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c:drive 2010-07-28 08:40

Re: Leak of Nokia's First Meego Handset Just About to be Released

Originally Posted by mohannad (Post 767026)
What a lame guy! I say we stone him. Stoning is still legal in dubai right?

Yaaa Just do it,,,,,,,,,i will put his crying for mercy as a ringtone,how bout stoning pic's as a sliding desktop,,,,,,,this thread is sooo funny.

danramos 2010-07-30 18:21

Re: Leak of Nokia's First Meego Handset Just About to be Released
Just stop using cellphones and go back to phone booths.


gerbick 2010-07-30 20:20

Re: Leak of Nokia's First Meego Handset Just About to be Released
So this was a fake?

Can't say it was the first or last to pull this.

MoJo 2010-07-31 21:43

Re: Leak of Nokia's First Meego Handset Just About to be Released
Although the specs seem enticing in some regards ... the source isn't a reliable one and some of these changes are too drastic given that the N900 has been indicative of Nokia's direction on the OMAP platform, changing it now is just non-sense. Also I speak for myself when I say I will hold out on the first gen Meego devices, and might as well also hold out on the second-gen as well. My reasoning is I want to see how committed Nokia is to this OS and direction, as the perception as of late is that they shift focus too quickly and have no long-term planning ... I rather miss out on the Meego growing pains, done being Nokia's constant guinea pig. Might regress back to a dumbphone for a bit, like an S40 phone.

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