHARP66 2011-05-11 23:58

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
mine 2, with bright spot in the middle...i think i will live with it

RiD 2011-06-03 13:49

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Have two brighter spots too (1 almost in the center, and other one a bit to the right), and 3 hot (red) pixels...
Even after 10 months, will the warranty take care about that? (well, warranty is 2 years)
It is not much of an issue, but the brighter spots annoys me.
Has anyone send it to the warranty and did they replaced it?

dtparikh 2011-06-03 14:03

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
i too have one bright spot on thr right side.. initially i thought its coz of playing toooo much of Angry Birds wherein i click around that area of the screen with my thumb too frequently and continuosly doing that might have heated up that part of the screen.

fusi 2011-06-07 01:44

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
i have a very slight dot in the centre of my screen also - bearly noticeable though so im not too bothered.. ..ok i am a bit bothered by it - if there is a fix id like to hear it!

sr00t 2011-06-07 21:45

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Having 3 spots at the center of the screen
I don't mind it, it's still the greatest screen I got in a cellphone so far, but I admit its not very funny to have it.

bills2north 2011-12-15 11:54

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
hey i got 2 small bright spots that stare at me like a pair of eyes- spoooooky! first one (to the right) showed up after a few months. second came after a year or so. no pixel problems though.
it doesnt bother me enough to ship it away.
-xmas cheers, all mods & members too!

bills2north 2011-12-16 06:52

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
guess i´m the only/ lonely one typing here so..

i left the the keyboard open all night and the spots were/ are still there so it´s not a heating problem. like i said, i can live with it. ;)

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