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hawaii 2010-08-25 13:40

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
It's top notch. Coupled Matan's patched hildon-desktop package, you can quite easily turn this into a "global search by typing on the home screen instead of contacts only" type thing.

Helmuth 2010-08-25 14:22

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 797749)
My missing skills in graphical design :-)

Okay, in this case perhaps the community are able to help. :)
I'm also not a designer. But perhaps it's good and big enought.

apvanloo 2010-08-25 17:18

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Fantastic! Search seems a lot faster, which is not weird considering the fact you can limit the amount of data to be investigated now.

Thanks again Nicolai!!!

Mail search would make Scout perfect, but apparently that is difficult to create.

nicolai 2010-08-25 22:40

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by Helmuth (Post 797716)
If I click a Filter Button on the right side while the search is still running I got a segmentation fault.



pietgispen 2010-08-26 12:19

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I love Scout, but seem to have a problem. It does not find all occurences of a phrase. E.g. in my contacts list I have 20 contacts in the city of New York and one named Hotel New York in the city of Rotterdam. When I search using the phrase 'York' it only finds the one in Rotterdam and none in New York. How come?

Thanks in advance,


nicolai 2010-08-26 12:29

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Hi pietgispen,

thank you for reporting this.

Can you export one of the contacts that isn't found
as vcf and send this to my email-address?
Than I can try to find out why it can not be found.
(If you are afraid to send this "private" information,
you can edit the vcf-file (rename the persons name
and change the phone number...)

pietgispen 2010-08-26 13:45

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
sure, I'll be glad to. Nonen of the records have 'sensitive' data (shops and hotels etc). Where can I find your e-mail address?



pietgispen 2010-08-26 14:01

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I have just e-mailed you three sample contact items, including the one that Scout does find (see my mail)



zimon 2010-08-26 14:14

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Sometimes (always why not) I would (just) want to see number of hits. For example if I put a word "swim" in the calendar every time I was swimming, searching over some period would tell how many times I have swimmed during that time.

oved_etzot 2010-08-26 20:25

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
thanks for this great app,
could you also add search for pictures using the tag system provided?

reneCschutte 2010-09-06 13:05

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
AWESOME Nicolai !!!

Thank you SO much for this much needed basic search functionality.

Playing with it I notice it doesn't seem to search the "Job Title" field of the contacts which is not a major problem as such, but would be really nice to have in a future update.

Thank you for this wonderful, powerful, little application!

zerocool2k 2010-09-18 02:11

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
How often does this do the indexing? I experience a 4-5% CPU usage increase in hildon-desktop after installing this app. Not much but I'm a freak about the battery on this phone :D.

Helmuth 2010-09-18 10:41

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by zerocool2k (Post 819443)
How often does this do the indexing?

It works without additional Indexing. There must be a other reason for your higher cpu usage. :)

zerocool2k 2010-09-18 20:22

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
You're right. Sometimes the CPU % just spikes up and won't go down until a reboot. Bleh.

slender 2010-09-18 20:35

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by zerocool2k (Post 820045)
You're right. Sometimes the CPU % just spikes up and won't go down until a reboot. Bleh.

Use power search to find widget/applet problems releated to hildon-. Probably you have installed some 3rd party folder management applet which triggers hildon-desktop bug.

zerocool2k 2010-09-22 02:35

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I can't search for contacts using their first name. Anyone has the same problem?

nicolai 2010-09-26 10:40

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

new Version 0.0.9
Fixed bug with name search in contacts (see above).
Fixed bug with address search (for some vcards address
search didn't work)
Fixed bug in alarm time picker for tasks.( minutes for alarm times
can only be in 5 minute steps. Prior version allowed to select
arbitary times (like 10:33) but these alarms were ignored.


RWFarley 2010-10-02 22:08

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
the [STOP] button doesn't seem to be working for me. I hit search, and if I find what/who I'm looking for I need to put scout in the background to finish.

Pressing [STOP] does nothing. If I press it often enough, I get the "scout not responding. Delete Y/N" dialog.

nicolai 2010-10-02 22:49

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Hi RWFarley,

on which search options does this happens?
Or can you make some tests and search only one category
(contancts, calendar, conversations) and tell on which
category the stop button does not work.
Thank you

RWFarley 2010-10-03 04:30

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I had all three services checked.

Test with all other Apps closed:
Contacts and Conversations seem OK, but they also finish quickly.

Calendar is the problem. I DO have a large calendar (~5000 entries from Outlook) but that's what the [STOP] button is for, right? :-)

It does seem to have stopped adding to the results list. The "circle" is still "spinning" and the [STOP] button is blue....

rabilon 2010-10-03 05:40

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 826531)

new Version 0.0.9
Fixed bug with name search in contacts (see above).
Fixed bug with address search (for some vcards address
search didn't work)
Fixed bug in alarm time picker for tasks.( minutes for alarm times
can only be in 5 minute steps. Prior version allowed to select
arbitary times (like 10:33) but these alarms were ignored.


Great app! Thanks!

PipoXtreme 2010-10-12 19:49

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
my scout app doesn't work well... I dont find conversations ! :(

bytebeam 2010-10-13 07:43

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I hold this is application as one of the most significant extensions to the N900 in terms of added value. I tested scout on a contact list reaching almost 8000 entries, and have been absolutely thrilled by the speed and ability to search even among note's content.

I know that integrating email's content search would be a killer feature, but might be quite challenging to implement.

On the other hand, there's another feature that could probably be added with less coding: multiple terms conditional search with inclusions and exclusions, maybe by simply prefacing each term with + or -.

Could you set up a paypal account for donations ? I would gladly send some $ your way to support the development of a multiple terms conditional search capability.

nicolai 2010-10-13 10:10

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I would like to integrate email search as well, but I have to dig in the
email app source to find a way to search for email content.

For all other categories (Calender, Contacts ...) are documented API-Function
for listing or searching content. There is something for emails as well but
I couldn't get it to work.

And the conditional search with inclusion and exclusion sounds good and
may be simple to implement. I will try it.


Originally Posted by bytebeam (Post 839857)
Could you set up a paypal account for donations ? I would gladly send some $ your way to support the development of a multiple terms conditional search capability.

Paypal link for donations is in my signature :-)


JonWW 2010-10-13 13:23

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
nicolai, great app, thanks.

I was wondering, although it might be difficult to implement, would it be possible for scout to take over the contact search option from the desktop, where by you open your phone and start typing a contacts name to find them.

If this could be done, would it be also possible to add application search to the list? Perhaps so as you start typing a list appears of the apps installed, in the same manner as App Search Wizard does, then if you don't want an app you press search and a search of the contacts, messages and calender gets done.

I don't know if a simple tweak with gconftool can easily change the behaviour of the desktop contacts search or not. I am probably wishing for too much here, but you have produced a killer app and this might be a way of making it even more usable.

Then again would this be stealing App Search Wizard's glory? I don't know.

nicolai 2010-10-13 13:35

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by JonWW (Post 840062)

I don't know if a simple tweak with gconftool can easily change the behaviour of the desktop contacts search or not. I am probably wishing for too much here, but you have produced a killer app and this might be a way of making it even more usable.

Sadly, no. Already tried and searched for a solution, but the contact
search from the desktop isn't configurable. At least not with
the default hildon-desktop. Matans modified hildon desktop
may have such an option.


Originally Posted by JonWW (Post 840062)
Then again would this be stealing App Search Wizard's glory? I don't know.

If you mean App Search Widget, I wouldn't care, as I am the author
of both :-)


PipoXtreme 2010-10-13 13:54

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
and no feedback for my problem... I just deinstall the app and install it again but nothing changed - all results just contacts and calender.. but no conversations...:(

nicolai 2010-10-13 14:04

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Hi PipoXtreme,

I don't know where to start to find the reason for this problem.
I can not reproduce this. I tried many different kind of messages
hacked my message-db and put some weired content in it
just find the condition to reproduce this behavior.

I think the only way would be, you send me your stored messages
and I try to find what goes wrong.

Or, I make one version of the app which prints out to a log-file.


JonWW 2010-10-13 14:51

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 840072)
If you mean App Search Widget, I wouldn't care, as I am the author
of both :-)

Oh yes, so you are (it's in your signature)

bytebeam 2010-10-13 16:12

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 839964)
I would like to integrate email search as well, but I have to dig in the
email app source to find a way to search for email content.

For all other categories (Calender, Contacts ...) are documented API-Function
for listing or searching content. There is something for emails as well but
I couldn't get it to work.

I suspect that email content searching isn't trivial given the amount of data that could require filtering before even trying to locate terms.


Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 839964)
And the conditional search with inclusion and exclusion sounds good and may be simple to implement. I will try it.

Wow, that would be so cool !


Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 839964)
Paypal link for donations is in my signature :-)

LOL, missed that one... Donation sent & thx for your awesome work ;)

PipoXtreme 2010-10-13 16:54

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 840093)

Or, I make one version of the app which prints out to a log-file.


I think this will be the best...

nicolai 2010-10-13 18:47

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
1 Attachment(s)
Hi PipoXtreme,

here is a version which has some logging output.
The zip file contains one file "scout". Copy this file
to your device in the directory /home/user/
In xterm enter this command (as normal user, not root!):
The scout app opens. Select the category conversation
and enter a search word. After the search finished close
the application.
Now you have the file scout_search.log in the /home/user
Please mail me this file, there are no private information in this
file, just some logging entries so I can trace back what the
application did.


PipoXtreme 2010-10-13 21:05

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
1 Attachment(s)
I've the problem I can't start the app with xterm... why this...

nicolai 2010-10-13 22:25

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Try this
chmod a+x /home/user/scout
(this makes the program executable)
and than try again to start the program.


PipoXtreme 2010-10-14 06:34

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 840410)
Try this
chmod a+x /home/user/scout
(this makes the program executable)
and than try again to start the program.


thanks nicolai.. this help ...maybe I found the problem... can you tell me if the app just search in the communication or search the app as well the contact of the conversations ?

bt anyway.. here is the report...

nicolai 2010-10-14 10:47

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
scout searches the events in the eventlogger, the same
data you can see from the conversation app. It than tries to find
the contact information for this messages.

From the logfile :

found text in message
has remote_uid
add outgoing message result
You can see, the search text is found in one message,
it found a user/sender name and
add the result to the result list.
I have no idea why it doesn't show any result.


edit: Ah and of course, if you enable only the conversation search,
scout searches in the conversation text, it does not use the search
string to search for senders. So if you want to search for
messages from "mary" you will only find messages where "mary"
is part of the message text.

PipoXtreme 2010-10-14 13:35

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
and this mean everything ok in the app ? )

nicolai 2010-10-14 13:46

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
No, if you search for a text which is definitly in your text messages
and scout doesn't show any result, then something is wrong with
the application. But I don't know what or how to trace that back.


PipoXtreme 2010-10-14 14:15

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
then everything is ok ... It works... i search a word which is dif. inside... and it come up

AndyNokia232 2010-10-14 20:00

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Excellent app - THANK YOU! I was a bit upset when I couldn't find the Search utility on my N900 -- I had relied on it so much with my old Nokia E75! Now I'm happy again! :)

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