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zlatko 2010-04-02 22:06

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I updated from 0.0.5-3, which was not working for me as well. I do not had /user/home/.config/CallNotify.conf.txt file with 0.0.5-3, but I created it following your advice. It consists of "y;y;y;5.0". I have not killed status menu yet, but during installation I can tell the app is doing this by the sound it produces.

zail 2010-04-02 22:11

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 593152)
I mean display them persistently along with the sound & vibration, in the same interval as they are triggered, perhaps with the number of caller or sms, or maybe some of the sms content or something like that.
This enhancement might also be unnecessary, this is why I consult you guys.

I like the idea of the persistant yellow notifications.. they're more eye catching.. if they had the number of sms/ calls missed that would be very very cool...if it displayed the name that would be even better. Just a thought though, would displaying those items have an impact on battery usage or would it be negligible?

omeriko9 2010-04-02 22:25

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593163)
I updated from 0.0.5-3, which was not working for me as well. I do not had /user/home/.config/CallNotify.conf.txt file with 0.0.5-3, but I created it following your advice. It consists of "y;y;y;5.0". I have not killed status menu yet, but during installation I can tell the app is doing this by the sound it produces.

Right! zlatko! sorry for forgetting, I was confused by the new shiny avatar you have... (just don't tell me you had it earlier as well :o )

yes, I remember now, we created the config file manually...
Also, I ignored a very important part - you said the configuration window fails only when you press the "save" button - that raises my suspicion that you have a write permission issue with the config directory.

Can you please post here the results for the following commands?

ls -ld /home/user/.config
ls -ld /home/user/.config/CallNotify


rmerren 2010-04-02 22:29

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Love the app..thanks for writing it! Who would have thought just a few years ago that I'd have a phone so open that a guy could add features to it with some Python scripting? Keep up the good work.

By the way: Imagine if Toyota had open sourced their electronic accelerator code to let folks look for bugs like with the Maemo apps...

omeriko9 2010-04-02 22:30

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zail (Post 593168)
I like the idea of the persistant yellow notifications.. they're more eye catching.. if they had the number of sms/ calls missed that would be very very cool...if it displayed the name that would be even better. Just a thought though, would displaying those items have an impact on battery usage or would it be negligible?

So i'll combine this with the work on refining the clearing of SMS notifications according to viewing that particular SMS enhancement.

Regarding clearing the call notification after viewing the call log - well I'm not sure the clearing of the notification should be drilled down to that (aka only by viewing the call in the log, not by closing the yellow notification window), for the reason people sometimes just view the yellow window and close it, as they can see the number of the caller and that's enough for them (me included...).

By the way, the same scenario I've described in the last paragraph might apply to the SMS yellow window as well - sometime it's enough for some to view the window and close it, and it might be trouble for them to click on it and open the conversation app, especially if they don't want to answer the SMS (perhaps if it's a message from the bank about the balance for example, or if it's a commercial. Just don't ask me to distinguish between those kind of messages as well :D ).

About the battery issue - I must admit that my knowledge of the "under the hood" of the N900 is very little, and is not enough to answer this kind of question. I'd leave it to someone smarter on this subject to answer.

BTW- perhaps the "battery eye" application might come in handy here, to analyze the effect on battery life with these kind of notifications?

zlatko 2010-04-02 23:05

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
ls -ld /home/user/.config/
drwxr-xr-x 13 users user

ls -ld /home/user/.config/CallNotify/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root

I changed permission for CallNotify to 777.

Now settings are exited without error and I can see changes are saved in conf.txt file.

I can remove directory and let app create it itself? Anyway I am not getting notifications neither in status menu, nor as sound or vbra.

PS. Don't worry - avatar is from few minutes ago ;-)

omeriko9 2010-04-02 23:30

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593223)
ls -ld /home/user/.config/
drwxr-xr-x 13 users user

ls -ld /home/user/.config/CallNotify/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root

I changed permission for CallNotify to 777.

Now settings are exited without error and I can see changes are saved in conf.txt file.

I can remove directory and let app create it itself? Anyway I am not getting notifications neither in status menu, nor as sound or vbra.

PS. Don't worry - avatar is from few minutes ago ;-)

Thanks -You reminded me to create a directory if it doesn't exists!!
I totally forgot about that when I created the control panel applet.
(edit: Oh, I'm already doing that.... :o )

Ok, so regarding the fact you don't have notification -
Maybe the python file itself needs permissions?

try as root:
chmod 755 /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/

(edit: and after restart or killall twice with +9 and without)

zail 2010-04-02 23:31

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 593192)
About the battery issue - I must admit that my knowledge of the "under the hood" of the N900 is very little, and is not enough to answer this kind of question. I'd leave it to someone smarter on this subject to answer.

BTW- perhaps the "battery eye" application might come in handy here, to analyze the effect on battery life with these kind of notifications?

True.. maybe Battery Eye could be useful here - I'd be up for monitoring via it and giving you some feedback :)

jer006 2010-04-03 00:31

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Is it possible to have a configuration option for the yellow notifications? I do like the way it is currently - The flashing icon in the taskbar with additional audible alert on my set schedule is perfect.

omeriko9 2010-04-03 00:37

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by jer006 (Post 593305)
Is it possible to have a configuration option for the yellow notifications? I do like the way it is currently - The flashing icon in the taskbar with additional audible alert on my set schedule is perfect.

Do you mean this would be optional and not mandatory?
I havn't thought differentely :)

F2thaK 2010-04-03 02:51

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Next version is 0.0.6-3 and has no status menu button anymore.
Instead, all configuration settings have been moved to the control panel (=settings menu).

Should be available shortly in extras-devel.



jer006 2010-04-03 02:59

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 593312)
Do you mean this would be optional and not mandatory?
I havn't thought differentely :)

Yes optional as I would rather turn that option off. The current notification icons are sufficient for me.

zlatko 2010-04-03 07:05

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Changed permissions(there were no execute rights) of to 755. KIlled status-menu. Still no notifications.

omeriko9 2010-04-03 07:58

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593452)
Changed permissions(there were no execute rights) of to 755. KIlled status-menu. Still no notifications.

Wow. I thought that giving it execute permissions before packaging is sufficient, apparently not always.
Anyway, I think we're on to something.
How about read permissions to the images and .desktop file? can you please root and:
ls -ld /usr/share/CallNotify
ls -la /usr/share/CallNotify/*
ls -la /usr/share/applications/hildon-status-menu/CallNotify.desktop


zlatko 2010-04-03 08:11

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

ls -ld /usr/share/CallNotify: drwxr-xr-x root root
ls -la /usr/share/CallNotify/*: -rw-r--r-- root root (for all files)
ls -la /usr/share/applications/hildon-status-menu/CallNotify.desktop: -rw-r--r-- root root

omeriko9 2010-04-03 08:17

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593487)

ls -ld /usr/share/CallNotify: drwxr-xr-x root root
ls -la /usr/share/CallNotify/*: -rw-r--r-- root root (for all files)
ls -la /usr/share/applications/hildon-status-menu/CallNotify.desktop: -rw-r--r-- root root

Permissions are ok.

Have you tried to restart after you gave execute permissions to
Please try that and then try to call yourself from another phone.

cjp 2010-04-03 08:48

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Sorry for being totally off-topic, but I stumbled upon this thread while trying to find out where I could see feature suggestions for the e-mail client in Maemo. Can anyone help me out here?

On topic: I downloaded this app and this is great for showing me missed calls, but above all for showing missed e-mails! My one gripe with Modesty is that it doesn't really notify you of e-mails does it? I'd also like to see the number of e-mails that are in, but I don't think that this is CallNotify's job, but Modest should show this in the list of all your e-mail inboxes.

Sorry for the confusing post, thanks in advance if anyone wants to help me out! :D

zlatko 2010-04-03 08:57

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I have only killed hildon-status-menu. Now rebooted - still no notification.

omeriko9 2010-04-03 09:32

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593521)
I have only killed hildon-status-menu. Now rebooted - still no notification.

There's one more thing we can do in order to check for errors the script might hide, by using a trick qwerty12 posted here a few threads earlier.

Add the following code to the bottom of
(including the indentation)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    obj =, plugin_id="plugin_id")

and then run: python /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/

then try to send SMS to yourself or call yourself.
If the code works for you, you won't see the status menu notification, but if you'll define the sound or vibration to 0.1 (=6 seconds) in the control panel, you should hear or feel the vibration every 6 seconds.
If it doesn't work, you should see any errors the script generates, then please post them here.

omeriko9 2010-04-03 09:35

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by cjp (Post 593515)
Sorry for being totally off-topic, but I stumbled upon this thread while trying to find out where I could see feature suggestions for the e-mail client in Maemo. Can anyone help me out here?

On topic: I downloaded this app and this is great for showing me missed calls, but above all for showing missed e-mails! My one gripe with Modesty is that it doesn't really notify you of e-mails does it? I'd also like to see the number of e-mails that are in, but I don't think that this is CallNotify's job, but Modest should show this in the list of all your e-mail inboxes.

Sorry for the confusing post, thanks in advance if anyone wants to help me out! :D

Hello! Regarding feature suggestions, it's called brainstorms here, and you can search for one or publish one here:

About email notifications - no, CallNotify doesn't do that for now. Perhaps it's an enhancement idea, but to be honest, for now I rather focus on enhancing and improving SMS and Call notifications before expanding capabilities.

Good luck with your suggestions :)

zlatko 2010-04-03 11:35

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I added code to Run the script(as root). I got sound and vibra notifications, but no LED blinking. Rebooted and tried without explicitly running the script - no notification.

cjp 2010-04-03 11:44

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 593552)
Hello! Regarding feature suggestions, it's called brainstorms here, and you can search for one or publish one here:

About email notifications - no, CallNotify doesn't do that for now. Perhaps it's an enhancement idea, but to be honest, for now I rather focus on enhancing and improving SMS and Call notifications before expanding capabilities.

Good luck with your suggestions :)

Alright, man thanks! :)

I just realized that I guess I didn't get your app to work, as I just got an SMS and saw no notification. I don't understand, I thought I saw it earlier. I did a reboot in between. :O Wonder what's going on?

omeriko9 2010-04-03 12:03

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593662)
I added code to Run the script(as root). I got sound and vibra notifications, but no LED blinking. Rebooted and tried without explicitly running the script - no notification.

First, thank you for trying this.
Second, that's interesting.
It means that you don't have any trouble running the code yourself, but the hildon-status-menu daemon won't start it for some reason.

I've tried to look for a problem in the .desktop file, that's the file hildon-status-menu reads in order to load the plugin. Wanted to compare this file with another python status-menu plugin, but couldn't find one on my device.

Then I thought that there might be a problem for the hildon-status-menu to load the plugin because it's a python script, and all other plugins are compiled c libraries.

Just sharing here my thoughts so you'll understand how I got to the bottom line:

Can you please add the following line to the beginning of

I'd suggest to also modify the CallNotify.desktop file.
in line 4, change

And please report here as usual if there's any progress...

omeriko9 2010-04-03 12:07

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by cjp (Post 593669)
Alright, man thanks! :)

I just realized that I guess I didn't get your app to work, as I just got an SMS and saw no notification. I don't understand, I thought I saw it earlier. I did a reboot in between. :O Wonder what's going on?

Let's do a quick troubleshooting:

1. Was the Conversation app open when you received the SMS? There won't be any notification if it's open.
2. Do you have "Call Notify" in the settings menu under "extras", and does the "visual notification" checkbox is checked?
3. Do you get any error for clicking the "Save" button?

zlatko 2010-04-03 13:08

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Did the changes(after that killed hildon-status-menu) - still no notification.

PS. No need for thanks. You are doing the job - not me ;-)

omeriko9 2010-04-03 13:39

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593726)
Did the changes(after that killed hildon-status-menu) - still no notification.

PS. No need for thanks. You are doing the job - not me ;-)

Actually it's both of us doing the job :)

What we can check now is if your hildon-status-menu can start a simple python plugin in.

For that, you'll need to create the file in /usr/lib/hildon-desktop and give it execute permissions:


import hildondesktop

class Test(hildondesktop.StatusMenuItem):
        def __init__(self):
                f = open('/home/user/a.txt', 'w')
hd_plugin_type = Test

then change the CallNotify.desktop 4th line to point to this file instead:

Now killall the hildon-status-menu, and check for the file /home/user/a.txt and it's content.

zlatko 2010-04-03 16:08

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Did the test - file /home/user/a.txt was NOT created.

omeriko9 2010-04-03 16:18

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593891)
Did the test - file /home/user/a.txt was NOT created.

I see.
To be honest, I feel a bit revealed, because now I'm sure there's nothing wrong with my code or the installation process.

But there's definitely something wrong or missing with your N900.
This is a bit beyond my knowledge, perhaps someone who have deeper experience with the hildon UI might be able to help here.

Sorry :(

zlatko 2010-04-03 16:20

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Yeah, pity...but I also don't see any way out. May be mythical PR1.2 will save the day? ;-)

omeriko9 2010-04-03 16:27

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593906)
Yeah, pity...but I also don't see any way out. May be mythical PR1.2 will save the day? ;-)

Maybe it will bring its own version of 'call notify' :p

Don't want put any ideas in your head, but just FYI - I reflashed a few days ago, reinstalled all software from backup list, installed CallNotify, and it worked.

zlatko 2010-04-03 16:34

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Don't feel like reinstalling all apps again. Will wait for PR1.2 to come. Keep the good job you are doing, I will monitor the topic closely. ;-)

PS. I had to reflash phone several hours after getting - bricked it editing keyboard layout file to get "|" and "~" isntead "pound" and "euro". It is an easy operation but then all aps must be reinstalled...

PS1. Is it possible to try to get only sound and vibra notification from your app? Deleting the code that presents icons on status menu? That will be fine with me for the moment.

omeriko9 2010-04-03 17:06

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 593920)
Don't feel like reinstalling all apps again. Will wait for PR1.2 to come. Keep the good job you are doing, I will monitor the topic closely. ;-)

PS. I had to reflash phone several hours after getting - bricked it editing keyboard layout file to get "|" and "~" isntead "pound" and "euro". It is an easy operation but then all aps must be reinstalled...

PS1. Is it possible to try to get only sound and vibra notification from your app? Deleting the code that presents icons on status menu? That will be fine with me for the moment.

Good you required some reflash experience :) I think I've reflashed mine about 8-9 times already.

Well, you don't need to delete any code, because it's not the notification code that won't make the app start. The problem with your phone is that it won't start up any python status menu plugin, regardless it's nature (I don't know about any c plugin - do you have any at all?).

You could use the instructions from this post in order to get the sound & vibration notification (they are controllable from the control panel).
Add the "#!/usr/bin/python" line to the top of the file as well.

In order to start it each time the phone restarts, you should create a file (doesn't matter what its name) and place it in /etc/event.d, with the following content:


start on stopped pymaemo-optify
stop on stopping xomap

console none
exec /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/

I'm not sure about the results, so do it on your own risk, but if it will work, it will start the callnotify without the status menu icon (assuming you've changed the py file as described in the post mentioned above).

zlatko 2010-04-03 17:24

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I am so stupid - of course I have only to run your script. That's what I did now. I usually do not reboot the phone often(except when testing smth ;-)). But it is one command in root bash history to run after restart. ;-)
Thank for the help! ;-)

cjp 2010-04-04 11:14

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Okay now CallNotify is working for me again.

I really don't know what I did. I do know that I changed batteries so maybe that did the trick to get everything running again.

Now I'll just never switch my phone off and all should be well :D

omeriko9 2010-04-04 11:54

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by cjp (Post 594784)
Okay now CallNotify is working for me again.

I really don't know what I did. I do know that I changed batteries so maybe that did the trick to get everything running again.

Now I'll just never switch my phone off and all should be well :D

Hi again! Yes, of course, you could do that :p or if you prefer solving the root cause, you can just use the small troubleshooting steps I posted as a reply, and we'll work through it together :)

zomby 2010-04-04 21:26

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I had just installed the callnotity 0.0.6-3 and doesn't works. It was never installed on my N900.

If I go to settings/extras/Call Notify I get the following message:
Internal Error. Application 'Settings' closed.

omeriko9 2010-04-04 22:02

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zomby (Post 595460)
I had just installed the callnotity 0.0.6-3 and doesn't works. It was never installed on my N900.

If I go to settings/extras/Call Notify I get the following message:
Internal Error. Application 'Settings' closed.

Can you please go to x-term, root, and then run
chmod 755 /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/
then restart, and then try go again to settings/extras/Call Notify and tell me please if you get this "Internal Error" again.


zaedej 2010-04-04 23:13

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Can someone please tell me where I can find the CALL NOTIFY apps from the repository or shoot me the link. And feedback about the app.

Sorry, if I am asking too many Qs at the same time. Im newbie user of N900.


bob0smith 2010-04-04 23:50

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 595500)
Can you please go to x-term, root, and then run
chmod 755 /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/
then restart, and then try go again to settings/extras/Call Notify and tell me please if you get this "Internal Error" again.


New to N900 (Hi all!) but have installed CallNotify. I too get the same message. Have done the above as root, restarted the N900 but same message.

omeriko9 2010-04-04 23:54

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zaedej (Post 595581)
Can someone please tell me where I can find the CALL NOTIFY apps from the repository or shoot me the link. And feedback about the app.

Sorry, if I am asking too many Qs at the same time. Im newbie user of N900.


Hi zaedej! You can find the app under the extras-devel repository. Nevertheless, it's not recommended for newbies to add this repository without knowing what they are up to. You should read this first.

After you enable the repository you can find Call Notify with a bunch of other softwares in testings.

Please note that I do not recommend installing this app without any basic knowledge of working with the terminal.
This is app is still in testings and it might not work for you after installations, and then i'd like to do some checks to see why, and this requires working with linux terminal (x-term), FYI...

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