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wolfpac72 2010-03-08 13:55

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by Arshad (Post 553393)
I can't pass "oh piggy where art thou" which is level 7, any help appreciated.Thanks

Hello Arshad,
as cgarvie likes to say I give you a hint.
This pig is where no other pig has gone before ;)
And be aware that the whole screen can be used :D



PipoXtreme 2010-03-08 16:28

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Are there new custom levels available ??

Psymastr 2010-03-09 04:49

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by PipoXtreme (Post 560151)
Are there new custom levels available ??

How about some of the official levels... >_>

The custom levels are holding me until they get released again, and I can snag them instantly... oh the waiting sucks.

cgarvie 2010-03-09 19:19

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by PipoXtreme (Post 560151)
Are there new custom levels available ??


there 15 custom levels. The original 10 and 5 more
packaged better

xadigax 2010-03-10 12:00

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
i'm also stuck at 2-7
can you tell me what to do?

cgarvie 2010-03-10 13:59

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by xadigax (Post 562399)
i'm also stuck at 2-7
can you tell me what to do?

upgrade to the new pack

as ive put that level much nearer the end

rickckk 2010-03-10 16:53

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
PLEASE help me!!!

after i've entered all the codes:

mkdir /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2
cp /home/user/MyDocs/mypack/* -R /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

i got this "cp: cannot stat ' mypack/* ': No such file or directory"

but i've already pasted the mypack folder into my local storage..


rickckk 2010-03-10 17:35

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by rickckk (Post 562723)
please help me!!!

After i've entered all the codes:

mkdir /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2
cp /home/user/mydocs/mypack/* -r /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

i got this "cp: Cannot stat ' mypack/* ': No such file or directory"

but i've already pasted the mypack folder into my local storage..


fixed... =)

cgarvie 2010-03-10 19:26

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by rickckk (Post 562767)
fixed... =)

why are you installing to pack 2.

there a bigger and simpler version on page 15

newestnewbie 2010-03-11 18:49

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
I'm really struggling too and I'm desperate to play on more levels! I did the first part of the instructions and then why i put the second instructions in it says
mkdir:cannot create directory '/home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/leves/pack2': file exists
Nokia-N900-42-11:/home/user/MyDocs# cp /home/user/MyDocs/mypack/* -R / home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

I'd really appreciate any help


Rob1n 2010-03-11 19:45

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by newestnewbie (Post 564145)
I'm really struggling too and I'm desperate to play on more levels! I did the first part of the instructions and then why i put the second instructions in it says
mkdir:cannot create directory '/home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/leves/pack2': file exists
Nokia-N900-42-11:/home/user/MyDocs# cp /home/user/MyDocs/mypack/* -R / home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

I'd really appreciate any help


The help, as was already given in the post above yours, is to stop messing around with the out-of-date instructions and levels and read the new instructions, which are far simpler.

kingzeus 2010-03-11 22:21

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
I got the new levels but level 7 is just one pig nothing around and the stage doesnt finish.

cgarvie 2010-03-12 07:39

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Oh i give up.

PEOPLE stop using the custom pack thats a few months old now and move to the custom pack thats compatable with Rovio expansion. and has a few extra levels

and as for those of you stuck on the One with Just the one pig sitting on the Grass.


think outside the box. or read the thread for more clues.

NokiaRocks 2010-03-14 22:55

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
I already asked before, but I still can't find my highscores. I need to know it really fast because I gotta give my N900 to Nokia to repair tomorrow.
I've been searching in /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data, but there's no file called "highscores" or anything like that.
Thanx for (hopefully) fast help.

kingzeus 2010-03-15 06:24

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 564726)
Oh i give up.

PEOPLE stop using the custom pack thats a few months old now and move to the custom pack thats compatable with Rovio expansion. and has a few extra levels

and as for those of you stuck on the One with Just the one pig sitting on the Grass.


think outside the box. or read the thread for more clues.

If it bothers you so much just dont answer, no need to get your panties in a bunch.

cgarvie 2010-03-15 07:20

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by NokiaRocks (Post 567217)
I already asked before, but I still can't find my highscores. I need to know it really fast because I gotta give my N900 to Nokia to repair tomorrow.
I've been searching in /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data, but there's no file called "highscores" or anything like that.
Thanx for (hopefully) fast help.


you'll find highscores and setting there

Tiptronic 2010-03-17 12:21

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
how can i remove this please?

Rob1n 2010-03-17 12:43

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by Tiptronic (Post 570332)
how can i remove this please?

If you installed it using the new process, then you should be able to use the reset script (see

Otherwise you'll need to delete the /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2 directory as below. This will still leave the high scores & unlock states for those levels set though.

rm -rf /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2
Make sure the only spaces in the command are either side of the "-rf" otherwise this could cause serious issues.

Bratag 2010-03-17 12:43

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by kingzeus (Post 567430)
If it bothers you so much just dont answer, no need to get your panties in a bunch.

Well he has a point.

kingzeus 2010-03-18 22:06

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
alright ok

cgarvie 2010-03-23 17:53

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
its been suggested by kingzeus, that my instructions for installing Angry bird had bricked his phone and he has had to reflash.

SO just in case this is the case, (though i dont understand how) id like to warn other to take care with installing the pack.

id also be interested in hearing from any one else who has had problems with the install, as if others have had issues i think i should remove the pack.

have my instuctions been unclear as he also suggested that they were difficult to follow, so if they can be made simpler any corrections would be appreciated

cgarvie 2010-03-24 07:14

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
ahhh i suspect i know what happened. Im guessin the tarred file was untarred in the root directory.

Im updating my instructions to make it clearer not to do that

stobbsc 2010-03-24 09:10

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
I've had no issues at all with any of you instructions good work :-)

fuadalrubaie 2010-03-25 00:04

Angery birds custom levels - problem -
hi there

I've been downloaded the custom levels ,and the problem is

when i click on the last level the game automatically close :confused::confused::confused:

cgarvie 2010-03-25 08:56

Re: Angery birds custom levels - problem -

Originally Posted by fuadalrubaie (Post 581225)
hi there

I've been downloaded the custom levels ,and the problem is

when i click on the last level the game automatically close :confused::confused::confused:

Ok can i make sure your talking about the 2nd version
where you run the steup script?

and if so, your talking about which level 21?

as it should only goto 15 any more should not be accessable

rolan900d 2010-03-25 09:03

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 567453)

you'll find highscores and setting there

Does this also backup the save game?

cgarvie 2010-03-25 11:59

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by rolan900d (Post 581507)
Does this also backup the save game?

depends what you mean by saved game. there no real saved game just status info and its those file that hold status info, so effectivly the saved state.

fuadalrubaie 2010-03-25 19:39

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
how i can remove the custom levels and get back the original game

plz help

cgarvie 2010-03-25 20:34

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by fuadalrubaie (Post 582334)
how i can remove the custom levels and get back the original game

plz help

i need more info that that to help.
which version did you install, whats your setup etc

fuadalrubaie 2010-03-25 20:53

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 582405)
i need more info that that to help.
which version did you install, whats your setup etc

I've downloaded the mypack folder and do that in X-Terminal


mkdir /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2
cp /home/user/MyDocs/mypack/* -R /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2
and now just want to get back the original game without the hacked levels

rolan900d 2010-03-26 00:16

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 581714)
depends what you mean by saved game. there no real saved game just status info and its those file that hold status info, so effectivly the saved state.

I mean backup what I now have as achievements and points.
So after a firmware upgrade I won't loose the progress

cgarvie 2010-03-26 05:32

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by fuadalrubaie (Post 582434)
I've downloaded the mypack folder and do that in X-Terminal

and now just want to get back the original game without the hacked levels

well you installed mine i assume when you didnt have the rovio pack2

rm -r /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

will delete pack2

you can then install rovio packs if there now available

cgarvie 2010-03-26 07:12

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by rolan900d (Post 582674)
I mean backup what I now have as achievements and points.
So after a firmware upgrade I won't loose the progress

yeah if my memory is correct.
Those 2 files are all you need to copy to make sure you dont lost you status if you reinstall

fuadalrubaie 2010-03-26 14:43

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 582828)
well you installed mine i assume when you didnt have the rovio pack2

rm -r /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

will delete pack2

you can then install rovio packs if there now available

thank you , ^_^
very helpful

mrbiggzz79 2010-03-27 20:44

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
am new to all this so can some one tell break it down just a little simpler for me . after i open x terminal then type in root . do i just type all of this in one time :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:


tar xzf custom-release.gz
cd custom

sh setup-cust-AB
this sets up AB to be custom level compatible.

sh run-cust
this allows you to play custom levels

sh run-rovio
changes back to rovio levels;

these 2 commands used to switch back and forth as you effectively swap the game between custom and official levels

sh reset
should be run before upgrading OS or buying rovio levels(i think) but is otherwise not needed

cgarvie 2010-03-27 21:16

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
lets breakdown the commands

tar xzf custom-release.gz

will untar the file into a directory called custom.

so /home/user
is a good place.

cd custom (im hoping you know this one)

sh setup-cust-AB
runs a shell program called set-up-AB

same for other sh commands they run a shell program of the following name

mrbiggzz79 2010-03-27 21:39

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
i know you tryin but am still a bit lost this is my first time usin x terminal. it would help if you or any one can just give me a step by set what to type . i have the custom release.gz in my doucment folder it has a little white paper with a blue ? mark on it . ok one i open x terminal what is the first thing i type
then , after that and after that
any body

mrbiggzz79 2010-03-28 13:30

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
any body
help pls

festivalnut 2010-03-28 13:51

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by mrbiggzz79 (Post 585395)
any body
help pls

if you haven't gotten this far with a little research i probably shouldn't tell you, but i believe in peoples right to choose, to gain root user you have to install rootsh from the repositories then in xterm type

sudo gainroot

once ur root user the previous instructions should work

WARNING: apps from some repos may kill ur phone.
WARNING: messing about as a root user may kill ur phone.
WARNING: not doing a little research may kill ur phone.
WARNING: moaning to me about ur dead phone may kill you.

mrbiggzz79 2010-03-28 14:03

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by festivalnut (Post 585413)
if you haven't gotten this far with a little research i probably shouldn't tell you, but i believe in peoples right to choose, to gain root user you have to install rootsh from the repositories then in xterm type

sudo gainroot

once ur root user the previous instructions should work

WARNING: apps from some repos may kill ur phone.
WARNING: messing about as a root user may kill ur phone.
WARNING: not doing a little research may kill ur phone.
WARNING: moaning to me about ur dead phone may kill you.

thank you . i have all of that is just i not really clear on how to put in the in for for the extra levels . trust me i have tried to look all over the placec on how to but still not sure any sorry for being such a bother on this but any really new to all this i just moved over from symbian so this is new to me . i know how to start x termainal i have rootsh ..
ok i just typed in sudo gainroot now i see
/home/user# now what do i type

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