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Rob1n 2010-03-24 13:19

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by crazy_jorgito (Post 580192)
root is the lowest level that i see when i connect the n900 to the computer

In mass storage mode that's /home/user/MyDocs, and I don't think you can write to the root in PC Suite mode (/home/user/MyDocs shows as the Data directory there).

crazy_jorgito 2010-03-24 15:39

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
what i mean by root is what you see when you connect the n900 to the computer and you go to my pc and click on the n900 icon. you will see files like Mac OS, DCIM, etc...there i have my deb file
therefore what should i type:
dpkg -i /home/user/stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb
(user means the name that can be read when we get into the fiñe manager?)

Rob1n 2010-03-24 15:40

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by crazy_jorgito (Post 580491)
what i mean by root is what you see when you connect the n900 to the computer and you go to my pc and click on the n900 icon. you will see files like Mac OS, DCIM, etc...there i have my deb file
therefore what should i type:
dpkg -i /home/user/stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb
(user means the name that can be read when we get into the fiñe manager?)

No, you should type:

dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb

crazy_jorgito 2010-03-24 15:58

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
At last, thanks
Now i have done that but when I press the stratagus icon it begins to load but it crashes after a few seconds...any help?

Rob1n 2010-03-24 16:06

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by crazy_jorgito (Post 580499)
At last, thanks
Now i have done that but when I press the stratagus icon it begins to load but it crashes after a few seconds...any help?

Have you copied over the Warcraft data files you extracted using wargus?

crazy_jorgito 2010-03-24 16:12

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Yes, i have copied: campaings,music,contrib,graphics,maps,scripts and sound folders to game/stratagus

xFinal 2010-03-24 16:17

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
have you checked inside the folders? might sound kinda daft, i had many problems copying files over, copied the directories but would only transfer one file a time inside the folders.

crazy_jorgito 2010-03-24 16:23

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
The files are copied correctly...anything else?

Rob1n 2010-03-24 16:49

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by crazy_jorgito (Post 580525)
Yes, i have copied: campaings,music,contrib,graphics,maps,scripts and sound folders to game/stratagus

Those should be copied to games/stratagus on the memory card, or a symlink added from there to the actual location - is that what you've done? Can you post the output from running the following in X Terminal:

ls -al /media/mmc1/games

ls -al /media/mmc1/games/stratagus/

crazy_jorgito 2010-03-24 17:27

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 580575)
Those should be copied to games/stratagus on the memory card, or a symlink added from there to the actual location - is that what you've done? Can you post the output from running the following in X Terminal:

ls -al /media/mmc1/games

ls -al /media/mmc1/games/stratagus/

for the first:
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 232 Mar 23 23:57 .
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 224 Mar 23 23:57 ..
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 320 Mar 24 01:00 stratagus

for the second:
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 320 Mar 24 01:00 .
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 232 Mar 23 23:57 ..
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 224 Mar 23 23:57 graphics
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Mar 24 01:00 stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb -> /home/user/MyDocs/stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb

(i did not do a symlink, dont know what it is)

Rob1n 2010-03-24 18:57

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by crazy_jorgito (Post 580634)
for the first:
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 232 Mar 23 23:57 .
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 224 Mar 23 23:57 ..
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 320 Mar 24 01:00 stratagus

for the second:
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 320 Mar 24 01:00 .
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 232 Mar 23 23:57 ..
drwr-xr-x 3 root root 224 Mar 23 23:57 graphics
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Mar 24 01:00 stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb -> /home/user/MyDocs/stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb

(i did not do a symlink, dont know what it is)

Okay, assuming you don't have a memory card installed, and that you've put the data files into /home/user/MyDocs/games, the following should fix it (you'll need rootsh installed):

sudo gainroot
rm -rf /media/mmc1/games
ln -s /home/user/MyDocs/games /media/mmc1/games

crazy_jorgito 2010-03-24 19:23

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
thanks, now it works!!!

mdex 2010-04-05 03:00

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

I read threw the whole posts and I figured out that I have a similar problem as crazy_jorgito mentioned.

My SD card is not linked to /media/mmc1/games. When I want ot setup a system link

ln -s /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM/Games /media/mmc1/games

and error message pops up saying:

ln: /media/mmc1/games: Operation not permitted

Does anybody know what I can do now?


xFinal 2010-04-05 09:45

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
sounds like your not in root....try looking at rootfs and installing it.

EDIT: while im here, has anyone played through the campaign? keep experiencing jerky gameplay and sometimes closes at the first mission on act 2 orcs, and ToD orcs aswell.

mdex 2010-04-05 11:36

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
1.)hmmm I typed in "sudo gainroot" in XTerminal and it brings me to /home/user/MyDocs so it should be my root dir. Or?

2.)in the meanwhile i tried something else. I moved the games content from the SD card to /media/mmc1/games

mv /MyDocs/DCIM/games /media/mmc1/games

Now when I am starting the stratgus engine it just shows me the home screen and thats it, then it quits (brings me back to the N900 home screen).

What am I doing wrong? Any solution?

Help please!

xFinal 2010-04-05 11:54

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
when u enter root and it changes to /home/user/MyDocs/ means your in root and by root it means access to the whole device like administartor mode i guess, if your getting the start up image then its right. by the sounds of it your missing data files. Have you used wargus to rip the data files off your warcraft 2 cd then copied them to your stratagus folder?

mdex 2010-04-05 18:22

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
hmmm yes I did it with wargus.....

When I want to start the game it shows me the Stratagus Homescreen. When I tap on the screen it is loading and when he is at the point:

ui/cursors/arrow_SE.png loading

He quites and goes back to my N900 home screen...funny. Something must be wrong with my Warcraft II Version ist is just 33MB of size because Starcraft works fine.....

xFinal 2010-04-05 19:27

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
might be a missing file. sounds like it anyway, id try using wargus to reget the data files and copy them over what you've got.

mdex 2010-04-05 20:07

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
hmmm when i start it on the PC it works great.......

Do I have to copy the wohle wargus dir and rename it to stratagus on the N900 or just the data folder? Because I just copied the data folder like i did it with Starcraft?

xFinal 2010-04-05 20:25

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
it should of ripped a few folders like campains, Maps, Sounds, etc you need to copy them into stratagus folder so its like /media/mmc1/games/stratagus/campaigns/ not /media/mmc1/games/stratagus/data/campaigns/ so if you just take the folders out of the data folder and place them in stratagus, it should work i think.

mdex 2010-04-05 20:33

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Ok I did it the way you said and it still doesn't work ;(

I have following folders: graphics, maps, music, scripts, sounds, contrib, campaigns

Is there anyone missing? The total gamesize is 31,2 MB is that ok?

xFinal 2010-04-05 20:46

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
i have the same as that apart from contrib, i cant really tell you the size i have since my maps folder only has campaign maps in, i deleted the others to free space. But sizes below

campaigns = 5.95mb
graphics = 9.45mb
maps = 256kb
music = 57kb
scripts = 1.10mb
sounds = 13.6mb

mdex 2010-04-05 21:05

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
hmmm ok I definitly have diffrent file sizes:

campaigns: 20,6 MB
graphics: 4,71 MB
maps: 1,56 MB
music: 57,1 KB
scripts 808 KB
sounds 3,04 MB
contrib: 216 KB

damn ;(

I ripped it from the original DOS version CD...
funny thing is that starcraft runs someting is wrong with my warcraft version...

xFinal 2010-04-06 16:56

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
i think you just said what might be the problem there, "DOS version". it is said somewhere you need the original CD version for Warcraft 2 not the BNE edition im not entirely sure if there was 2 version a DOS and WIN, but that could be it. Just a shot in the dark though.

razor950 2010-04-06 21:42

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Does anyone know if the source to this n900 port was released?

Faultier1337 2010-04-08 19:00

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
hey there,
I read some time in the web in in this thread,
and i know now that there is no way to run wc 2 BNE with stratagus,
but I have the battle net edition! and i want to play it on my N900,maybe online too.
if there is a way to pay this editon please post it !!!! and instruction would be nice to ;)

xFinal 2010-04-08 20:44

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Faultier1337 (Post 601462)
hey there,
I read some time in the web in in this thread,
and i know now that there is no way to run wc 2 BNE with stratagus,
but I have the battle net edition! and i want to play it on my N900,maybe online too.
if there is a way to pay this editon please post it !!!! and instruction would be nice to ;)

then you need to check stratagus website, once they make it for bne edition then i imagine it can be done.

Cobra 2010-04-17 02:07

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I'm trying t install this again and cant find the ded file would somebody send me the file please.

Thank you

Hariainm 2010-04-17 10:58

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Cobra (Post 614303)
I'm trying t install this again and cant find the ded file would somebody send me the file please.

Thank you

Nemesis82 2010-04-20 15:00

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Hi guys, thanx to you i learned a lot of things about maemo. I have installed starcraft and it works fine, but i have a question.
i did't type dpkg -i command to install stratagus on the n900 but i just clicked on the deb file in my file manager. Is it the same thing?

Rob1n 2010-04-20 16:01

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Nemesis82 (Post 619499)
Hi guys, thanx to you i learned a lot of things about maemo. I have installed starcraft and it works fine, but i have a question.
i did't type dpkg -i command to install stratagus on the n900 but i just clicked on the deb file in my file manager. Is it the same thing?

Yes, that's the same thing. It's only worked since PR1.1.1 though, which is why the older instructions all just mention "dpkg -i".

Nemesis82 2010-04-20 16:15

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
OK! thanx a lot, last stargus 0.1-4_armel.deb the last version? On the net someone talks about 0.2...

P.S. Sorry for my english

Rob1n 2010-04-21 07:59

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Nemesis82 (Post 619602)
OK! thanx a lot, last stargus 0.1-4_armel.deb the last version? On the net someone talks about 0.2...

P.S. Sorry for my english

I've no idea about stargus - going by the website, 0.2 was released last year. This thread is about stratagus and wargus though, so you'd be better asking in one of the stargus/starcraft threads.

Nemesis82 2010-04-21 19:43

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Damn i have the same problem as Mdex, i used wargus to rip my warcraft 2 original dos version but i have those folders' size:

campaigns: 20,6 MB
graphics: 4,71 MB
maps: 1,56 MB
music: 57,1 KB
scripts 808 KB
sounds 3,04 MB
contrib: 216 KB

no one can tell me why? I thought it was the original dos version...

smoku 2010-05-14 08:58

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 461745)
Bos Wars is also dead, as far as i can tell. I was following the project since Freecraft, and it died a long, slow, painful death.

"Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated." – Mark Twain

2.6.1 release is from 2010-04-18 :)
And N900 port is here:

toxaris 2010-05-25 10:43

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I downloaded Wargus from repository. Where shall I put the Datafiles on the phone?

haberc 2010-05-26 14:21

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
same here help please?

Rob1n 2010-06-03 13:11

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Well, you could just read back through the thread (a novel idea I know), but the basic instructions can be found here.

hassan_badredin 2010-06-07 04:40

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 580815)
Okay, assuming you don't have a memory card installed, and that you've put the data files into /home/user/MyDocs/games, the following should fix it (you'll need rootsh installed):

sudo gainroot
rm -rf /media/mmc1/games
ln -s /home/user/MyDocs/games /media/mmc1/games

tried to install starcraft
I followed all instructions as in:
extracted files with stargus
put the CONTENT of data folder into home/user/mydocs/games/stratagus(dun have mmc)
run stratagus from home/user/mydocs(root of internal memory)
entered the above code in xterm
game doesnt start
what am i missing???

Rob1n 2010-06-07 08:42

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by hassan_badredin (Post 702976)
tried to install starcraft
I followed all instructions as in:
extracted files with stargus
put the CONTENT of data folder into home/user/mydocs/games/stratagus(dun have mmc)
run stratagus from home/user/mydocs(root of internal memory)
entered the above code in xterm
game doesnt start
what am i missing???

Try running it from X Terminal and see whether there's any useful error messages printed:


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