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droll 2010-07-31 17:44

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
when keying in address, i assume it uses google maps to search. what if google returns multiple locations? for example i tried routing to address of "mcdonalds" near my area but it shows invalid location

mardy 2010-08-03 14:26

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
For all those having issues with Mappero crashing: please help me debug the issue, by following the instructions reported here:

By the way, can some admin rename this thread to "Mappero"? There is no maemo-mappero in maemo5 :-)

droll 2010-08-03 17:51

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
btw, where does this app store the downloaded maps?

techie 2010-08-03 18:00

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
.maps under MyDocs

I have a problem with mappero, it does not follow my gps location.The screen stays at the same place while I follow the route and ultimately the route just goes off screen,with the screen staying at the origin location!
I also messed around with auto center settings but didn't work.Using version beta12, can anybody help

droll 2010-08-03 18:04

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
thanks, @techie. mine uses up about 350mb at the moment.

the autocentre works fine for me but sometimes it can lag a little. what autocentre setting are you using? i'm on lead and i left the rest at default.

techie 2010-08-03 18:08

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
I have tried with both lead amount fixed and speed based.Played with the sliders, changed pan sensitivity but nothing works.I got this problem in ver beta9.I updated to beta12 to see if it fixes but the same thing happens:(

ZedThou 2010-08-03 20:39

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by techie (Post 774560)
I have tried with both lead amount fixed and speed based.Played with the sliders, changed pan sensitivity but nothing works.I got this problem in ver beta9.I updated to beta12 to see if it fixes but the same thing happens:(

My apologies if this seems obvious and you've already played with this option, but one never knows...

When you tap on the map and it brings up the little gear icon (edited - actually I now believe this icon is supposed to be an eye, since it is brings up the "View" option menu - haha) on the bottom of the screen, then you choose that icon, do you have "Auto-Center" set to something besides "None"?

wotevah 2010-08-03 20:44

fat32 filesystem
I suspect the large storage requirements have a lot to do with the FAT32 filesystem used for MyDocs. The block size is 64k so each file will take 64k no matter if it is 2k or 40k.

The solution would be to either use NTFS or another storage layer on top of the filesystem like sqlite - with the drawback that you'd need to use tools to manage the cache and is less interoperable with other applications (for example, I understand cloudGPS can use the mappero tile cache).


Originally Posted by gm_w (Post 742618)
i also noticed the rather large storage area needed for maps. I downloaded about 900MB of maps, but it took 15GB of storage on n900... And i only downloaded the maps for the NE of USA. This means that the n900 can't even handle the entire USA -- it will run out of space really quick.

This is completely unacceptable to waste so much space.

techie 2010-08-04 07:25

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by ZedThou (Post 774715)
My apologies if this seems obvious and you've already played with this option, but one never knows...

When you tap on the map and it brings up the little gear icon (edited - actually I now believe this icon is supposed to be an eye, since it is brings up the "View" option menu - haha) on the bottom of the screen, then you choose that icon, do you have "Auto-Center" set to something besides "None"?

I had tried all the settings.So removed it completely then installed and set the auto center using gear icon and this time it worked.Thanks.

latewindows 2010-08-04 22:09

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Can someone point me in the direction of how to get the turn-by-turn voice to work?

I'm currently using beta 12 and routing is working superbly, however, voice navigation - I'm not so sure.

Any guidance or help would be muchly appreciated.

Many thanks,


magnunor 2010-08-05 12:54

Re: fat32 filesystem

I suspect the large storage requirements have a lot to do with the FAT32 filesystem used for MyDocs. The block size is 64k so each file will take 64k no matter if it is 2k or 40k.

The solution would be to either use NTFS or another storage layer on top of the filesystem like sqlite - with the drawback that you'd need to use tools to manage the cache and is less interoperable with other applications (for example, I understand cloudGPS can use the mappero tile cache).
Would it be possible to store them in /home/user where the minimum filesize is 4k, and symlink them to MyDocs/.maps/? Or do the same with a memorycard with an appropriate filesystem?

How feasible is it implementing a sqlite storage layer? Could several mapping applications share the data if it is stored that way?

mrt 2010-08-06 06:31

Re: fat32 filesystem

Originally Posted by magnunor (Post 776526)
Would it be possible to store them in /home/user where the minimum filesize is 4k, and symlink them to MyDocs/.maps/? Or do the same with a memorycard with an appropriate filesystem?

How feasible is it implementing a sqlite storage layer? Could several mapping applications share the data if it is stored that way?

The original Maemo Mapper (which is available for OS2008) does it someway like this. There you got only one file for each repository, which takes far less storage. But unfortunately I'm not a developer. Hopefully there's is someone else who can implement this?

wotevah 2010-08-06 20:16

Re: fat32 filesystem

Originally Posted by magnunor (Post 776526)
Would it be possible to store them in /home/user where the minimum filesize is 4k, and symlink them to MyDocs/.maps/? Or do the same with a memorycard with an appropriate filesystem?

How feasible is it implementing a sqlite storage layer? Could several mapping applications share the data if it is stored that way?

/home/user is on 2Gb partition that is shared with /opt so probably not a good idea to fill with data.

You could create an ext3 filesystem in a file in MyDocs somewhere, and mount it under .maps, then everyone would be happy and applications can still share the maps. I think you'd have a limit of 2 (or 4)Gb because of the vfat file size limit.

I actually tried this and with a 2Kb block size, filesystem usage dropped from 107Mb to 22Mb, for 20Mb worth of data. Of course, I still have a 200Mb file where the filesystem lives, but that can be shrunk or expanded.

drinu88 2010-08-15 05:39

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
can any1 help me i'm trying to download cyprus map but each time i disconnect i zoom to for example 4 the zoom i've downloaded it's pixleated...

the way i'm downloading is by making the small island fit my screen and than maps, manage maps, and choose the zoom level and tap ok.. but than it gives me a big number like 189767... and i,d have to zoom more and than the number decreases but the map isn't downloaded all...

one more thing.. how can i save places before u go there.. for example i want to pin a restourant, a hotel..


drinu88 2010-08-27 09:56

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
No one can help????????

mrt 2010-08-30 10:24

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
I also got the problem, that, when you download a big number of map tiles it takes very long (sometimes hours).

You should try first to download only one level. Choose a less detailed level like e.g. 12. The number of map tiles should be much smaller and download should run.

You can load map tiles using two other ways:

1. If you have planned a route, you can download only the map tiles around your route. But, you also have to take care, that you are not choosing to much levels or to detailed levels (for a big area).

2. Open Mappero and go to the zoom-level you like. When you now move the map on your screen, mappero loads the map-tiles for the areas that are shown. Of course you can use this way only for a small area or a short route.

I know, that this is not really a solution. It's just the way how I work around this problem. Hope I understood your problem right.

eladts 2010-08-31 17:21

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
I tried to add the following comment to Maemo Garage but from some reason it wasn't posted so I'm posting it here.


I also have the crashes with beta12, but I found out that they happen only when using Google Maps tiles. When I switched to OSM tiles, the crashes stopped.

Using Google Maps, crashes happen under the following circumstances:

1. After unblanking the screen while auto-center is activated.
2. After activating auto center.
3. While dragging the map when auto center is activated.

gkuenning 2010-09-02 06:32

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by techie (Post 774552)
.maps under MyDocs

I have a problem with mappero, it does not follow my gps location.The screen stays at the same place while I follow the route and ultimately the route just goes off screen,with the screen staying at the origin location!
I also messed around with auto center settings but didn't work.Using version beta12, can anybody help

I know you already solved this by a reinstall, but there's a vastly simpler way for other people having the same problem. (It drove me nuts before I discovered the fix, BTW.) When you tap the screen and get all the icons, one of them is "GPS". Tap on that icon and a check mark will appear. Tap it again, and the check mark goes away. The GPS only operates when the check is there! (Once you understand it, this is a nice feature to have...)

gkuenning 2010-09-02 07:09

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
Hey, all,

I just downloaded the latest version (3.1) and while I was playing with it, I stumbled across how to find a route to a POI! It's pretty clumsy, but at least you can do it.
  1. In the top menu, select "POI".
  2. In the POI menu, select "Browse..."
  3. Choose a method of finding the POI. You have a choice of starting with POIs nearest the current GPS location (default) or entering a latitude/longitude to center at (I haven't gotten that one to work yet). You can also put a string in the "Query" box to restrict what you find, or select a category (or both).
  4. Click "OK" to get a list of matching POIs.
  5. Select your desired destination and click "Go To". A message will pop up telling you that auto-center is off.
  6. Click "Close" to get rid of the POI list.
  7. Click outside the "Browse POIs" box to get back to the map. Your destination will be in the center.
  8. Click on the map to bring up the control icons.
  9. Click the crosshairs icon (upper left).
  10. Click your POI. If a "Select Point" window pops up, click "POI".
  11. A POI window will appear. Select "Find route to..."
  12. Click "OK". Your route will be calculated.
  13. IMPORTANT: Tap on the map again, and select the gear icon so you can re-enable auto-centering.

That's it. It's not very handy, and it only works for routing to a POI; I haven't found a way to route from one. (Well, you can use "Swap" to reverse the route, but it's usually not very helpful to find the route from a POI to where you currently are!)

BTW, does anybody know what thread contains a list of changes to Mappero? The download just says "bugfixes"; it would be nice to know what was fixed. I did a bunch of searching but couldn't find the list.

paai 2010-09-09 14:01

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
Mappero is awesome, but there are two things that escape me:

1. how to keep the gps location centered when driving. Every few minutes I drive 'off the map' and have to sweep the screen to get the dot back center.

2. how do I prevent the screen from switching off.


gkuenning 2010-09-10 06:27

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by paai (Post 811700)
Mappero is awesome, but there are two things that escape me:

1. how to keep the gps location centered when driving. Every few minutes I drive 'off the map' and have to sweep the screen to get the dot back center.

2. how do I prevent the screen from switching off.


1. First, make sure that the "GPS" icon that appears when you tap the screen has a red check mark. If not, touch "GPS" to turn it on. Then, tap the gear icon just to the left of "GPS". One of the options there is "Auto-Center". Set it to anything except "off".

2. My preference is to keep my N900 plugged into a power supply while driving, since GPS eats power. Then I use the "Display stays lit when charging" option in the settings application, "display" option. An alternative is in Mappero itself: in the top menu (the one on the standard menu bar) choose "Settings->Misc", then set the "unblank screen" option to something other than "never".

paai 2010-09-10 07:30

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
Thanks, gkuenning, but I tried all those options to no avail, except the 'unblank screen' - I will try that today.
Last week, when I needed Mappero, I already did put Autocenter I on lat/long and 'display lit when charging', but that did not give the wanted result, and a moment ago I saw that Autocenter was put back to off without me touching it.

I suspect that there may be another setting somewhere in mappero that resets autocenter when twiddled.


gkuenning 2010-09-11 03:35

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by paai (Post 812380)
I suspect that there may be another setting somewhere in mappero that resets autocenter when twiddled.

Most definitely. I know for sure that it shuts off autocenter when you use a feature like "go to POI". But for me, it always warns with a popup that says something like "Autocenter Off".

janszoon 2010-11-04 07:39

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
Hello, I used Mappero for the first time today and love it ! Trying to get some nautical maps in there too :-) When I first had it on today, just on battery, 3G data, automatic d/l...the screen stayed on as per setting "On when moving/fullscreen"

Now....for the life of me, no matter what I choose from the Screen Blank settings, I cannot get the screen to remain on???

Any ideas?

sondjata 2010-11-22 00:55

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
It seems that Google is not allowing connections via MM over ATT Internet. Haven't been able to connect for 2 days. If I was on the road I would be screwed.

mrover 2012-07-31 16:22

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

I keep getting "Invalid source or destination" error while "Going to address" or trying to get a route.

I have latest version.

Thank you in advance.

edit: Routing in CloudGPS does not work either...

twy213 2012-08-02 16:24

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
I have Maemo Mapper on my N800 which still is able to plot Routes from "" per Frago's 8/1/10 post (

Can Mappero's router be changed from Google to ""? Right now I have to download a Route in the N800 and email it to my N900's "Routes" folder, and not being able to download Routes from Google sucks.

lartza 2012-08-06 09:13

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
I've located the source code for mappero 3.2 (latest for n900)

It seems that google url is hardcoded in plugins/google.c



Replacing this with Frago's URL should provide a quick fix for the problem

I currently don't have the maemo development environment installed on any PC so this simple fix is a bit of work...

If someone has the environment ready, please try it. Just change the URL and recompile

Moz 2012-08-06 15:58

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
It seems that google is not supporting the output=kml parameter anymore to retrieve the waypoints in a kml file. json still seems to be supported.

For routing google has an api:
Maybe it would be nice to move to this xml format, which contains basically the same information / structure as the kml output.

ZedThou 2012-08-06 21:18

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by lartza (Post 1248181)
I've located the source code for mappero 3.2 (latest for n900)

It seems that google url is hardcoded in plugins/google.c



Replacing this with Frago's URL should provide a quick fix for the problem

I currently don't have the maemo development environment installed on any PC so this simple fix is a bit of work...

If someone has the environment ready, please try it. Just change the URL and recompile

I've tried
(and verified that the new is being used, as I initially had with resulting dns lookup error), but am still receiving the invalid destination error.

twy213 2012-08-07 02:10

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
I apologize. My previous post stated "pgx.geotags" instead of "gpx.geotags".

lartza 2012-08-07 10:13

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
yea... won't work with service, no kml output there. A bit larger patch is required to fix this issue

It seems to me that google.c is using KML and for example yandex.c (though broken as far as I can see) is using GPX for the routing.

Just a quick read but

#include <mappero/gpx.h>
map_gpx_path_parse(stream, path)

looks like it

In theory using yandex.c with the google or URL should parse the GPX route into something reasonable, if yandex was working before

lartza 2012-08-07 10:16

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
It works.

Just change the url in yandex.c to the version and recompile, then use yandex as the router plugin.

GUI is of course broken but the route is very similar if not identical to what everyone's used to...

Edit: Quick fix for those who need working routes immediately

Use the yandex plugin, which uses

I'll leave the GUI patching, plugin redesigning and other fun for the upstream / package maintainers

Moz 2012-08-07 11:02

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper uses the gpx format. I thought uses the kml format.

google.c calls map_kml_get_placemarks(kml) in kml.c;

In kml.c the following xml elements are handled:
[EL_KML] = "kml",
[EL_DOCUMENT] = "Document",
[EL_PLACEMARK] = "Placemark",
[EL_POINT] = "Point",
[EL_LINESTRING] = "LineString",
[EL_NAME] = "name",
[EL_DESCRIPTION] = "description",
[EL_COORDINATES] = "coordinates",
[EL_ALTITUDE_MODE] = "altitudeMode",

twy213 2012-08-07 12:15

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by lartza (Post 1248618)
It works.

Just change the url in yandex.c to the version and recompile, then use yandex as the router plugin.

GUI is of course broken but the route is very similar if not identical to what everyone's used to...

Edit: Quick fix for those who need working routes immediately

Use the yandex plugin, which uses

I'll leave the GUI patching, plugin redesigning and other fun for the upstream / package maintainers

THanks for the hard work Lartza!
However, I can't download the deb from the link, it cuts out at 224kb.

twy213 2012-08-07 12:16

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
i take it back, it worked!

sup 2012-08-07 14:14

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by twy213 (Post 1248664)
i take it back, it worked!

UPDATE: well, the download works (previously, I posted that it did not, but it was a mistake on my part)

BTW: Mappero is not maintained anymore, so I do not think anybody will fix anything, but as long as this works, it is fine, thanks!

sup 2012-09-02 09:01

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
Does yandex work for you? It worked for me, but today it just silently fails (no error message but no route either).

lartza 2012-09-02 09:10

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by sup (Post 1259564)
Does yandex work for you? It worked for me, but today it just silently fails (no error message but no route either).

Haven't worked for some time,



App at that url returns always empty data

twy213 2012-09-20 21:15

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
yandex works when you apply the patch from the previous posts. Just dont accept the mappero update because it will roll auto-back the patch. The patch changes yandex to geotags which does work.

UOTE=lartza;1259571]Haven't worked for some time,



App at that url returns always empty data[/QUOTE]

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